Beijing Circle To Be Blocked? The Arrogant Godfather Pushes All The Way!

Chapter 59 The Second Meeting, Let The Beijing Circle Lose Face!

Wang Jianlin's face became serious, and he said:

"I called you here to tell you something."

"The Beijing circle and Mr. Lin are playing games, and our Wang family cannot be left behind."

"It's just that it's not the time for me to come forward. In comparison, now is the most suitable time for you to come forward.

"Don't you always feel that the entertainment industry and Beijing circle are disgusting, this time I will give you a privilege, you can make trouble with them as much as you want, no matter what, I will take care of you."

Hearing what my father said,

Wang Sicong's eyes are shining!

How can you make a fuss?

Dad is still playing tricks?!

This is so unbearable to kill myself!

Wang Sicong never had a good impression of the entertainment circle,

So I used to mock some celebrities before.

But at that time it was restrained,

After all, there are some awesome characters in the entertainment circle,

So dare not let go.

But now it's different,

There is a holy decree of the father, just go ahead and do it!

What Wang Sicong is best at, besides making internet celebrities, is making trouble.

Anyway, his personality,

No matter what, the house cannot collapse,

In a word, it doesn't matter!

Wang Sicong laughed and said:

"Father, are you serious?"

"If I go to Kyoto to make trouble, what kind of shit is Chen Arthur, I have to shave his ears first!"

Wang Jianlin laughed and said:

"On this matter, how many days have you used multiple calendars?"

"Your father's family property will be fully covered by you!"

Hearing what Wang Jianlin said,

Wang Sicong was even more curious,

My father will work so hard for this Mr. Lin, what kind of character is it?

Stronger than the entire Wang family?

But Wang Sicong is a smart man,

He knew what he shouldn't know, so he couldn't ask.

Wang Sicong said:

"Okay, I know Dad, I will be on the news tomorrow."

finished speaking,

Wang Sicong went out,

But at this time, Wang Jianlin stopped him and said:

"Don't make any more publicity now, wait for an opportunity."

Wang Sicong frowned and said:

"What opportunity are you waiting for?"

Wang Jianlin smiled slightly and said:

"From now on, all my investments in the entertainment industry will be under your control."

"Whoever you want to vote for and whoever you want to withdraw, you can do whatever you want."

"As for that opportunity, I will tell you when the time comes.

Wang Sicong nodded,

On such an important matter, he is still very obedient to the family!

at the same time,

In Feng Xiaogang's villa.

as usual,

The guests who came today are also different from Xia Chang.

Except for some core members of the Royal City Club,

Furthermore, there are two big bosses, Chen Fengnian and Wang Zhongjun.

A group of people are drinking tea and chatting in front of the coffee table,

What they talk about is hundreds of millions of film projects.

"Arthur, do you think you've regained your face now?"

While smoking a cigarette, Chen Fengnian looked at Arthur Chen and smiled slightly:

"The so-called game, to put it bluntly, is to see who has a face."

"If you really want to use a knife or a gun, you have to wait later. It is the so-called etiquette first and then soldiers."

Arthur Chen nodded, and said excitedly:

"In our Beijing circle, teenagers don't have such a good time.

"Today we have contracted the news of the whole country, what will be the trending search in the next few months?!"


It was difficult for Chen Arthur to hide his inner pride.

After all today,

Stars in the Beijing circle stand in line,

Including the Chen family and the Huayi Brothers,

I can also put harsh words on the scarf,

This face can be regarded as earning enough!

On the other hand, Yang Mi and her godfather,

It can be said that it is miserable and miserable, and it is completely a bare-bones commander!

Stop talking about standing in line,

I guess they are all street rats now!

Everyone also laughed,

I'm in a good mood now,

Many people, because of Chen Fengnian's relationship with the Royal City Club,

Connect with Huayi Brothers Bridge,

The future is bright!

And at this moment,

Wang Zhongjun's cell phone rang.


Wang Zhongjun saw that it was his brother, Wang Zhonglei, who was calling.

After answering,

Wang Zhongjun said:

"Hey center base.

On the phone, Tanaka said with a bit of distress:

"Brother, there is something wrong with the company.

Wang Zhongjun looked calm and said:

"What's the matter? You said `〃."

Wang Zhonglei said:

"Just now, Wan Tian suddenly tore away his shares in Huayi Brothers.

hear this,

Wang Zhongjun was taken aback for a moment, then asked:

"Wanda ripped off the shares?"

"What's the situation, please explain clearly."

Wang Zhonglei briefly explained to Wang Zhongjun,

a moment later,

Wang Zhongjun showed a puzzled expression.

After hanging up the phone,

Feng Xiaogang also saw his expression and asked:

"President Wang, what happened?"

Wang Zhongjun frowned and said:

"Something happened to the company just now."

