Behind the Scenes in Naruto World

Chapter 754 Tony's own debts can only be repaid by himself

Sometimes the name of the dead is more useful than the living.

When Uehara Naraku communicated with Dr. Anim Zola, he borrowed the name of Alexander Pierce of course, ignoring the fact that Pierce was cleaned up by himself.

Uehara Naraku also played around very much.

As long as other people are not allowed to communicate with Dr. Anim Zola casually in the future, who knows that Dr. Anim Zola has been under house arrest by him?


It is also unlikely to completely restrict this.

In the future, Dr. Anim Zola will definitely not only see Naraku Uehara, and there will be a few people named Alexander Pierce who will come to see him...

As for the tragic death of Alexander Pierce, there is no need to let Dr. Anim Zola know?

After all, this doctor has a really good relationship with Pierce. What if he knows that Chief Pierce is dead and crazy...

The only problem is...

Will there be something to hide here?

Dr. Anim Zola's IQ is not low, especially the way of thinking of his conscious unit all depends on the algorithm of the computer, maybe it is really possible to be counted as a flaw?

When Naraku Uehara deceived Anim Zola in the name of Alexander Pierce, the machine in the entire room suddenly fell silent...

"Did Pierce ask you to kill me?"

Dr. Anem Zola's head suddenly appeared on an old monitor, and he said indifferently: "According to Hydra's plan, any existence that may be exposed must be cleaned, especially me There are so many secrets..."


Uehara Naraku was silent for a second.

Hydra's spirit of sacrifice is a bit strong...

For the safety of Hydra, the die-hard members of this group of Hydra seem to not begrudge their own death, making Uehara Naraku feel that these guys are not like villains...

However, Uehara Naraku had just flashed the idea, and Dr. Anim Zola brought their images back to their original shape with one sentence: "Little guy, you don't know why Pierce asked you to come here too... ho ho ho ho... "

Dr. Anim Zola's voice added a hint of gloom and sarcasm out of thin air: "Because you little guy is also on the removal list,

Die with me...hehehehehe..."


Uehara Naraku's eyes twitched.

It was rare for him to have a little affection for Hydra, and Dr. Anim Zola directly pulled this affection to a negative number!

These bastards!

Really do not die!

"Don't worry, we won't die very painfully."

Dr. Anim Zola seemed to see Naraku Uehara's expression, and smiled to reassure him: "I have prepared enough tons of explosives here... Pierce should have arranged for a missile to be aimed at all times. Here... ho ho ho ho... little one... death doesn't hurt... I died once and it's over soon..."

"Death doesn't matter..."

Uehara Naraku glanced at Dr. Anim Zola's monitor, his brows could not help wrinkling, his fingertips flashed a cloud of blue light and landed on Dr. Zola's machine: "I was planning to take you As a chess piece, it seems that even a chess piece is not qualified now..."


Before Dr. Anim Zola could react, the blob of blue light energy slowly wrapped around the server where his consciousness unit was stored, and in the blink of an eye, this pile of machines was completely paralyzed!

In an instant...

The whole building exploded!

Uehara Naraku appeared in front of a pitch-black door of space, stepped in one step, and his figure disappeared here in a blink of an eye.

Oh shit…

Bunch of neuroses!

Originally, he wanted to count on Dr. Anim Zola to control the Hydra of the entire earth, but now he simply cleans up the Hydra, and let him arrange the future of the Hydra!

Now that Alexander Pierce and a bunch of heads of Hydra bases have been cleaned up by him, and the Hydras in other bases are headless, just let the Avengers clean up these Hydras and get rid of this bunch of restless people!


One more base must remain!

That is the base where the psychic scepter is located. It is said that the base has already started the experiment after getting the psychic scepter. The subjects of the experiment are two twin brothers and sisters. They seem to have initially obtained a little super power...

Scarlet Witch Wanda Massimov.

Quicksilver Pietro Massimov.

Among them, the ability of Quicksilver is dispensable, but the power of the Scarlet Witch is likely to exceed the limit, and there is a certain use value...

the most important is…

Scarlet Witch is quite emotional.

As long as there are fetters on her body, there are possibilities that can be used, at least Uehara Naraku has the power to control her.

Time passed little by little.

Uehara Naraku's position as director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has also become more and more stable.

