Beijing Circle To Be Blocked? The Arrogant Godfather Pushes All The Way!

Chapter 84 Long Kingdom Does Not Allow The Existence Of A Prince!

Looking at the sharp machete,

And Wu Zhaizuo's cold eyes,

Chen Arthur seemed to be frozen, not daring to make a sound.

He has no doubts,

This Wu Zhaizuo and Li Xiao, really dare to kill him!

Arthur Chen shut up,

Sitting on the ground, desperately clutching the thigh wound,

His whole body was trembling, the veins on his forehead were popping up, and the tears and snot couldn't stop flowing down his nose!

Li Xiao came forward and said with a slight smile:

"Prince, why are your eyes filled with tears?"

"Don't worry, we have something more exciting before dawn."

hear this,

Arthur Chen's cardiac arrest!

before dawn?

Is there anything more exciting?

Slap your hands, chop your fingers, stab someone if you don't agree with each other,

Even more exciting, isn't that about killing people?!

Arthur Chen had a mental breakdown,

"Brother...Brother, can you let me go?!"

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I'm not some Beijing prince, I'm just a dog!"

more and more excited,

Chen Arthur knelt down in front of Li Xiao, kowtowed and said:

"Brother, let me go!"

"I quit the Beijing circle, I will let my dad stop, and let those people in the Beijing circle not do anything wrong with Mr. Lin!"

Looking at Chen Arthur's appearance,

Li Xiao chuckled, looked at Wu Zhaizuo and said:

"Come, come, let's record this wonderful moment of the prince."

Wu Zhaizuo took out his mobile phone,

I started shooting at Chen Arthur.

At this moment, Arthur Chen couldn't care less about face,

My own life is almost gone,

Do you still care about others taking pictures?

"Brother, we don't have a deep hatred, you don't need to take this risk to me!"

"I can give you money, as much as you want!"

Li Xiao said lightly:

"Prince, compared to money, I prefer to hear about the nasty things you do in Beijing."

"Tell me?"

"For example, who instigated the Wansheng Group fire, and did you participate in it?"

"Or your uncle?"

Li Xiao smoked a cigarette and looked at Chen Arthur playfully.

Arthur Chen was shocked,

Unexpectedly, the other party had already guessed that the Wansheng Group's fire incident was a plot by the Beijing circle.

But they, have no proof?!

Arthur Chen tentatively said:

"Big...Big brother, the Wansheng Group's fire has nothing to do with us in Beijing.

"I admit that the utterances on the Internet are indeed intended to target Mr. Lin, but we are also following suit. The Wansheng Group's fire incident "we will not know the cause of the incident."

Li Xiao smiled, showing a hint of impatience on his face:

"Remove a leg."

Next to Wuzhai Zuo Xin comprehended God,

He stepped forward and kicked Chen Arthur's calf!


In the face of great strength,

Chen Arthur's calf was like a branch, broken without mercy!


Another cry of pain,

Chen Arthur was about to burst into tears, clenching his teeth tightly!

It hurts, it hurts so much!

This person in front of him is simply a monster in a suit and leather shoes!

"I said, I said!"

How could Chen Arthur, a flamboyant young man, be able to endure such torture:

"Wansheng Group set fire to it, it was arranged by the boss in the sky!

"Zhang Lei and I are in charge of supporting, we have no actual participation!"

Li Xiao nodded and said lightly:

"So, if you want to play black, the nature of this game will change from now on.

"Since you want to play black, you have to be prepared."

Arthur Chen knelt on the ground, tears streaming down his face:

"Brother, I really dare not!"

"I'm an idiot, I'm still young, brother!"

"Let me go, I'm going abroad, I'll never come!"

Li Xiao waved his hand impatiently and said:

"Haven't your Beijing circles always had a backbone?"

"Now, let's play a game. If you perform well, I will let you die."

"If you don't perform well, then I'm sorry, I can only let Director Chen take it for you.

Chen Arthur nodded quickly and said:

"Brother, I will do whatever you say, and I will obey you, as long as you can keep me alive!"

Li Xiao smiled and said:

"You'll love this game."

finished speaking,

Li Xiao said to Wu Zhaizuo:

"Give us a bandage for the prince, and have fun in a while."


It was just to prevent Arthur Chen from dying too quickly.

But Chen Arthur felt a sense of relief in his heart:

"Brother, I...what am I going to do?"

Li Xiao said:

"Don't worry, an acquaintance of yours will come to play games with you in a while."

at this time,

In the Clubhouse of Heaven on Earth.

It was still hot and full of people,

At this time, it was empty, and almost all the guests were invited out!

in the hall,

The boss, Tan Hui, lowered his head, his expression extremely ugly.

Standing in front of Tan Hui,

There are Chen Fengnian, Wang Zhongjun, and Wang Zhongzhi!

"Tan Hui, what's the matter with you?! If you don't give me an explanation today, I will burn your clubhouse down!"

