Indian Ocean,

White Elephant Country,

Presidential Residence.

Narender, President of White Elephant Country, was reviewing documents in his office.

Suddenly, the furniture in the room shook at the same time.

Narender was startled and was about to look around to see what happened.

As a result, the ground began to shake violently, and the furniture fell everywhere.

The entire presidential residence was shaky and in a mess……

President Narender subconsciously thought that there was an earthquake and hid in the corner without daring to move.

The soldiers responsible for guarding the president’s safety were very nervous.

They risked their lives to come to President Narender and prepared to escort him to the underground safe room.

Generally speaking, temporary safe rooms are built in the residences of heads of state to prevent sudden dangers and terrorist attacks……..

Of course, it can also be used as a temporary shelter to avoid earthquakes, natural disasters and other dangers!

Leonard, escorted by his personal guards, came to the safe room through a secret passage. After more than ten minutes, the vibration gradually weakened and disappeared. Narender was slightly relieved. For safety reasons, Narender did not go out immediately, but called an important confidant minister to ask what happened.



Rajat, the director of the White Elephant Intelligence Department, came to the security room urgently.

Before Rajat could speak,

Narender asked anxiously:

“Did an earthquake occur in our White Elephant Country? How severe was the earthquake? Did it cause any casualties?”The

Director of the Intelligence Agency, Rajat, shook his head and reported:

“Mr. President, our country has not suffered any damage from the earthquake.”

“According to the radar monitoring of the coastal defense base, a huge explosion just occurred on Death Island in the southeastern waters of Yan Country.”

“The aftermath of the explosion caused minor earthquakes in surrounding countries.”

“In addition to us, more than a dozen countries in the Middle East felt the earthquake.” Narender was relieved when he heard that there were no casualties in his country…….

“Yan Country?”

Narende touched his nose, thought for a few seconds, and asked doubtfully:

“That’s not right, Director Rajat, I remember that the Death Island of Yan Country is more than 1,800 kilometers away from our White Elephant Country.”

“What kind of explosion can make us feel the shock 1,800 kilometers away?”

“Are you sure your intelligence is correct?”

Rajat explained:

“At first I was also puzzled. Normally speaking, such a long distance would not be able to affect our White Elephant Country.”

“However, after repeated investigations from all angles and comparisons of various data and intelligence, I came to a surprising conclusion!”

“That is, a large-yield mushroom bomb may have been detonated on the Death Island of Yan Country, so the shock was so strong.”

“The specific situation is being compiled by the investigators of the Intelligence Agency, and there should be news coming soon.”


Mushroom bomb?

President Narender was a little impatient, he opened his mouth wide, a little unbelievable!

On the Blue Planet today, except for the Eagle Sauce Country, there is probably no country that dares to openly release mushroom bombs in the Indian Ocean.

Considering the recent conflict between the Eagle Sauce Country and the Yan Country,

Narender naturally thought that this mushroom bomb was used by the Eagle Sauce to deter the Yan Country!

Therefore, Leonard sighed:

“This Eagle Sauce is really cruel!”

“They actually used mushroom bombs to deal with a small Yan country,”

Nalund thought this might not be a bad thing, because the White Elephant Country has always regarded itself as the overlord of the Indian Ocean, and the Yan country controls the oil route of the Indian Ocean and always turns a blind eye to the requests of the White Elephant Country.

In addition, the relationship between the Yan country and the Dragon Country and the Baba Sheep Country is very good, which makes President Leonard very angry.

Naturally, the two countries often have conflicts, especially conflicts at sea…….

Therefore, the relationship between Yan Kingdom and Baixiang Kingdom has always been bad……

Yan Country is courting its own demise. It is only a matter of time before Yan Country is destroyed by the Eagle Sauce.

For the White Elephant Country, once Yan Country is finished, there will be one less strong competitor in the Indian Ocean! Intelligence Director Rajet thought this was a bit abnormal. If the Eagle Sauce Country wanted to destroy Yan Country, it would only need to send two aircraft carrier battle groups. There was no need to use large-yield mushroom bombs.


