Behind the Scenes in Naruto World

Chapter 765 Counterattack from the honest man Uehara

dong dong dong...

Naruto Uehara came quickly.

Before Tony Stark could wait for Jarvis to invade the database to get the information, Uehara Naruo and his group of men stood at the door of the laboratory.

Uehara Naraku and a group of black-clothed agents stood by the glass door, looked through the glass at the heavily armed Tony Stark in the laboratory, and knocked on the door with his fingers.

"come in!"

The security glass door opened slowly.

Tony Stark opened the visor on his head, glanced at Naraku Uehara and the group of agents behind him who walked in, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "Ha? You rarely look like a serious person today. ...Um...official?"

Today's battle is not small.

Uehara Naraku has always been a loner. He rarely shows up with a large number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents like today, and he doesn't pay attention to the pomp of the director.

"I have something to confirm with you..."

Uehara Naraku shook his head, waved to a group of agents who wanted to come in with him and stopped in place: "You don't have to come in, you guys are waiting for me outside."

"Director Uehara, but an order from the White House..."

"I just asked Tony Stark a few words."

Uehara Naraku turned his head and glanced at the agent who questioned him, and said coldly: "Or, I don't even have the right to routinely question now?"


A group of agents filed out and guarded the door.

Tony Stark paid attention to the communication between them throughout the whole process. He had probably analyzed it clearly. The order from the White House made Uehara Naru and his people surrounded the Stark Industrial Building.

It is estimated that Uehara Naraku is also a last resort.

And Uehara's life doesn't seem to be very good. The agents under him dare to resist the orders of his chief. When Nick Fury was in office, no one dared to do so...

Uehara Naraku watched his subordinates stand at the door of the laboratory and closed the door before turning to look at Tony Stark, brewing his emotions in silence.

"Well, aren't you going to ask something?"

Tony Stark glanced at Naraku Uehara, whose expression gradually became complicated, and his brain quickly began to think about the current situation and what happened.

In the end what happened?

Why is Naraku Uehara in a bad mood?

Why did Naraku Uehara bring a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to surround this place, is he trying to arrest him?

Why did the agent just say an order from the White House, what order did the White House issue? What does the new president want to do to his billionaire?

Uehara Naraku's emotions were finally brewing, his face gradually turned from complicated to indifferent, and there was even some anger in his eyes: "Mr. Tony Stark, I want to know one thing, is Director Nick Fury still alive..."


Tony Stark was silent for a while.

After Nick Fury was assassinated, he escaped with suspended animation in the hospital under the Stark Group, which was the only thing Tony owed to Uehara.

This time...

It seemed that he couldn't force a lie any longer.

Because Uehara Naraku came here to ask this question, he must have enough evidence. If he said a lie, he would be directly exposed, and no friend had to do it.

Tony Stark was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "Well, you already know... I don't care much about this.

Is it your problem anyway?

Didn't that bald guy tell you? At the beginning, he said that there must be a large number of Hydras lurking in S.H.I.E.L.D., so he wanted to use his own death to lure them out and see if those guys had any plans..."

to be frank.

Nick Fury's plan is not bad.

It's just that the result of this suspended animation plan is a bit tricky.

Because Nick Fury faked his death, the Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D. was not brought out, and the Hydra bases around the world suffered instead...

The entire Avengers team knew one thing, that the new S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Naro Uehara wanted to avenge his boss,

Clean up Hydra bases all over the world.

Even the former former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Alexander Pierce, who was a Hydra spy, and a bunch of Hydra base cadres were killed by the Hulk.

This is also considered revenge for Nick Fury.

It is estimated that Nick Fury did not expect this result.

Because this kind of thing is too outrageous. On the surface, it seems that the director of his front foot just died, and his subordinates killed all his opponents to accompany him when he took office. Can only blame his former director for being too charismatic and loved by his subordinates? !


The Hydra in SHIELD did not jump out.

