Behind the Scenes in Naruto World

Chapter 803 Uehara Naraku: I will be the messenger of the soul gem


Uehara Naraku looked at Dormammu, who was standing at the end of the team, and controlled the shrinking planet to slowly float in its direction: "Go and help me set up the battlefield!"

Everyone present is not weak.

It's just that they can't easily control a planet, only Domam, the master of the dark dimension, can do it.

"Aren't you going with us?"

Dormammu raised his hand and took the miniature of the planet.

"I can't go yet."

Uehara Naraku shook his head, glanced at the Red Skull who was still yelling under the altar, raised his hand and turned his spiritual spear into nothing, and a burst of gravity pulled the Red Skull up!

"If I go, who will guide Thanos?"

Uehara Naraku looked at the Red Skull in front of him with a smile, and said softly, "Do you have to rely on this waste to bring Hydra into hell?"


"Don't worry, I won't kill you, senior."

A spiritual pressure appeared in Uehara Naraku's palm and turned into an enchantment. The enchantment spread out instantly, trapping the Red Skull like a cage!

Uehara Naraku reached out and patted the enchantment cage, and continued with a smile: "As a negative example of Hydra, I will put you on display at our various bases..."

"Asshole, you bastard kid..."

There is no need to describe too much, Red Skull can imagine the scenes that can make his life worse than death. A group of Hydra cannon fodder soldiers pointed at him, which is to put him on Hydra forever. The wall of shame...

"Tsk, it's really bad..."

Uchiha Madara couldn't help shaking his head when he heard it.

"Already friendly."

Uehara Naraku spread out his palm, a dark cloak appeared on his body, and a cloud of spiritual pressure gathered under his feet: "Go on, I will serve as a messenger for the soul gem here, wait. Our Mr. Thanos..."


Everyone felt a little heartbroken inexplicably.

Madara Uchiha glanced at Naraku Uehara before leaving, and said meaningfully, "I hope that guy won't be deceived badly..."

"how could be?"

Uehara Naraku smiled even more and said sincerely: "At least I admire his fairness... No distinction between rich and poor, old and young, male and female... This is much better than those guys who always want to weed out inferior people and the like. already."

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Shigekuni stopped in front of the black hole, and suddenly said: "Captain Uehara, there are actually many human natures in the world that cannot be estimated by the gods. That guy named Ebony Mow seems to be very loyal to Thanos, you If you let him go back..."

This is a reminder from an old man.

Uehara Naraku waved his hand indifferently, and continued with a chuckle: "I appreciate his loyalty, so I told him in his soul that as a reward to him, before his soul dissipated, he could fight against the Ba said five words, but in fact he could only say three..."


Then you are a devil!

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai Chongguo sighed and chose to leave with everyone.


Thanos territory.

Thanos didn't know he had a fan waiting for him.

The sturdy purple giant sat on the tall throne, and he was still watching the video of his subordinates being destroyed by the attack of Akatsuki.

Thanos, the most powerful man in the universe.

Thanos' eyes are so calm that they are almost indifferent. No matter what he faces, he always seems to have this expression, as if he doesn't care about everything.

Because after Thanos thought he understood the true meaning of the future of the universe, he never showed any special interest in anything, whether it was war or peace.

Even if his subordinates died and wounded.

Akatsuki's first attack caused the Thanos Legion to suffer huge losses.

Among them, Black Dwarf was killed, General Deathblade was seriously injured, and the whereabouts of Ebony Maw is unknown. Only Proxima Dark Night, who was lucky enough to be spared by Dormammu, could still serve Thanos.

"grown ups…"

Dark Night Proxima humbly bowed his head and saluted, and carefully explained: "Now all civilizations are spreading the news that we were attacked by Xiao..."

The news dealt a huge blow to Thanos' reputation.

No one has dared to challenge them like this for many years, especially this time the enemy is stronger than any enemy they have ever seen.

"I see."

The tyrant's expression remained calm.

Even though he had just finished reading the message that Black Dwarf sent back before his death, and even saw the scene where Black Dwarf was blown up by a punch, he still didn't show any emotion.

