Behind the Scenes in Naruto World

Chapter 777 We are obliged to protect the safety of Wakanda!

The sky is no longer clear.

Aerospace carriers adjust their combat form.

The people on the ground watched the appearance of the aerospace aircraft carrier battle group, and watched the densely packed cannon barrels on the fully-armed combat aircraft carrier being mobilized, and a sense of oppression came over them!

"Open the shield."

Wakanda King Tchaka's face slowly calmed down, and after calmly giving the order to open the protective shield, he turned his head to look at Nick Fury and others: "Don't worry, there is no weapon on earth that can break through Wakanda's Protection..."

as predicted.

Three aerospace aircraft carriers open fire!

No matter whether it is machine guns, loaded missiles, and large-caliber artillery, Wakanda's defense mask cannot be shaken, which makes Nick Fury and others slowly relieved.

After the first exploratory salvo of artillery.

The agents on the aerospace carrier quickly began to calculate the impact force that the defensive mask on the ground could withstand, and one by one bad news appeared on each aircraft carrier.

"Prepare to resume the attack."

Uehara Naraku still continued to issue the attack order, and then he raised his head and drank the juice in his hand, and put the cup on the tray next to him.

Uehara Naraku's figure disappeared in place, his figure appeared in the sky above the aerospace carrier, raised his hand and punched the ground!

A azure blue light flew down from an aerospace aircraft carrier, like a splendid meteor fire line, hitting the protective mask heavily!

A violent shock wave swept across the grasslands of Wakanda!

next second...

The originally hard protective mask disappeared as quickly as it melted!


Immediately after the protective mask was broken, the aerospace carrier battle group quickly adjusted and launched another round of artillery bombardment towards the Wakanda on the ground!


The captain of the Dora Women's Guard beside the King of Wakanda spoke in a hurry and urged, while the vibrating gold shields stood in front of them, resisting the artillery fire from the sky!

This group of female escorts covered their king and guests to retreat to a safe area. They didn't think that the sky carrier was something Dora's escort could solve!

click click...

click click...

Boom boom boom boom!

The air and space combat aircraft carrier adjusted the direction of the machine guns, and the roar of the machine guns reverberated in the sky of Wakanda. The artillery fire of the main guns directly and completely blew up the plane parked on the ground!

at the same time.

Uehara Naraku stood in the command room of the aerospace carrier, looking at King Wakanda, Nick Fury and others fleeing below through the glass. He picked up the communication phone at hand and linked Tony Stark and Colonel Rhodes. 's channel.

"Tony, Colonel Rhodes, you can go out now."

"it is good."


In the next second, two figures in steel suits flew out of the flagship of the aerospace carrier, and Tony Stark and James Lord flew out of the cabin!

Small missiles flew out of their steel battle suits, cleaning up the Wakanda who were still trying to resist, and the two went straight to Nick Fury and others!

Compared with the overwhelming coverage of the aerospace aircraft carrier battle group,

Tony Stark and James Lord's attacks are more precise, and their steel suits are also the strongest individual weapons on the planet!

"Bucky Barnes! Don't try to escape!"

Tony Stark's voice appeared on the battlefield, and he flew to Bucky Barnes with his battle suit, and a beam of energy suddenly shot out of his palm!

A Wakanda guard stood up and suddenly opened the cloak on his body, and a light blue protective shield blocked in front of them, blocking the energy impact beam!


Steve Rogers turned his head in surprise and looked at Tony Stark who was rushing: "How could Tony attack us, he's not..."

"Don't worry about it so much!"

Natasha grabbed Steve Rogers' arm with one hand and urged: "Let's get out of here with King Tchaka first to find a safe place, the battle aircraft carrier in the sky is the ultimate weapon made by S.H.I.E.L.D. !"

"He probably knew... that I killed his father."

Bucky Barnes said the answer directly, and there was some obscure pain in his eyes: "Mr. Howard Stark and his wife... were killed by me..."


Steve Rogers' eyes widened in disbelief!

What a joke!

Steve Rogers and Howard Stark are old friends during World War II, and his cooperation with Howard Stark and Peggy Carter has always been close...

Now his comrade Bucky Barnes suddenly broke the news, which made Steve Rogers' brain instantly mess up!

"I don't think now is the time to discuss this..."