Because no matter how you look at it, all the Hydras outside were wiped out, and the Hydras inside would definitely not dare to show up. This also caused Nick Fury's suspended animation to be disrupted by Naraku Uehara's riotous operation, which was completely meaningless. now...

Looking at it now, Nick Fury's suspended death plan that took the opportunity really makes people look stupid.

Tony Stark thinks so too.

"At the time I thought that bald man's plan was too silly."

Tony Stark talked about Nick Fury's suspended death plan, still in a state of chatter: "But you know that guy's brain is always a little weird, so when he asked me to keep it a secret..."

"To shut up."

Uehara Naruto interrupted Tony Stark with an ugly face, and continued coldly: "Tony Stark, do you... know what you did?"


A question mark appeared on Tony Stark's face. He looked at Uehara Naraku, who was a little angry on his face, and blinked his eyes: "Don't be too angry... I also think his suspended animation plan is not very reliable..."

"Then why are you helping him!"

Uehara Naraku clenched his teeth sharply, as if he was not controlled by his anger, he punched Tony Stark abruptly!

The attack came so suddenly!

Originally, Tony Stark stretched out his hand and wanted to subconsciously resist, but he was smashed by Uehara Naraku directly, and fell on a test bench!

Fortunately, he was wearing a steel suit...

"Are you crazy?"

Tony Stark closed his mask nervously.

If he hadn't just put on this steel suit temporarily, he would have been seriously injured by Uehara Naraku's punch. Is this guy crazy?

The figure of Uehara Naraku rushed towards Tony Stark again, his palm grabbed Tony's arm directly, and threw him over his shoulder to the ground!

this moment…

He seems to be dizzy with anger!

"Do you know what you've done!"

Uehara Naraku tightly pressed Tony Stark to the ground, grabbed his steel mask directly with one hand and lifted it up, and continued with anger: "Director Fury... No... Nick Fury, he is from Hydra. cadre!"


Tony Stark was stunned.

Uehara Naraku looked at Tony Stark, who was stunned, and continued in a deep voice: "Fury... Nick Fury's suspended animation plan is not to lead out Hydra, but to leave S.H.I.E.L.D. reasonably, because it will soon be Someone found his head..."


Tony Stark couldn't believe it.

If Nick Fury is a Hydra, what has he been doing all along? So what has he done now?

"unambiguous evidence."

Uehara Naraku looked down at Tony Stark, who was still stunned, and his emotions gradually calmed down: "Now the White House has issued a wanted order... Everything is irreversible, and the murder of the former president is probably due to his manipulation! "

"how is this possible…"

Tony Stark's eyes gradually became a little confused.

Tony Stark was confused for less than two seconds, and quickly thought about the fact that Nick Fury is a hydra, if it is true, how much impact it would have on him: "If Nick Fury is really a hydra, that guy is really a hydra. cadre..."

"Do you need to clear your mind?"

Uehara Naraku pulled the Iron Man up with one hand, and said softly, "The fact that Nick Fury is really the cadre of Hydra... It seems that you don't know how troublesome it is?"

"I don't know..."

Tony Stark shook his head and said subconsciously: "Isn't this a disadvantage for S.H.I.E.L.D. and the government? I don't care, you take our taxpayers' money..."

"Don't be fooled."

Uehara Naruo interrupted him, and one sentence made Tony Stark fall into an ice cave: "Tony, did you forget Christmas Eve a few days ago?"


Tony Stark's face instantly turned ugly.

Uehara Naraku didn't need to remind him too much, he had already figured out these troubles, because a president died on Christmas Eve!


The one who killed the president is the one from Hydra!

Uehara Naraku glanced at Tony Stark and continued calmly: "The guy who killed the president and almost killed you is the Hydra's cadre, Death.

This matter cannot be concealed at all, and now the White House has determined that the bizarre death of the former president was a terrorist attack controlled by Hydra.

And you just happened to survive that night.

Even if I happened to save a few of you, this fact cannot be avoided... It's a coincidence that the former Mr. President died and you survived..."

