Behind the Scenes in Naruto World

Chapter 642 A man who performed in front of Uehara Naraku

Outside Motegi Town.

Hundreds of gods of death swarmed.

The masked death gods looked at this group of obviously bad enemies, and everyone's faces became a little dignified. They slowly stood up and looked at the enemies flying towards the barrier in the distance.

The people in the lead, they happened to know each other.

The current tenth division captain of Gotei 13 is Shiba Isshin, the seventh chief of the Uehara clan's thirteen dead servants, Namikaze Minato, and the young head of the corpse and soul world, Naro Uehara.

"It's really annoying..."

Hirako Mako flew and landed on the roof, with a terrifying smile on the corner of his mouth: "Yo, it looks like they have determined our position..."

"so what should I do now?"

The little girl in Saruaki Hiyori flew down on the shoulders of Hirako Mako, stepped on Hirako Mako's head and looked at the enemy in the distance, and slowly frowned: "Do you want to escape at this time?"

"There seems to be no better way, right?"

A bespectacled girl in a sailor suit standing beside them looked a little weird, touched her glasses, and said in a low voice, "Maybe you can stay, consider teaching them a lesson, and let them remember our inviolability. …”

Her name is Liza Yachomaru.

Yachomaru Liza used to be the former vice-captain of the 8th Division, but this girl in a sailor suit, the Shinigami, has a cold expression on her face at this moment...

"That...let's be sensible..."

The former Deputy Ghost Master of the Ghost Dao Congregation Yu Zhaotian Boxuan slowly shook his head and muttered in a low voice, "There seem to be other enemies here..."

The next moment, Yu Zhaotian Boxuan's expression changed, and he said solemnly: "Wait... They are rushing directly towards us, do you want to retreat immediately?"

"That's too late!"

Liuche Quanxi shook his head and said in a deep voice, "If you run away now, you will only be the prey to be hunted down by the enemy... That Mr. Minato Namikaze, so far not many people have the confidence to escape in front of him... "


Another girl with short green hair glanced at the enemy in the distance, couldn't help shaking her head, and said softly, "I seem to remember that he is the fastest speed in the Soul Society..."

In fact it is.

Namikaze Minato is known as the No. 1 Speed ​​in the Soul Society!

When it comes to the use of Shunpo alone, it is also known as the number one in the Soul Society!

Even if their former captain-level death gods can use the blur to improve their speed, it is impossible to surpass Minato Namikaze, then it is likely to evolve into a chase scene of a lion chasing a rabbit under the control of Minato Namikaze's speed …


While the Masked Death Gods were still thinking about countermeasures, the Four Purple Flame Array shattered in an instant, and someone forcibly broke the Four Purple Flame Array with external force!

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Two figures jumped over quickly and landed beside them. One of the figures urged loudly, "Hey, Hirako, why are you still waiting here if you don't leave?"

It was Urahara Kisuke and Sifengin Yoichi who came in a hurry.

After getting Namikaze Minato and Shiba's wholeheartedly encircling the Masked Corps, Urahara Kisuke and Sifengin Yeichi rushed here!


They came a little early.

No, or, for everyone else, they came just right!

A dazzling golden light flew in, and suddenly stopped in front of the masked army and Urahara Kisuke, and gradually changed into a slightly immature appearance!

Uehara Naraku.

The new vice-captain of the fifth division stood on the roof, staring at the masked army and Urahara Kisuke and others below, with a flash of pity in his eyes: "Sorry, please hurt Captain Aizen in the sneak attack. hand over the murderer..."

This sentence is not wrong.

In any case, in the assassination incident of Uehara Naraku, the only person who was really injured on the surface was Aizen Soyousuke, who was hit by a virtual flash in order to protect Uehara Naraku.

That's why...

Aizen Soyousuke is also a blessing to Uehara Naraku.

What's more, the relationship between the two of them is already good, and Naraku Uehara has always admired his captain, at least it seems like this...

When talking about Aizen, a struggle flashed across Uehara Naraku's face, and his voice gradually became serious: "Otherwise... I can't guarantee what I will do..."

The moment I finished saying this...

Uehara Naraku's face has become full of strength and unyielding!