Chen Fengnian looked at Tan Hui with sharp eyes, and shouted without hesitation!

And Tan Hui didn't dare to say anything,

After all, such an accident occurred on his own territory,

Really dereliction of duty!

just five minutes ago,

Chen Fengnian and Wang Zhongjun received a call.

Afterwards, he rushed to the clubhouse in the heaven and earth.

Only then did I learn that,

Someone broke into the clubhouse and broke the legs and arms of seven or eight rich second generations,

The follower Zhang Lei was also fired,

Still in a coma in the hospital!

What worries Chen Fengnian and the others most is that,

Arthur Chen was kidnapped!

Wang Zhongjun took a deep breath,

cloudy face,

He couldn't believe it either,

How could someone be so bold,

Those who dare to be blatant, directly break into the clubhouse, fight and kidnap people!

Who the hell?!

After learning what happened,

Wang Zhonglei also looked at Tan Hui angrily,

Immediately slapped it up!


clear and loud slaps,

Echoes in the quiet hall!

"Are you fucking trash?!"

Wang Zhonglei shouted:

"Things like this can happen to you!"

"Where's your thug? Young Master Chen is here to play, don't you specially arrange someone to keep an eye on it?!"

Tan Hui lowered his head, gritted his teeth and said:

"I'm sorry Mr. Chen, Mr. Wang, things have already happened, I will not shirk my responsibility!"

"I have already sent someone to find Young Master Chen in the fastest time!"

"When I catch the kidnapper, I will chop him up and feed him to the dogs!"

Tan Hui's eyes were bloodshot.

Wang Zhongjun took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Come on, stop talking such useless bullshit!"

"Find Arthur first!"

"Now we don't even know who the other party is, are you a bunch of useless people?"


At this time,

A younger brother in the club ran over in a panic and said:

"Boss, the nearby surveillance cameras have checked, and the license plate numbers of the vehicles are all fake."

"And after leaving the intersection, they disappeared in the monitoring. They all walked along the road that was not monitored."

Tan Hui said angrily:

"Oh shit!"

Wang Zhongjun patted Chen Fengnian on the shoulder and said:

"Don't worry too much, if the other party simply retaliates, I'm afraid Arthur will be sent to the hospital on the spot.

"So on the other side, I'm afraid there is something that I want to talk to us about."

Chen Fengnian narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"Is this a matter of life?"

"Except for him, we have no crimes against others."

"Let's talk about the entire Beijing circle, except for the one surnamed Lin, who has the guts?"

Wang Zhongjun nodded,

At present, the only person who can be suspected is Yang Mi's godfather!

"Why don't we... call the police?"

Wang Zhongjun raised his eyebrows and said:

"If you call the police, the meaning of this matter will be different."

Chen Fengnian was a little uncertain,

Since the other party dared to kidnap,

Are you afraid of calling the police?

Chen Fengnian said coldly:

"I'll call my acquaintances in the Public Security Bureau first, and let the doctor talk to me.

Chen Fengnian took out his mobile phone,

Just about to make a phone call,

At this time, an unfamiliar number happened to call.

Chen Fengnian's heart skipped a beat,

At this time, a phone call came,


This phone number is still an overseas number!

Wang Zhongjun stared at the phone screen and said:

"Go ahead.

take a deep breath,

Chen Fengnian answered the phone.

Then, a man's voice came from the phone and said:

"Chen Fengnian, if you make random phone calls, you, my lovely nephew, won't be able to see the sun tomorrow.

The man's voice is a little strange,

It sounds like he shouldn't be Chinese.

Hear the words from the other side,

Chen Fengnian's face suddenly sank,

At the same time, I felt a little relieved.

The other party finds himself,

At the very least, there is room for negotiation!

Chen Fengnian said in a deep voice:

"You tied Arthur?!"

"How is Arthur now?!"

The other party sneered:

"The prince is fine now, but his finger was chopped off."

hear this,

Chen Fengnian widened his eyes and said eagerly:

"If something comes at me, bullying a child is nothing!"

"Say, what conditions!?"

The other party laughed and said:


"The condition is, don't make random calls."

"As long as you don't call the police, I will release you the next day."

Upon hearing this,

Everyone present frowned!

This is so...

What the fuck is this condition?

that is,

let you toss,

Still can't call the police?

If you call the police, tear up the ticket!

I have seen people kidnapped for money, kidnapped just for beating people, this is really the first time I have encountered it!

Chen Fengnian said:

"Who are you?"

"Mr. Lin's person?"

"Let's have a good talk, what's the point of playing this kind of trick?"

"This is breaking the rules!"

The man opposite said coldly:


"Didn't you break the rules first?"

"Besides, with you people, do you need any rules?"

"If you don't want to see your prince's dead body on the street, just do as I say."



The other side hung up the phone,

Only Chen Fengnian was left in a daze, listening to the busy tone on the phone.