When Uehara Naraku said this, he looked at Tony, whose face became more and more ugly, and continued: "It's even more coincidental... Before that, you assisted Nick, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., one of Hydra's cadres. Fury, escaping government inspection."


Tony Stark's face finally darkened completely.

According to the logic of Naraku Uehara, he, Iron Man, was also one of the accomplices involved in the murder of the president, because he was indeed involved with Hydra!

"Looks like you've figured it out."

Uehara Naraku stared at Tony Stark and continued calmly: "When our new president summoned me at the White House the day before yesterday, I told him that no matter who is a Hydra spy, you can't be a Hydra. a member of.

Because when I succeeded the director, I saw that your father, Mr. Howard Stark, was one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., and I also saw a document.

After all, your parents Howard Stark and his wife were assassinated by Hydra, but the White House believes that you are still suspected of the murder of the former president, and the President and the World Security Council ordered me to bring you and Colonel Rhodes under control..."

"Thank you... wait?"

Tony Stark instantly noticed something different, his eyes widened suddenly, and he grabbed Naraku Uehara's shoulder: "What did you just say?"

Naruto Uehara frowned and repeated to himself: "The President and the World Security Council ordered me to control you and Colonel James Rhodes, and send people in..."

"My mother..."

Tony Stark clenched Uehara Naraku's shoulder tightly, with a shadow on his face: "Assassinated by Hydra... Tell me what happened!"

This is a person's habit.

Even if Tony Stark knew that the Howard Starks were killed together, he would subconsciously hate the man who killed his mother.

"Don't you know about this?"

Uehara Naraku didn't seem to know anything, he didn't seem to know how important he said, but there was a look of surprise on his face, and he frowned and said: "I remember that there was a warehouse in SHIELD's internal warehouse. An out-of-stock record, the relics about Howard Stark have already been handed over to you..."

Uehara Naraku's brows furrowed even tighter, and he continued to ask: "The information on SHIELD has been taken away, no one handed you that videotape?

Not long ago, when we cleaned up the Hydra base, we also got a videotape to reseal, after all, it is the information of Howard Stark, the founder of SHIELD..."

"What tape!"

Tony Stark's eye circles instantly turned red!

At this moment, as if he had caught something, he firmly grasped Naraku Uehara's shoulder and did not move, and the strength in his hand became stronger and stronger!

"Please... tell me, Uehara!"

"The footage of the Howard Starks before they were killed..."

Uehara Naraku was silent for a while when he said this, and then continued: "Sorry, Tony, I don't know if I should tell you about this..."

Uehara Naraku's face was a little hesitant, but his mouth was very fluent: "The previous information inside SHIELD was taken away in advance, I only learned about this sealed item from their base when I was destroying Hydra. file.

Your father, Mr. Howard Stark, and your mother, Ms. Maria Collins Howard, were controlled by Hydra and caused a car accident. They had a chance to save, but they were ambushed by the Hydra killer Bucky nearby. Barnes kills...

Sorry, I thought you already knew about this. "

"Bucky Barnes?"

Tony Stark's palm slowly loosened, and suddenly he said, "I don't know... Jarvis! Help me find out about Bucky Barnes..."


Uehara Naraku put one hand on Tony Stark's shoulder and said solemnly: "Promise me, don't check it now... You must go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. with me now!"

"Don't stop me!"

Tony Stark backhanded Naraku Uehara, his eyes were so red that he even wanted to cry, his eyes were full of pleading: "Uehara, if we are still friends, don't stop me..."

"Tony! I won't stop you."

Uehara Naraku shook his head and continued softly: "But you can't find out, Bucky Barnes is a spy who has been lurking for a long time, and there are all his information and life in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Now you have to go back to S.H.I.E.L.D. with me, you can watch this slowly there, I have to make sure you are under S.H.I.E.L.D.'s control, make sure you're not a HYDRA pawn, sorry, that's the only way to keep you safe .

This is my commitment before the President and the World Security Council. "

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