Behind the Scenes in Naruto World

Chapter 578 Did you always think so?

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The entire Marin Vando was reduced to a battlefield.

The fire of war gradually burned to the whole port, and every big pirate with a name and a surname was catching and killing the admiral, and everyone had their own tit-for-tat rivals!

Even Dorag and Aokiji are catching and fighting!

Sasuke Uchiha, however, rejected Whitebeard's offer to rescue him, and just stood by Whitebeard's side to help protect the old man...

Because Sasuke knows very well...

Whitebeard's body may not be enough to survive this war!

And on the other side.

The phantom beast orochi, the phantom beast incarnated by the pharmacist, is also raging in Marin Fando, and anyone who wants to approach the execution platform will be easily repelled by him!

It's just that the pressure on the upper echelons of the navy is mounting...

Because Edward Newgate the Whitebeard hasn't shot yet!

Now because the three major generals of the Navy headquarters are being restrained and the top masters of the CP department have not shown up for a long time, the battle between the entire Marine Fando's navy and the pirates has fallen into a stalemate, and the fight is somewhat tied.

The balance is finally broken!

The defeat of the first navy's highest combat power directly broke the balance of the war. Admiral Akainu of the Navy Headquarters was defeated by Lieutenant General Garp!

Originally everyone thought that the battle between Akainu and Garp would be the longest delay, but they were the first to decide the winner!

Garp waved his jet-black fist, smashing into various positions on Akainu's body like a storm, and finally knocked Akainu to the ground with one punch!

Even if Akainu enters tail beast mode...

But was punched out of the tail beast mode by Garp!

Karp smashed Akainu to the ground with his fists, carelessly wiped the burns on his body, and walked tremblingly to the execution platform: "Lie down like this, Sakaski, the old man is going to save him. My grandson!"


Akainu fell silent.

There were wounds all over his body.

There are even many broken bones in his body. Even if his wounds can heal extremely quickly with the help of Chakra, it still takes time...

And on the other side.

The Hades Rayleigh, who was still fighting with Kizaru, was no longer hiding, and released his domineering arrogance. The black and red lightning was wrapped in his domineering, and he broke through the mist and dust under the Kizaru cloth in an instant, and was forced to retreat. The Admiral!

This arrogance is too pure...

Even Kizaru didn't dare to fight closely in the arrogance of Hades Rayleigh.

"Can't waste any more time..."

A light flashed in Pluto Rayleigh's eyes, and he quickly searched for the position of Kizaru with a domineering look. His figure jumped several times and rushed towards Kiwi!

The only thing Kizuna can do is to float in the air, raise his hand and shoot out his own photons: "It's really troublesome, if that's the case, I can just hit it casually... Bachi Qionggouyu!"

Countless photons fall...

Every photon is flying towards Pluto Rayleigh!

Pluto Rayleigh suddenly opened his palm towards the air, and a domineering arrogance was released from his palm, detonating countless photons in mid-air!

Before the strong armed color that came out, Kizaru's body turned into countless photons and dissipated in the air, and his voice still sounded leisurely: "It's really scary... If it weren't for the presence of more scary people, Maybe I'm going to die!"


Pluto Rayleigh frowned slightly.

It's just that Rayleigh didn't have time to think too much. He turned over and jumped to the direction of the execution platform, where Garp and Sengoku were fighting together with the pharmacist!

"There is no way to attack his body..."

The golden Buddha raised his palm and slowly put it down again. He raised his head and looked at the huge body of the Orochi Yachi, and said in a low voice, "If you can't attack the main body,

I can only be passively beaten all the time..."

"Then let the old man try it!"

Garp grinned, squeezed his fist, and his figure suddenly appeared on the body of Yaqi Orochi, and smashed it with a punch!

In the next second, Garp's fist penetrated the body of the Orochi Yachi. This strange ability makes it impossible for anyone to deal with it!

However, Karp still had a smile on his face, his fists slowly spread out, his palms overlapped with the body of the phantom Orochi, and he said with a big laugh: "Little devil, you can't keep it forever. This state..."

As long as the pharmacist is free from the divine power...

Garp's palm can tear apart the body of the Orochi!

This is a stupid way.

Waiting for a while is what Garp wanted.

As long as the pharmacist is out of the avatar state of Shenwei, Garp can directly attack this body; if he does not escape, the avatar state of Shenwei can only last for five minutes...

It's not that Karp is cranky either...

Garp's sense of sight can observe the body of the Orochi Yachi most of the time. Only when the Warring States attacked, the body of the Orchid Orochi will disappear from the perception of the domineering sense of the news, which means that during that period of time and won't last...

The pharmacist Dou in the Orochi Orochi fell silent.

I really didn't expect that someone would use such a stupid method to crack Shenwei, but this method is really too risky...

after all…

If you want to capture the power of the gods, how can you not pay the price!

At the next moment, one of the heads of the Orochi Yachi suddenly turned back, and suddenly blasted out violent thunderbolts towards Garp on the ground!

Fortunately, the Warring States of the Buddha quickly stopped by Karp's side and helped his old friend to block the blow: "Kapp, this method is effective...but every part of his body may disappear!"

