Behind the Scenes in Naruto World

Chapter 799 Killing a group of bugs can scare the sparrows

There are many civilizations in the universe.

Not all civilizations in this world live on blue planets, and some planets that have been developed prematurely have already been depleted of resources due to overpopulation.

Like now.

A huge planet in the Milky Way has abundant resources unmatched by other civilizations, but it simply cannot support a population of tens of billions.

Even the planetary sky turned brown.

And at this time...

The Nosy Thanos Legion, No. 1 in the Universe, will come to help them balance the population, so that the civilization on this planet can develop in a more orderly manner.

Of course, the way they balance the population is rather crude.


Equal killing.

A battleship from the Thanos Legion will descend on the planet, then gather the humans in each city and kill half of them at random.

to be frank…

This balance is really not technical content.

Now this planet with a diameter of more than 20,000 kilometers has encountered the invasion of the only female general under Thanos, the Proxima Centauri.

She led countless monsters, flooded the cities on this planet, and killed some of the human beings in the cities at random.

Because she's not Thanos.

So she wasn't very precise when it came to killing people.

"How many cities are there?"

Proxima Dark Night reached out and patted the air between her nose, wanting to pat the bloody smell that had been echoing around her, behind her was a sea of ​​corpses and blood.

A Qitarui who looked like a captain held a virtual screen in his hand, pulled out red dots one by one, and reported softly: "There are also seven hundred cities with a population of more than one million..."

"Spread the troops."

Proxima Dark Night frowned, and glanced at his subordinates gloomily: "Let them go faster,

I don't want to stay here too long..."

"Yes, my lord..."

The Chitauri captain bowed his head humbly.

Just when he wanted to issue an order to his subordinates, a shadow suddenly approached slowly, and a huge space crack appeared in the sky at some point!

"That is…"

Proxima Dark Night suddenly looked up!

A dark energy burst out from the space crack in the sky!

These dark energies turned into hideous and ugly beasts at the moment of landing, rushing towards the Thanos Legion like a demon with four corners on the ground!

In the blink of an eye!

This inexplicable raid caused heavy losses to the Legion!


Proxima Dark Night roared and pulled out his sword, facing a monster rushing towards her, bucking the trend, and slashing the dark monster head with a knife!

Accompanied by the roar of Proxima Centauri in the dark night, the counterattack of the energy gun soon came from the entire battlefield, and there were smashed dark energy monsters or shredded body parts everywhere!

Fortunately, there were a large number of legions led by Neixingxing in the dark night. After the initial surprise attack, they quickly slaughtered all the dark monsters that landed.


After these monsters are dying...

The dark energy on them quickly gathered towards the sky, and an illusory giant head appeared in the air, and its body was almost the size of this planet in a blink of an eye!

This huge head slowly lowered its head, and its giant eyes looked down at the ant-like dark night Proxima Legion, which made people feel a little heartbroken!

Proxima Dark Night grabbed his sword tightly, looked up at the giant eye, gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "This is the territory of Lord Thanos, we are the subordinates of Lord Thanos, which Celestial God is your Excellency? a member of?"

This terrifying size and energy...

Only the gods like those monsters in the universe!


The head of darkness stared at Proxima Centauri in the dark night, and his dull and thick voice echoed across the planet: "Go and tell Thanos...let him wait to die..."

"Lord Dormammu..."

Proxima Dark Night wanted to say something else, but a dark energy suddenly locked her throat, and black spears pierced her body!

The only female general under Thanos...

He was nailed to the ground by Dormammu!

As for the other Qitarians or monster legions, they were all consumed by the dark energy emanating from Dormammu!

"Leave your life and tell Thanos..."

Dormammu's head became lower and lower, and the huge eyes and Proxima Centauri were getting closer and closer: "If you still want to live, let Thanos find the infinite original stone in the universe and give it to Akatsuki, we will forgive him. s life…"

The voice fell.

Dormammu's illusory head immediately dissipated.


After Dormammu disappeared, Proxima Dark Night struggled to pull out a dark spear from his body, coughing out a few mouthfuls of blood.

Disregarding her injury, the demon girl immediately turned on the contactor and contacted Thanos to inform them that they might be about to start a war with a force named Xiao.


For some reason, Thanos' starship did not receive her signal, and it seemed that her master was very busy.