Next, is the encounter with Ebony Throat.

The next one is what happened to General Dead Blade.

Proxima Dark Night watched these videos with Thanos, and she couldn't help but feel a little bit of luck in her heart, because seeing the enemies that her colleagues and husband met, she had to sigh that the Dormammu she met was really kind enough …


The tyrant remained calm.

Because he doesn't know Madara Uchiha and others, as for their power to easily destroy a fleet, many people can do this kind of power. For example, Thanos knows the brain of a Celestial Race called Yigo, and can easily do it This kind of…

It's just that when Thanos was watching the video of the last Dormammu attack, his iceberg-like expression finally fluctuated, and his eyes tightened suddenly!


"Yes, my lord, it calls itself Dormammu..."

Proxima Dark Night gritted his teeth and knelt down on one knee in the direction of the throne: "Sorry, my lord, I'm not its opponent..."

"this is not your fault."

Thanos shook his head calmly, without any intention of blaming his subordinates. He knew the secrets of the universe very well, and Dormammu was simply not something that ordinary people could handle.

That is the master of the dark dimension!

Possessing the strength comparable to Asgard's God King Odin!

Thanos glanced at Proxima Centauri, who was kneeling on the ground on one knee, and said softly, "You don't need to apologize, my child, you are already very lucky to be able to escape from its hands..."

After speaking, Thanos looked down at the empty Infinity Gloves on his hand: "It seems that we need to speed up, Ronan has discovered the whereabouts of the universe spirit ball..."

"I'll get it back for you."

Proxima Midnight quickly made his request.

"No, I already have the right person."

Thanos slowly shook his head and looked in the other direction of the temple area, where there were two women fighting, he said softly, "Let Gamora or Nebula go..."

The two women fighting are the daughters of Thanos.

No, it should be said that it is the adopted daughter adopted by Thanos. Among them, the eldest daughter Gamora is the most important to him, because Gamora's mind is very rational.

As for the little girl Nebula…

The character is really irritable.

Thanos hopes that after he completes his ideal retirement, Gamora will lead the Thanos Legion and inherit his balance theory.


This ideal currently seems a little far off.

"grown ups…"

A gloomy voice suddenly appeared around them, and a strange figure quietly floated in front of Thanos and Proxima Centauri, the soul of Ebony-throated...

"Ebony throat..."

Proxima Midnight looked at his companion with a face full of astonishment.

Ebony Mow did not continue to pay attention to Proxima Dark Night, but humbly knelt in front of Thanos, and said solemnly: "My lord, the soul gem is in Vormir, but... liar!"

A flash of madness flashed across Ebony Throat's face!

The think tank under Thanos, who has always been known for his elegance, is full of madness and resentment at this moment, as if he has encountered some deeply hated enemy!

Ebony Maw struggled desperately to pounce towards Thanos, his fingers tightly covering his throat, as if he wanted to say something...


But I can't speak anymore...

The only thing Ebony Maw can do is to kneel down again towards Thanos in a pilgrimage, offering him his dying loyalty...

Thanos looked at his subordinates, and slowly stretched out his fingers, trying to touch the soul of the ebony throat, but it became a permanent separation after all...


The soul of ebony throat suddenly turned into a puff of smoke and dissipated, as if his soul came here with difficulty and could only support him to say a few words...

"He is dead."

Thanos slowly retracted his finger, the sadness in his eyes was fleeting, and his face became firm again: "But his sacrifice is not worthless, at least it brought me a precious The news, no one has seen the most mysterious soul gem with their own eyes, but I didn't expect him to know the whereabouts of the soul gem..."

"But my lord..."

Proxima Dark Night slowly lowered his head, as if he wanted to ask questions: "There seems to be some words left before the ebony throat disappears..."

Anyone can hear it from the last words of Ebony Throat... There must be danger in Vormir!

"Go and prepare the ship."

Thanos calmly stood up from the throne and continued softly: "There is no need to worry, at least compared to the mysterious soul gem, any danger is worth it..."

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