Prince T'Challa of Wakanda held a vibranium spear in his hand and raised his hand to shoot an energy shock wave. The force of this energy shock was so fast that it directly knocked the rushing Tony Stark out. !

After T'Challa repelled Tony Stark, he shot back the war machines that wanted to fly over, and then turned around and continued: "Gentlemen, I still think we should leave here first, and then discuss these comparisons. Suitable…"

If they continue to hide here, the artillery fire of the aerospace aircraft carriers in the sky will soon drown here, and it is not something they can resist with their flesh and blood...

It is estimated that except for his father T'Chaka's black panther suit made of vibranium, it is estimated that the others present will be torn to pieces by machine gun bullets, right?

Nick Fury closely followed King T'Chaka's side and asked anxiously, "Your Majesty, doesn't Wakanda have the strength to fight back?"

"Can fight back..."

Tchaka nodded hesitantly, and continued: "But the army needs a certain amount of preparation and reaction time, because this is the first time someone has invaded Wakanda..."

The dangers that the country encountered in the past were all handled by the Black Panther and the intelligence agencies under his command, and it has never been raided by the enemy like it is today.


Their most important defensive shield will be shattered in one fell swoop.

This is something that the Wakanda have never experienced. The Wakanda who have always used vibranium weapons to do no harm did not expect that someone would be able to directly destroy their defensive masks.

After the group escaped into the jungle, the machine guns of the aerospace carrier battle group released a burst of artillery fire at the entire jungle, turning the entire jungle into a sea of ​​fire!

in the jungle.

One side of the light blue protective shield flickered one after another.

The existence of these vibranium protective weapons, which symbolize Wakanda, ushered in the more saturated artillery design of aerospace aircraft carriers, and the jungle was completely submerged by flames and cannonballs!

Nick Fury and Steve Rogers wanted the Wakanda escorts to hide as much as possible in order to avoid being spotted by the sky carrier.

They even moved close to the edge of the sea of ​​​​fire, although this may put them in the sea of ​​​​fire, but it can also avoid being detected by thermal imaging.

ten minutes later.

The attack of the aerospace carrier battle group finally stopped.

The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. determined that they had lost traces of the enemy according to the investigation, and the ultimate battleship in the sky began to reverse course and fly towards the capital of Wakanda.


Uehara Naraku opened the communication channels of Tony Stark and Colonel James Lord, and said softly: "We can't confirm the whereabouts of the enemy, and the Bucky Barnes group will be handed over to you, don't hurt Wakan. Dar's royal family, let's take the capital of Wakanda and end this war as soon as possible..."

"I see."

Tony Stark took a deep breath, reactivated his steel suit, and flew in the direction of the sea of ​​fire.

James Rhodes followed his friend with a war weapon, and said softly, "This war doesn't seem to be that troublesome..."

According to the principles of their soldiers...

At this time, once the beheading plan is successful, the war can basically be declared over, and the next step is the public security war that the ordinary garrison will deal with.

"Not sure yet..."

Tony Stark disagreed with James Lord's opinion, and explained in a low voice: "A superhero can cause more trouble than a country's army... As long as we can catch Steve... with the fighting power of others It doesn't matter."


As long as Steve Rogers can be defeated, the rest of the group is not worth mentioning at all, whether it is Clint, Natasha or Bucky Barnes, they will only become their captives.

Maybe there is still some trouble...

Such as the vibranium weapons of the Wakanda people.

Tony Stark just suffered the shock wave released by the Zhenjin weapon, and he was able to repel his steel suit. Just a single blow can release as much energy as a cannonball!


Technology is the future.

Just as Tony Stark and James Lord drove their steel suits into the sea of ​​fire, searching for Steve Rogers and Nick Fury, the two of them didn't know that they were the abandoned sons of Uehara Naraku.

to be frank…

Naraku Uehara doesn't really believe that the two of them can beat Steve Rogers, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, the current Black Panther T'Chaka, and Dora's Guard Captain and Prince T'Chaka with Vibranium by his side pull.

Unceremoniously to say...

Wakanda is a real super soldier manufacturing kingdom, anyone can become a super soldier under the blessing of powerful vibranium weapons.

It doesn't matter.

Anyway, it's just to let them delay the time. This time should be enough for Uehara Naraku to lead the SHIELD agents to occupy the capital of Wakanda.