Proxima Dark Night thought for a while and began to contact her husband, General Deathblade, but the long signal silence made Proxima Dark Night a little flustered...


problem occurs!

Gotta find them fast!

Because at any time, it is impossible for General Deathblade to ignore her message, and her husband may also be attacked!

Proxima Centauri quickly sent a signal to the starship staying on this planet, asking the starship to bring her back to Thanos' main ship immediately!

After returning to the starship.

Proxima Dark Night knew what happened from her subordinates, and she did guess correctly, and General Dead Blade was indeed attacked.

Do not.

It should be said that the entire Thanos Legion was attacked.

Whether it was Ebony Maw, General Deathblade or Black Dwarf, they all encountered Akatsuki's attack, and even the attack they encountered was more terrifying than hers!

Compared with other people's experiences, the Dormammu encountered by Proxima Dark Night only killed some of her subordinates, which can be called gentle...

in space.

A round starship came to a standstill.

A group of densely packed and ferocious monsters stopped in front of the starship, and each monster opened its mouth crazily, condensing red virtual flashes!

It was this group of monsters that stopped the starship.

If it was just the blockade of this group of monsters, they might still be able to break through the siege with their strong ships and cannons, but now there are two more people in their starships who should not appear.

"Good morning, everyone."

A tall man walked to the cockpit step by step, his voice was unexpectedly mild: "I hope we can bring you a good mood on the last day of your life..."


This guy can really talk!

The commander of this starship is the ebony throat of Thanos. His eyes were fixed on the tall man walking in the cockpit, and then he slowly moved his eyes, and glanced at the long-bearded old man floating behind the man .


Seems like a bad guy!

It was Aizen Sousuke and Yamamoto Shigekuni who came to solve the ebony throat!

"Kill them."

Ebony Maw suddenly raised his sharp fingers and pointed at the two uninvited guests who had sneaked into the starship. The seats in the starship were stirred and shattered by his mental force in a blink of an eye, turning into steel needles that floated around, straight Straight at the attacking two people!

The soldiers in the entire cockpit hurriedly picked up their weapons and rushed up to meet the people who came, but before they could get close, they were turned into ashes by the fiery flames from Yamamoto Shigekuni's sword!

"People often lose their minds in fear..."

Aizen Suoyousuke's own spiritual pressure trembled slightly, a gust of breeze blew the ashes away, and the backhand palm stopped the flying steel needle!

Lan Ran spread out his palm calmly and let the steel needle in front of him fall to the ground. His eyes were raised to look at Ebony throat, and a mocking smile flashed on his lips: "It's unbelievable that you can still keep calm. …”

Ebony Maw's eyes were extremely cold, and there was no panic on his ugly and old cheeks. His eyes were fixed on Aizen, and he asked in a hoarse voice: "You dare to attack this battleship, do you know who your enemy is? "

"You said the wrong thing."

Aizen Sosuke raised his fingers, and a spiritual pressure turned into a sharp hurricane, directly cutting off the left hand of the ebony throat, and the blood of the stench instantly splashed in the cockpit!

Severe pain swept through Ebony Throat's brain!

The pain of losing his arm caused his mental power to be instantly unbalanced!

Aizen Soyousuke has long been accustomed to his cruel methods, his fingers calmly picked up the broken hair on his forehead, and he said softly like a murmur: "Now you should ask where we come from... "


Ebony throat heart a tight!

The arrogance of this man made him feel very familiar, and made Ebony-throated suddenly remember when he had faced those low-level civilizations...

That's right, it's this lofty attitude...



The palm of the ebony throat covered his broken arm, and he used mental power to stop the bleeding. There was a painful moan in his throat, and he calmly wanted to maintain his pride: "Then please tell me, where did you come from? Come…"

"wrong again."

Aizen Susuke shook his head helplessly, as if he had seen some ignorant child, his fingers suddenly moved again!


A spiritual pressure flew down the fingertips!

Wumuhou felt a burst of mental power that was many times stronger than him, and he could only hurriedly raise his only right hand, turning it into a mental power shield!


The difference between their strengths is too great...

In the blink of an eye, Ebony Maw's mental shield was smashed by the spiritual pressure, and the spiritual pressure turned into a giant hammer and smashed on his knee, smashing his knee to pieces!