At this moment, Naraku Uehara seemed to be a hot-blooded boy who came to avenge his captain!


The place was silent.

The masked death gods looked at each other.

Is this the little head of the Uehara family?

From the looks of it alone, it doesn't seem to be great, but the flying ability of his hand that turned into light just now feels a bit amazing...

Speaking of...

It would be great if Aizen Soyousuke was really injured!

"What a naive child..."

Sifengyuan Ye Yi slowly raised his head and looked at Uehara Naraku, who had a serious face, a smile could not help evoking the corners of his mouth, and looked up and down the little head of the family: "Huh? It doesn't look like he has grown up at all, I If I remember correctly, the head of the Uehara family at this age can't be the master, right?"

If I remember correctly...

During this period, the Uehara family should be dominated by the Thirteen Dead Servants!

A patriarch like Uehara Naraku who doesn't seem to be an adult is just treated as a spoiled child by the Thirteen Dead Servants, and has no real power at all...

"Yi Yi, don't talk nonsense."

Urahara Kisuke interrupted Sifengyuan Yeichi's words, looked at Uehara Naraku in front of him, coughed a few times, and lowered his head a little politely: "Cough, cough, cough...To be able to see Your Excellency Naraku in this world today, to us It's a great honor..."

This is the etiquette that Urahara Kisuke wants to abide by.

Anyway, let's calm down a bit first. ‘

Because Urahara Kisuke is also very good at coaxing children, the best way to face this kind of hot-blooded little guy is to induce obedience to his attitude and communicate...

"There's no need to bring up topics that shouldn't be raised."

Uehara Naraku stared at Urahara Kisuke, frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "I won't listen to any of your sophistry, I just want to know where the masked death god who injured Captain Aizen is hiding! "

Hirako Mako grinned and couldn't help muttering: "If anyone of us could kill that bastard Aizen, we would have sneaked into the Soul Realm and killed Aizen..."

How could it be surrounded by the Uehara clan and Gotei Thirteen?

If you can kill Aizen Sousuke, Hirako Mako really wants to find the god of death who severely injured Aizen Sousuke...


That person must be Aizen's spy!

"Your Excellency Naruto..."

Urahara Kisuke patted Hirako Mako on the shoulder to stop Hirako Mako's words, he stretched out his palm and pushed the brim of his hat, and said softly, "If you look carefully, there should be no one you are looking for... "

Kisuke Urahara glanced at Naraku Uehara's sides, and seemed to be aware of the hidden Reiatsu nearby, he continued softly: "I think what we need to do now is not to waste useless spiritual power to fight, but to find that person together. The mask that attacked you... or should I say that guy is also a broken face..."

Urahara Kisuke spread out his palm and added with a smile: "Although we left the Soul Realm many years ago, we were once friends with Captain Aizen, and he didn't want Your Excellency Naraku to hurt the innocent... "

This is the wisdom of Urahara Kisuke.

Ever since he learned that Naraku Uehara, the young family owner, had joined the fifth division, Kisuke Urahara had guessed that Aizen Sou Yusuke must have performed well in front of Naraku Uehara...

This also means...

The relationship between Uehara Naraku and Aizen Sousuke must be good.

Therefore, at this time, it is not possible to scold Aizen Soyousuke for not being a good thing like Heiko Mako, but to follow Uehara Naraku's wishes first, and then slowly change his mind...

This requires a trivial little trick.

"Urahara Kisuke..."

While Urahara Kisuke was still thinking about his own words, Uehara Naraku frowned slightly, and a cold voice interrupted Urahara Kisuke's train of thought: "Before I came, someone specially explained to me that I must not be let by you. Words bewitched..."

After saying this, Naraku Uehara's face flashed with determination, and he lowered his head and said in a low voice: "It really looks like what he said now... What you are best at is using words to instigate others to become your pawns... Every No one you meet will escape your bewitchment..."


Urahara Kisuke still had his own smile on his face, but after being silent for a second, he immediately opened his mouth and said, "Isn't this kind of knowledge just proof that what I said is reasonable enough to convince others... Your Excellency Naraku, in fact, this is also in my heart. Do you think so?"

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