Who made Wakanda a small country?

The military power of the entire country is not concentrated. Among them, only the Dora Guards are responsible for guarding the royal army in the capital, and most of the other armies are distributed in various tribes.

Now that the captain of Dora's escort and the king are trapped in the jungle outside the capital, who can summon soldiers to resist in the capital?

The flagship of the aerospace carrier hovers over the capital of Wakanda.

The other three combat aircraft carriers surrounded the entire capital city in a triangle, and stout cannons were aimed at various high-rise buildings in the city.

A burst of radio sound echoed in the city.

"Hello everyone, I'm Uehara Naraku."

"Under the World Security Council, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Please don't resist everyone in this city, especially a princess of a royal family. I know that Her Royal Highness must hold the most powerful batch of vibranium in Wakanda, but please don't think that vibranium weapons can decide everything. ."

Nairo Uehara specifically mentioned Suri, the daughter of the current king of Wakanda. He knew that this little princess of Wakanda was one of the top scientists on earth.

Or she could be any kind of scientist.

Because Princess Suri is also a super medical expert.

Due to her exposure to Zhenjin technology since she was a child, the princess was comparable to Tony Stark, Bruce Banner and others in terms of scientific talent.

Plus she's a royal...

If Wakanda really has any terrifying vibranium weapon of mass destruction, then probably the princess should be the one who possesses such a weapon.

"These invaders..."

In the underground Zhenjin laboratory, a black girl bit her lip bitterly, her finger resting on the edge of a button and hanging.

In front of her are several virtual screens.

These virtual screens show the locations and areas where several aerospace aircraft carriers are located. If she wants to solve these aerospace aircraft carriers, she must find a way to solve the disaster caused by the fall of these aerospace aircraft carriers in advance.

Once these aerospace carriers land in the city...

It will definitely turn the capital of Wakanda into ruins!

A middle-aged black woman walked in and whispered, "Suri, can't you open the city's protective shield?"

this woman...

It is the current queen of Wakanda.

"Mom, the situation is more troublesome than you think..."

The black girl shook her head, her eyes full of entanglement and anxiety: "Someone on these battleships can destroy our protective shield with one blow..."

Speaking of this, she raised her hand and swiped the virtual screen in front of her, and a video recording playback appeared on the screen.

Above is the command flagship of the aerospace carrier.

A figure appeared out of thin air above the aerospace carrier, raised his hand and punched, and just one blow broke their protective shield!

This kind of power beyond the scientific cognition of girls...

It was also the reason why Suri did not dare to act rashly.

"We can't give in..."

Suri gritted his teeth and said with a deep breath: "But... Now I have to find a way to delay the time. When my father and brother come back, their clothes have Zhenjin defense... They must be safe from the bombing just now."

"I think so…"

A voice quietly appeared in this laboratory.

Just as the princess and queen of Wakanda were discussing, a black hole slowly corroded a space door as if it was corroding space.

A young man in a black trench coat came out of the black hole, nodded at them with a smile, and said softly, "I don't need to introduce myself, right? My information should have already appeared on your desk. ."


The two women in the royal family of Wakanda fell silent.

The young man in front of him really needs no introduction. The new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been playing an unqualified successor in the world. Everyone knows that S.H.I.E.L.D. has slowly declined since he took office...


Now this guy named Naraku Uehara led the S.H.I.E.L.D. to invade Wakanda and directly captured the capital of Wakanda. It has already shown that this guy is not weak!

Naraku Uehara looked at the silent queen and princess, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Since neither of you have an opinion..."

"Then, now let me tell you what I'm here for!"

"I want to announce something by borrowing the most advanced city on earth, and I hope the Wakanda royal family won't mind."

"And until the return of His Majesty the King and the Prince, we, as subordinates to the World Security Council, also have an obligation to help keep the capital of Wakanda safe."

"As for now, in order to avoid the chaos of the armed forces in this city, and to prevent the people in this city from not being able to tell who is the master of the city, please first ask the two soldiers in the capital to put down their weapons..."

Uehara Naraku reached out and picked up a vibrating metal weapon in the laboratory, and while twisting it calmly, he sighed in a low voice: "After all, I don't want to destroy Earth's most advanced weapons for trivial matters. What about the city..."

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