As he became director of S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers cleared the Hydra base faster and faster, and other Hydras all over the planet could not wait to bury themselves in hiding again...

Only the Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D. is doing well...

Because there is no Nick Fury staring at the top, Uehara Naraku, the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., is still their top executive. Hydra is developing better and better in S.H.I.E.L.D.…

In particular, Naraku Uehara doesn't care whether SHIELD will be a good or a villain in the future, and it doesn't matter if the Hydra is placed in various departments within SHIELD...


Even if Nick Fury returns from suspended animation, if he wants to be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. again, he might as well recreate a new S.H.I.E.L.D.

S.H.I.E.L.D. now...

It can be called the Snake Shield.

It's just that the earth is not quiet during this time.

Not long after the new year, a Manchurian who claimed to be the leader of the Ten Rings Gang, a terrorist organization, created humanoid terrorist attacks everywhere...

This group of terrorists transplanted a desperate virus containing super energy. Once the desperate virus was detonated, the explosive energy of a cluster bomb could be released almost instantly!

The Manchurian stepped on the whole world as if he had no scruples, and recklessly announced on TV that he would carry out an irresistible terrorist attack...

As a superhero who protects the earth, Tony Stark angrily announces his home address and declares war on the Ten Rings and the Manchus!

However, the real killer behind the scenes is Killian, a scientist, or rather a biologist, hiding in the Manchurians.

This is also the sin of Tony Stark's own death...

More than ten years ago, Tony Stark looked down on everyone when the world was infinite, and Killian was a big fan of Tony Stark...

This die-hard fan once wanted to meet Tony Stark, the rising star of the company, at a banquet...

As a result, Tony Stark verbally agreed to Killian's request to meet, but he forgot the agreement because he hooked up with a beautiful biologist that night...

that night.

Snowflakes fluttered and the wind was cold.

While Tony Stark and the beautiful female biologist were discussing physiology on the warm bed, Killian stood in the cold wind on the roof and froze all night, just to wait for Tony's appointment, but unfortunately he didn't wait...

Killian was so disheartened about his failed life that he jumped off the building to commit suicide... However, he saw the fireworks, and the flame of revenge ignited in his heart.


Killian, a hardcore Tony Stark fan...

After that night, I completely turned black to Tony fans.

A black fan converted from a die-hard fan. Obviously, the disaster that this black fan broke out must be far more than other black fans...

it's good now…

Hedong for more than ten years, Hexi for more than ten years.

Killian, a once-unknown little man, now holds a big killer such as the desperate virus, and begins his road of revenge for this little man. Now the terrorist incidents created by the Manchurian and the Ten Rings Gang are only the beginning...

Because the Extremis virus can make disabled people get rid of their disabilities and regenerate new limbs, Killian controlled the pioneering technology he created and slowly entered the attention of the US military and upper-level officials, and even a vice president was involved.

The real purpose of the killer behind the scenes...

It is to use the desperate virus to control the entire United States.

Uehara Naraku recalled Killian's crazy plan. Killian, this terrifying guy, even wanted to kill the president on a global live broadcast and use the horror of the desperate virus to make people succumb!


Killian is a villain, and his plan naturally failed.

"I have to figure out a way..."

Uehara Naraku's table is surrounded by a pile of documents on Killian, Pioneer Technology, and the Ten Rings Gang. From time to time, he glances down at the documents and taps his fingers on the table slowly.

We must think of a foolproof way to let Killian live to kill the president, and by the way, make this black pot bigger and stronger, and try to detain the entire upper class of the United States...

Make sure the president is killed!

In this way, the vice president and the military's collaborators of the desperate virus can be cleaned up by the way, and by the way, it will also make Iron Man Tony Stark and Colonel Rhodes bear the responsibility of protecting the president, and maybe it will make them both back. On most of the black pot...

after all…

If Naraku Uehara remembered correctly, Killian, the mastermind behind the scenes, kidnapped the president by using Colonel Rhodes' war machine...

As long as it has something to do with Colonel Rhodes, Tony Stark must be suspicious of this matter, and the black pot on these two people is basically set.


Uehara Naraku opened his mobile phone, opened the photo album on his mobile phone, looked at the dismissal notice when he was working in the Stark Industrial Building, and sighed slowly: "Tony's debt can only be Let him pay it back slowly..."

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