Behind the Scenes in Naruto World

Chapter 603 Uehara Naraku's Conspiracy

A group of players looked at each other.

One of the players was the first to react.

The player stared at Naraku Uehara in amazement, and couldn't believe his words for a while: "Wait, what do you mean... are you the president of the game company... not the world boss made by game programmers?"

This joke is a bit too big...

The president of a game company appeared as a world boss...

Just when Naraku Uehara thought that the group of players was finally sensible, the tavern suddenly became lively again, and the players' continuous discussions fell into his ears.

"Hey, hurry up and get your money back!"

"Restore the offline system first!"

"Yes, at least restore the system offline first!"

"It's just that the new version of the game does a good job. It seems to be more real than the previous words, but it's not very friendly to newbies..."

"Hey hey hey, it's a bit too biased to describe it as well done, it's obviously already done superbly, the European style here is a real touch, it's amazing, I've never played it before. Such a great game!"

"Yeah, as expected of the game company that developed YGGDRASIL, it's really amazing to be able to develop a game with a higher degree of freedom!"

"Speaking of which, I can't even find the recharge point now. In fact, this game has just started the internal test, right?"

"That's for sure..."

While discussing, a player turned to look at Naraku Uehara, and asked loudly, "Hey, President Uehara, when will the official release begin!"

"I'm ready to quit my job to keep playing this game!"

"I feel like I don't need to get married in reality anymore! Boss Marianne's figure is so amazing, I'll give her everything of myself!"

"Hey, hey, your brain is a little more normal!"


Uehara Naraku's expression gradually stiffened.

A group of players surrounding him did not express any special panic. They were just surprised for a while, and immediately put the topic of discussion back on this new and interesting world...

These guys...

It seems to have a good time here!

And they, who haven't discovered the truth until now, seem to be more relieved after seeing Naraku Uehara. After all, the boss of the game company can't risk being locked in the game world like them all the time!

Just when Naraku Uehara was going to continue to say something, a player suddenly made a suggestion: "Hey, President Uehara, if this game inherits all the attributes of YGGDRASIL, do you still have the power to destroy the world!"


Uehara Naraku nodded speechlessly.

Finally a player has found the right direction...

The next moment, the player suddenly said loudly: "Then the president is the only GM of the system... Can we share our opinion! Now we are playing too much chaos, there is no punishment for PK and so on, and Resurrection..."

"Yes, yes, now the resurrection punishment is too serious!"

"You can only consume your own level and experience to resurrect..."

"If you are leveling up, it seems that you only have to practice hard, and there is no experience or equipment drop for killing monsters. This needs to be changed!"

"Actually, this is true! After all, if you kill monsters, you will drop equipment gold coins or something. It doesn't seem to be true at all!"

"Be sensible, we are playing a game..."

"But I think it's more real to play like this!"

"Then why don't you practice cultivation?

Sitting in a tavern all day..."

"Isn't this to take care of Lady Marian's business!"


This group of players chatted and strayed again. A group of players didn’t care about Uehara Naraku’s world-destroying strength. You and I were talking about various opinions on this game…

They chatted again.


Uehara Naraku's expression froze slightly.

If it goes on like this, I feel like he will be taken crooked...

This group of players can no longer stay, and must find a way to gather them together and expel them all. The brain circuit of the fourth natural disaster is really not what he can imagine...

"Hey, stop!"

Uehara Naruo stretched out his palm to stop their quarrel, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: "In a month, I will announce this game in the imperial capital of the Bajas Empire... No, it's this world... It doesn't matter. Now... I will announce important matters about this game in the imperial capital, you go and help me inform everyone to come to the imperial capital..."

Waves of teleportation slowly appeared under Uehara Naraku's feet, and he slowly waved his palm: "If you want to know all of this, or have any opinions on this game... Then in Bajas a month later Let's gather in the imperial capital!"

When it came to the end, Naraku Uehara disappeared completely, leaving only the last sentence: "And only I can help you offline and leave this game... If anyone has not come to the imperial capital, they can only wait for the company to fix the bug. …”

"Hey, wait..."

"Don't be in a hurry!"

"We still have a lot to say!"

"If you can get offline, send me away first!"

A group of players hurriedly wanted to stop Naraku Uehara, but they couldn't stop the teleportation at all, and could only watch as Naraku Uehara left the tavern.

After Uehara Naraku left, players one after another immediately started to contact their friends or guild companions, and told everyone the news of Uehara Naraku's appearance.

The imperial capital of the Bajas Empire was more lively than ever.

In addition to the local players of the Bahas Empire, the players from the Silian Ecclesiastical Kingdom and the Kingdom of Riestije also flocked towards the Bahas Empire.

Just as the players flocked to gather...

Uehara Naraku appeared at the top of the imperial capital of the Bajas Empire, watching a group of smiling players enter the city one after another, feeling a little complicated.

Even the members of the Ainz Urgong Guild sneaked into the imperial capital.

Knowing that the power of the other players was greatly weakened, the Ainz Urgong Guild wanted to rely on their several full-level NPCs to try to defeat other guilds and seize all the resources of the game.

It was only because Momonga, who had always been cautious, was worried that other guilds might have similar NPCs, so they temporarily suspended the plan.

Now the news of Naraku Uehara has made them a little unable to sit still...

Aside from Momonga, who was still standing in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, all the other members of the Ainz Urgong guild came to the imperial capital. They were the ones who really wanted to go home.

Only Momonga isn't too interested in this...

If it weren't for his gentle personality, he really wanted to tell his companions that the days when they couldn't get offline and leave the game during this time were the happiest times he had been in all these years.

The real world is too lonely...

Only in Nazarick could Momonga feel the warmth of friendship.

Momonga's skeleton body was sitting in the throne hall, slowly stroking the guild's scepter with his own hand bones: "If Uehara Naraku didn't show up, it would be great if he stayed offline... But everyone else has family and life..."

Especially now Nazarick...

Apart from their former guild companions, the NPCs also seem to be real people, and Momonga does feel like home here.

Just as Momonga was knocking on the guild's scepter alone, Takimi's connection suddenly cut into his ears: "Moonga, this is a real world, don't touch Uehara Naraku, it's all his conspiracy!"

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