"Wang Sicong, suddenly withdrew the money previously invested by Wanda."

the voice fell,

Everyone present was taken aback.

In particular, Chen Fengnian was a little surprised and said:

"Why did Wang Sicong suddenly withdraw his investment?"

"How much money was lost?"

Wang Zhongjun took a deep breath and said:

"About 100 million."

Everyone gasped,

One hundred million.

Suddenly disappeared?!

But seeing Wang Zhongjun still calm,

The people had to be convinced again,

This is indeed a big shot in the film and television industry,

100 million is gone, without changing face!

However, Chen Fengnian asked curiously:

"What's going on here? Why did Wang Sicong suddenly withdraw his investment at this time?"

Feng Xiaogang frowned,

After so many things have happened recently,

Make his mind extra sensitive.

Just when Wang Zhongjun was also quite puzzled,

Chen Fengnian here,

The phone rang too.

a moment later,

Like Wang Zhongjun, Chen Fengnian's expression darkened.

hang up the phone,

Chen Fengnian narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Wang Zhongjun.

The two looked at each other at the same time,

Chen Fengnian took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"President Wang, guess what happened?"

Noticing Chen Fengnian's gaze and expression,

Wang Zhongjun's heart sank suddenly, as if he had already guessed the answer,

But he didn't say anything, just asked:

"What's wrong?"

Chen Fengnian said with dark eyes:

"My company also had an accident."

"Wang Sicong, withdrew the investment."

Although Wang Sicong does not do business, he only engages in live broadcasting and e-sports,

But he has privately invested in various industries,

Especially the entertainment industry.

Chen Fengnian said suspiciously:

"90 million, he withdrew them all at once."

"Isn't that a bit of a coincidence?"

After saying this,

Everyone present also frowned.

this matter,

No matter how I think about it, I feel a little strange, what seems to be behind it?!

Today the Beijing circle has just finished standing in line,

Finished the arrangement.

But now, almost at the same time,

Wang Sicong withdrew his investment,

What does this mean?

Director Yang Lixin asked with some vigilance:

"This matter doesn't have anything to do with Yang Mi, does it?"

One said,

Everyone was startled,

Immediately there was a bad premonition in my heart.

It's not that everyone is cowardly, it's just that the rules have been found out recently,

Whenever you are full of confidence,

There will always be surprises.

Feng Xiaogang smoked a long cigarette, glanced at Yang Lixin and said:

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm scared out of my wits, don't be ashamed here.

Feng Xiaogang's face was a little dark,

After all, during this period of time in the Beijing circle, he was the one directing.

Having fought so many 'losing battles',

Yang Lixin's cowardly behavior was also slapping him in the face.

Seeing Feng Xiaogang's face changed, Yang Lixin said quickly:

"Look at my worthless appearance, I said the wrong thing."

After Chen Fengnian thought for a while, he said:

"It shouldn't be a big problem, Wang Sicong has always had a changeable personality."

"It's probably because he has been jumping around in the Beijing circle for a while, and he doesn't dare to follow the investment, for fear of any accidents.

Wang Zhongjun agreed:

"Well, he is a businessman after all, and has inherited the old Wang's genes."

"At this juncture, it is probably because the Beijing circle is too conspicuous, and he is afraid that something will happen if he follows the investment.

Chen Arthur was a little disdainful, and said with a smile:

"Wang Sicong is a young man after all, and his father is also a well-known figure on the rich list, so he withdrew with little trouble.

As the prince of the Beijing circle,

Although Chen Arthur is not as good as Wang Sicong,

But he also looked down on Wang Sicong.

Chen Fengnian said:

"Okay, let's withdraw the investment, there are plenty of investors."

"Next, we have to figure out how to have a courtesy first and then a soldier with that Mr. Lin."

Courtesy before soldiers?

Except for Feng Xiaogang and Wang Zhongjun,

Everyone looked a little confused.

Hasn't war already been declared?

What else is there to say?

Seeing people do not understand,

Wang Zhongjun laughed and said:

"To be honest, I'm still somewhat interested in this Mr. Lin.

"I'd love to meet this guy."

As the chairman of Huayi Brothers,

Wang Zhongjun was very curious about who this Mr. Lin was.

at the age of early twenties,

When Yang Mi and Anna's godfather,

There is also the ability to wrestle with the Beijing circle. In a few days, many people were involved.

What kind of background and support do such people have behind them?

This is what Wang Zhongjun wants to know.

After all, you can't be blind, the other party doesn't know what's going on,

This is to your own detriment.

Even, if possible,

Such talents are drawn into their own circle,

Isn't it better?!

Wang Zhongjun and Chen Fengnian, who are big capitalists,

His thinking must be different from those of juniors like Arthur Chen.

Everything we do is about maximizing profits and minimizing losses.