Chen Fengnian's face was gloomy, and his heart began to


...asking for flowers......

Things have come to this,

If you really call the police,

The other party may really give Arthur Chen to...


Chen Fengnian knew the accent,

The other party is a foreigner,

These people, Bao Buqi, are really the hired killers of the Lin surname!

violated a killer's bottom line,

That's pretty scary!

Wang Zhongjun frowned and said:

"Mr. Chen, what should I do now?"

"We can't really just wait like this, let the other party make Arthur miserable!"

Chen Fengnian remained silent,


After a while, he gritted his teeth and said:

"Fuck! The other party is going to play tricks!"

"In Kyoto, this guy surnamed Lin dares to play this game!"

was talking,

An anonymous video was sent to Chen Fengnian's mobile phone.

see the video,

Chen Fengnian hastily opened it,

The rest of the people also gathered around and watched the content of the video.

in the video,

Arthur Chen knelt on the ground with blood on the corner of his mouth,

The blood on the finger is dripping,

Constantly kowtow to apologize, the voice is human!

On the side, there are still a few people with machetes standing,

It's just that you can't see the face.

After watching this short video,

All the people present felt their scalps tingling!

Chen Fengnian's eyes were red,

Trembling all over, he roared excitedly and angrily:

" the other party crazy?!"

Wang Zhongjun said:

"Arthur confessed about Tan Hui."

"The other party asked about the Wansheng Group's fire, and it was obvious that this was the order of the surname Lin to kidnap Arthur.


Tan Hui's expression was complicated, and there seemed to be some uneasiness between his brows.


The other party exposes himself,

This situation is not very optimistic!

Wang Zhongjun said:

"I think, if it doesn't work, just contact the person surnamed Lin.

"We have to take the initiative to talk to him about this matter.

Chen Fengnian gritted his teeth and nodded,

As of now, that's all there is to it!

the other side,

The roof of the Hilton Hotel.

Lin Yuan sat on a folding chair,

The city of Kyoto, which is brightly lit in front of you, can be seen at a glance.

Anna stood by and said lightly:

"Godfather, is something going to happen tonight?"

Lin Yuan took a puff of the cigarette, and the cigarette was blown by the breeze, giving off a faint red light.

Why do you think so?"

"During this time, which day will something not happen?"

Anna walked behind Lin Yuan,

Pressing Lin Yuan's shoulders, he said:

"Godfather, if something happens to Arthur Chen, will the Chen family in the Beijing area be in a hurry to jump over the wall?"

Lin Yuan looked at the brilliance in the distance with long eyes, and said calmly:

"The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, jumps out, it's still a dead dog."


At this time,

The phone in Anna's pocket rang.

Anna was slightly taken aback, at this time, who can call herself?

Lin Yuan smiled lightly and said:

"Who do you think it is?"

Anna raised her eyebrows, her eyes flickered and said:

"It should be Chen Fengnian, right?"

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand,

Anna pressed the answer button, tapped the phone and handed it to Lin Yuan.

On the other side of the phone, a middle-aged man's voice came and said:

"An Dong, I have something to ask you."

Anna stood aside and could hear,

It was Chen Fengnian who called.

Lin Yuan said lightly:

"Mr. Chen, it's not in this tone to talk to someone.

Hearing Lin Yuan's voice,

Chen Fengnian was taken aback for a moment, and then said anxiously:

"The surname is Lin...Mr. Lin, I know that you did this.

"On one condition, let Arthur go!"

Lin Yuan sneered and said:

"What are you talking about, I don't understand.

Chen Fengnian said anxiously:

"Arthur's just a kid!"

"If you use this method, you are not afraid of violating the rules and being punished by the law?!"

Lin Yuan said calmly:

"One, the ones who break the rules are you.

"From Director Feng to now, you have played black more than once."

"Second, you don't cherish the opportunity yourself. Don't you think it's too late to say this now?"

Upon hearing this,

Chen Fengnian was also a little anxious, so he shouted and said:

"My surname is Lin, have you ever thought about the consequences?!"

"By now, things have gone sour!"

"Do you know who the hell Arthur is?"

"You should be clear about the consequences of kidnapping a Red Fourth Generation!!"

Lin Yuan smiled disdainfully, and said lightly:

"Begging for help with this kind of attitude, you Beijing circles, it's really bad to be a human being.

finished speaking,

Lin Yuan hung up the phone directly.


Anna next to her also showed excitement in her eyes.

As my godfather, I will never, never be threatened by anyone.

And from the conversation just now,

Anna can learn a lot of information.

Godfather, actually directly held Arthur Chen's life in his hands,

That is to say,

The godfather has already started to use unconventional means!

In Anna's mind,

In China, godfathers rarely use such methods.

Generally only in foreign countries, will they let go and kill.

It seems that this time,

The Beijing circle is going to be completely cold for a long time. .

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