Combined with the TV speech delivered by Qin Tian, the Crown Prince of Yan State a few days ago,

Director Rajet said with some concern:

“Mr. President, do you think this mushroom bomb was released by Yan Country?”

“Yesterday, the Crown Prince of Yan Country announced that part of the Indian Ocean would be designated as a no-fly zone in preparation for conducting a mushroom bomb test.”


President Leonard smiled contemptuously:


“Absolutely impossible!”

“Even our White Elephant Country is not capable of manufacturing a high-yield mushroom bomb. How can Yan Country produce it? It’s simply a dream!”

Lajet thought about it carefully and agreed. He nodded and said:

“That’s true. Yan Country can never be more advanced than our White Elephant Country in mushroom bomb technology.”

The White Elephant people always have a natural self-confidence.

Let alone Yan Country, in their eyes, even Dragon Country is garbage among garbage.

Speaking of this,

President Leonard suddenly thought of something and reminded with a smile:

“I think that this time Yan Country will definitely be destroyed by the Eagle Sauce!”

“Judging from the way the Eagle Sauce behaves, Yan Country may very likely be dismembered into several small countries!”

“Taking advantage of this opportunity, we secretly occupied several overseas islands of Yan Country.”

“Then, find some historical documents and say that those islands have been the territory of our White Elephant Country since ancient times.”

“By then, I can give some benefits to the Eagle Sauce Country, and I can legally take these islands for myself!”

Many overseas islands of Yan Country are located in the waters of the Indian Ocean.

These islands are not only rich in resources, but also important in location!

They can also become key transit points for Indian Ocean trade!

They are rare natural harbors and military ports!

After hearing this, Director Rajet showed a greedy smile and thought this was a good idea. After all, after Yan Country was destroyed by the Eagle Sauce Country, it could not fight against the White Elephant Country, so it would be a waste not to occupy those islands!

“Yes, Mr. President, I will do it right away.”

Before Rajet walked out of the door, the president’s full-time secretary rushed in with a document in his hand, handed it to President Leonard, and reported:

“Mr. President, we have already found out about the explosion. It was indeed a mushroom bomb that caused the earthquake.”

“However, this mushroom bomb was not released by the Eagle Sauce Country, but by the Yan Country. After hitting the Death Island of the Yan Country, it successfully detonated.”


“How is this possible!”

After hearing the report, President Leonard and Intelligence Director Rajette exclaimed almost at the same time.

Yan Country successfully detonated a mushroom bomb?

Its power was so strong that they could feel the shock even though they were 1,800 kilometers away?

How is this possible?

Leonard and Rajette were both stunned.

Their worldviews collapsed………

“Are you sure this mushroom bomb was launched from Yan Country?”President Leonard asked anxiously.

The secretary nodded woodenly:

“Mr. President, it is absolutely true that radar, military satellites, and other detection equipment,”

“All the evidence clearly shows that this mushroom bomb was launched from Yan Country. Here is the detailed intelligence information, please take a look!”

Leonard and Rajet looked at each other in disbelief, took the intelligence information, and read it carefully.

After reading it, their faces turned black instantly, and they felt worse than eating shit……Leonard and Rajet couldn’t understand how a small country like

Yan could develop a large-yield mushroom bomb.

You know, the White Elephant Country is one of the top five countries in the world in terms of GDP, with an annual military expenditure of more than 80 billion US dollars, while the GDP of Yan Country is only ranked 28th in the world, with an annual military expenditure of only about 20 billion US dollars.

The White Elephant Country does not have the ability to manufacture large-yield mushroom bombs, so how can your Yan Country make them?

President Leonard obviously could not accept this result.

The Yan Country, which he looked down upon, actually had a mushroom bomb with a larger yield and more advanced technology than his own…….

This severely hit his self-confidence.

Leonard was extremely depressed.

He originally wanted to go to Yan Country to pick up some bargains and occupy a few islands…….

You tell me, he has mushroom bombs?…………………………

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