If the other party is still stubborn,

Then don't blame yourself for being rude!

After all, the battle in the Beijing circle was not caused by Bai La!

Feng Xiaogang naturally understood this meaning, and said lightly:

"President Wang, you want to meet this Mr. Lin?"

"Appointment to chat?"

Wang Zhongjun smiled slightly and said:

"Let's have a meal and talk."

"After dinner, what should I do?"

Feng Xiaogang nodded and agreed:

"Okay, it's just right, anyway, since La

It's the opening, so naturally we have to show up and have a touch.

Arthur Chen's expression was a little cloudy,

However, there was still some excitement in my heart.

Since the first entertainment banquet,

I have lost all face!

This time, Mr. Wang and his uncle were present,

Chen Arthur didn't believe that the person surnamed Lin could be so arrogant!

"I agree with Mr. Wang's idea."

Arthur Chen sneered:

"In this way, we can be regarded as a good virtue in the Beijing circle."

Zhang Lei echoed from the side:

"Hehe, I think it's enough for us to invite directly on the front of the scarf."

"If he doesn't come, he's a grandson, if he comes, it's a grand banquet!"

mentioned banquet,

Zhang couldn't help thinking of the last time,

At the entertainment banquet, Li Rong slapped his back molars off!

What a disgrace to him all his life!

don't scrub,

Zhang Lei couldn't help it!

Chen Fengnian nodded and said:

"Okay, then let's go back, send an invitation, and sit down and have a good chat.


The meeting ended and everyone dispersed.

the other side,

Inside the Hilton Hotel.

After a row of convoys arrived downstairs at the hotel,

Lin Yuan is back from playing golf.

inside the room,

Lin Yuan changed into his home clothes, sat on the sofa, and drank the tea made by Anna himself.

On the other side of the forest,

Yang Mi was wearing a long skirt and sat beside him in a gentle manner.

The two are on the left and the right.

Li Xiao sat opposite Lin Yuan and began to set up the chessboard.


It is one of Lin Yuan's favorite hobbies.

After laying out the chessboard,

Lin Yuan started to play chess with Li Xiao.

Anna and Yang Mi accompanied quietly.

"Brother Yuan, after the battle in the Beijing area, it's a little quiet."

Li Xiao said lightly.

Lin Yuan took the chess pieces, and said, without haste, after placing the pieces:

"It's useless to put up battles online. If there is no accident, they will send us invitations."

hear this,

Li Xiao playfully said with a smile:

"Why, you want to break the scene and sit down and chat alone?"

"Indeed, these so-called veterans in the Beijing circle will do this kind of thing."

voice just fell,

At this time,

A call came from Yang Mi's cell phone.

After looking at the caller's information,

Yang Mi's beautiful eyes twitch slightly:

"Chen Arthur."

Lin Yuan said lightly:

"Go ahead." 1

(Li is good) Yang Mi frowned, but still answered the phone.

After a few seconds,

Yang Mi ended the call,

Then he said with some surprise:

"Godfather, just as you said this, a call came over there."

Anna asked:

"What's wrong?"

Yang Mi put away her phone and said:

"Chen Arthur informed me that at nine o'clock in the evening, Godfather invited you to a reception in Beijing.

"Please go over and have a chat."

hear this,

Anna snorted coldly:

"This group of people don't have any good intentions. It's probably a Hongmen Banquet."

Lin Yuan's expression remained the same, and he said lightly:

"Wang Zhongjun and Chen Fengnian wanted to know about my background."

"The people in the Beijing circle are not fools. Before going to war, they have to test and test first. To put it nicely, they call it courtesy before soldiers.

While talking, Anna's cell phone also rang.

After looking at it,

Anna squinted her beautiful eyes and said:

"It's Chen Fengnian."

After answering,

Anna heard the other side laughing:

"Director An, is Mr. Lin beside you?"

"I have something, I want to talk to Mr. Lin."

Chen Fengnian's tone was very polite,


I thought I was looking for an old friend.

Anna looked at Lin Yuan,

Then Lin Yuan said lightly:

"give it to me."

took the phone,

Lin Yuan smiled slightly and said:

"It's Mr. Chen.

After hearing Lin Yuan's voice,

Chen Fengnian said very politely and enthusiastically:

"Oh, I finally heard Mr. Lin himself speak.

"Although I haven't seen it, I feel honored just to hear the voice."

As the saying goes, don't hit a smiling person with your hand,

Lin Yuan smiled lightly and said:

"Mr. Chen, you didn't call just to hear the voice, did you?"

Chen Fengnian chuckled, then changed the topic, and said quite seriously:

"Hehe, Mr. Lin, let's go out and have a meal when we are free."

"Everyone has seen what happened in the Beijing circle during this period, why don't we sit down and have a good chat?"

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