Ebony-throated knelt on the ground in embarrassment!

blah blah blah...

The sound of clogs stepping on the steel plate was particularly dull.

"Be polite when asking people."

Aizen Sangyousuke walked to Ebony Maw step by step, looked down at the ugly man kneeling in front of him, and continued gently: "If you want to get something from others, keep your politeness to be better. It's easy to achieve your goal..."


This kind of politeness is too deadly!

The severe pain made Ebony Throat's face twist a little!

"Huh, I know..."

Ebony throat clenched his teeth and slowly raised his head to look at Aizen Suoyousuke, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and he suppressed it again!

Ebony Maw is the most tolerant person in the entire Thanos Legion, and his voice became more and more hoarse: "Can you tell me who your Excellency is now? Why did you attack our starship? Because we slaughtered Your hometown?"

"Maybe you think too much of yourself."

Aizen Suoyousuke lowered his head and stared at Ebony Maw, his expression still calm: "We are only here to clean up some insignificant bugs, so as to scare the sparrow sitting on the throne..."


These words really frightened Ebony, the purpose of these two guys was not him, but Thanos standing behind him!

Kill the chicken to warn the monkey...

In other words, beat the grass and startle the snake...

This is a group of guys who want to challenge the Thanos Legion! How come these guys who desperately want to challenge Thanos' status have always appeared recently...

"Looks like you have other ideas..."

Aizen Suoyouji stretched out his palm and hung it above the head of Ebony Maw. A light flashed in his eyes, and the spiritual pressure slowly gathered in his palm...

"Enough, Suoyousuke."

Yamamoto Shigekuni's aged voice appeared in the cabin. The old man closed his eyes and said calmly, "This person is still useful to him..."

This he...

Naturally, it meant Naraku Uehara who was standing behind them.

"What does that matter?"

Aizen Soyousuke didn't care about Yamamoto Shigekuni's dissuasion at all, and said with a chuckle, "Whether we bring back his body or his soul, it doesn't seem to make any difference to a creator..."

In comparison, the two of them should actually be more accustomed to taking away the soul of the ebony throat, after all, this is their old work of death...

Yamamoto Shigekuni silently shook his head.

Aizen Sousuke smiled, the spiritual pressure in his palm turned into a soft black blade, and instantly penetrated the body of Ebony Throat from the top of his head!

When Ebony Maw's body fell to the ground, his body had already become an empty shell, and the spiritual pressure turned into a heavy shackle, imprisoning Ebony Maw's soul!

"This is…"

The soul of the ebony throat looked at everything around him, and his eyes involuntarily fell on the two most powerful souls, which made him frightened!

only the dead...

Only then can you see the horror of Aizen Sousuke and Yamamoto Shigekuni!

The breath of these two guys is enough to annihilate anyone's thinking, so terrifying that no creature dares to breathe loudly in front of them, how could there be such a person in the world!

"Let's go."

Aizen Soyousuke smiled and raised his hand to open a space crack.

Just as the two of them left here with their ebony-throated souls, the illusory army hovering in space spit out phantom flashes towards the starship, smashing the starship to smithereens!

When they cleaned everything here, they quietly flashed into space cracks, as if nothing had happened in this space...

There is little movement here.

In comparison, the movement on the other side is a bit bigger.

Go to Edward Newgate, the Whitebeard who is in charge of attacking the Black Dwarf, and smash the Black Dwarf's indestructible body from the inside with one punch!

"Gu la la la... accidentally beat someone to death..."

Edward Newgate put on his robe, laughed nonchalantly, and looked at his old friend: "Roger, there shouldn't be any problem, right?"

"Hiccup, don't worry..."

Gol D. Roger glanced at the many frightened soldiers of the Thanos Legion, and waved his hands to signal them to get out: "Hey, let's go! Go to Thanos and ask him if he is afraid!"

Roger watched a group of soldiers scramble to board the escape ship, and turned to look at his old friend: "As long as Thanos is afraid, our mission will be completed... Anyway, it must not be just us who accidentally start too heavy hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. !"

There are so many people with brain problems in Akatsuki's organization, and the two of them are not conspicuous at all... Maybe compared to Uchiha Madara's group, their actions are still moderate?


Anyone who encounters Madara Uchiha...

If you want to survive, it basically depends on luck.

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