"Then cut off its exposed body!"

The voice of Pluto Rayleigh fell into their ears.

Hades Rayleigh had just forced Kiabou back, and he had already appeared by Garp's side, and slowly pulled out his sharp sword, in a state of slashing at any time...


A group of heads of Orochi Ochi suddenly came over at the same time!

"Immortal... Inorganic reincarnation!"

The eight heads opened their mouths and roared at the same time, and the eight tails were stuck in the ground at the same time, causing Garp, Sengoku and Rayleigh to change their faces at the same time!

next moment…

A sharp thorn suddenly protruded from the ground!

Every thorn is wrapped in a pitch-black domineering, as if to pierce them directly, forcing Karp and others to retreat quickly!

Originally thought that the three of them would be able to solve Yaoshidou with ease, but they did not expect that even the three of them would fall into a hard battle under the strange ability of Yaoshidou!

At this moment, Whitebeard couldn't wait any longer.

Whitebeard wants to rescue Portgas D. Ace before the Beast Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates show up in Marin Vando.

From beginning to end, Whitebeard has not forgotten his purpose!

"Gu la la la la... Let's go save Ace, Sasuke kid!"

After Whitebeard glanced around the battlefield, his fist suddenly slammed into the direction of the execution platform, opening a way forward!

Holding his cloud-cutting sword, Whitebeard walked slowly on the battlefield step by step. No one dared to stop him on the entire battlefield!

Do not…

In other words, no one can disturb him!

The current navy is indeed understaffed, and all those who came to stop Whitebeard's advance were easily stopped by Uchiha Sasuke. The old man who was sitting firmly on the world's strongest man walked to the execution platform step by step calmly. .

"Goo la la la la..."

The corner of Whitebeard's mouth grinned into a big smile, looking at the Buddha's Warring States and Karp who were still being beaten by the Yachi Orochi in the Yakushi's pocket on the side of the execution platform, they couldn't help laughing loudly: " It's really embarrassing..."


A look of embarrassment flashed across Sengoku's face.

Originally, he thought that Yaoshidou was a little guy who he could take down steadily, but now he and Karp and Rayleigh shot together, but he still fell into a hard battle, and even so far he has not hurt Yaoshidou even a bit...

"It's normal for them not to be able to take the pharmacist's pocket..."

Uchiha Sasuke stood beside Whitebeard, slowly raised his head to look at the Orochi in the air, and said in a low voice, "After all... Yaoshitou also got Uchiha's power... Only Uchiha can defeat another Uchiha! "

whatever else...

At least from the current point of view... Yao Shidou, who now possesses the Shenwei Sharinyan, is definitely an invincible existence!

Several people present...

There is definitely no way to deal with him.

Sasuke Uchiha slowly clenched the Kusanagi sword in his hand and said solemnly, "Go save people... Leave it to me here..."

"Sasuke kid..."

Whitebeard's brows couldn't help frowning.

Hearing Uchiha Sasuke's words, Orochi's head suddenly dropped from the clouds, and sixteen huge eyes stared at Uchiha Sasuke!

Facing Sasuke Uchiha...

Yao Shidou doesn't think he wins 100%!

Yao Shidou's laughter slowly came from the mouth of Yaqi Orochimaru: "Oh? Sasuke-kun... If you say that, are you going to betray us again?"


Sasuke Uchiha's expression was ugly, and he couldn't help but glance at Whitebeard.

However, Whitebeard's expression did not change at all. The old man may have guessed Uchiha Sasuke's embarrassing position in Akatsuki's organization, and he is very clear about Sasuke's thoughts.

Sasuke Uchiha slowly raised his head, looked at the Orochi in the air, and said solemnly: "It doesn't matter betrayal, I never thought of joining Akatsuki...

That place has always been just a place for a group of cold-blooded and ruthless guys, and I just thought I was one of you!

It hurts to think about it now...

No matter what you do in that place, you must consider the price, what you do must consider the guy's attitude, and what you do must follow the fate that was never in your hands, and now you can't even save the lives of your friends! "

Originally, Sasuke Uchiha had been living in the pain of being a double agent. He was always worried about the possible punishment of Naraku Uehara, so he often carried out his missions seriously; he was also worried that Naraku Uehara might be detrimental to the Whitebeard Pirates, so he reminded him all the time. Be wary of others...


In this war that is coming to an end...

After Uchiha Sasuke struggled, he finally chose to follow his inner direction!

Sasuke Uchiha clenched the Kusanagi sword in his hand, lowered his head slowly, and said in a low voice: "Even if I always obey that guy's orders, it's impossible to change Nissan's fate, and it's impossible to change Ace's fate. …”

"That rascal?"

Sengoku immediately found the key point, and a look of surprise and solemnity flashed across his face: "Sasuke Uchiha, are you talking about Akatsuki's leader?"

Just as Uchiha Sasuke nodded, intending to reveal the truth about the leader of the organization, a voice came from the air and slowly fell into the ears of everyone.

"Well, Sasuke, did you always think so?"

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