Qin Tian pondered for two seconds and said:

“If we have a mushroom war with the Eagle Country, it will not be good for our Yan Country.”

“My idea is to launch a blank round of the Judgment Sword I intercontinental missile to scare President Leiden of the Eagle Sauce and show our strength.”

“Behind this Eagle Sauce Country, it is actually controlled by the Angsa Group and the Squid Group!”

“These financial groups live a high and mighty life, and they are all afraid of death.”

“We must let them know that our Yan country is fully capable of destroying the Eagle Sauce homeland. If they want to die, we will accompany them to the end!”

It is the stupidest thing to fight against the Eagle Sauce Mushroom.

Qin Tian has the blessing of the system.

He only needs a safe development time to surpass the Eagle Sauce Country.

It is easy.

The Prime Minister Li Nanfeng agreed with this method very much.

He slapped his thigh and said:

“Blank bullet?”

“This is a good idea! It can show our strength without causing too much consequences!”

“The most important thing is that if the United States sees our intercontinental missiles passing through the United States and cannot be intercepted, it will probably be so angry that its face will be twisted…….”

King Qin Shanhe also nodded and said affirmatively:

“It’s time to teach the Eagle Country a lesson for always threatening our Yan Country!”

“We have to let them know that our Yan Country is not to be trifled with!”

“Tian’er, just leave this matter to me. You are fully responsible for it!”

“Yes! Father.”

Qin Tian bowed and replied.

After that,

Qin Tian did not hesitate and quickly ordered the staff of the entire Beifeng Research Base to start preparing for the launch.

The academicians, researchers and staff of Yan Country immediately put down their work and entered the launch station to check the equipment and fill the fuel……

King Qin Shanhe, Crown Prince Qin Tian, Prime Minister Li Nanfeng and others came to the launch command center together.


Qin Tian served as the commander-in-chief and controlled the overall situation:

【Report! The inspection of the Judgment Sword 1 intercontinental missile has been completed, and everything is normal!】

【Report! Fuel and booster inspection completed, everything is normal!】

【Report! The optical tracking equipment has been checked and everything is normal!】

【Report! The silo is in place and working fine!】


【Report, all launch equipment has been checked and can be launched! 】

Qin Tian looked determined, looking forward, and gave the order:

“I order the Judgment Sword 1 intercontinental missile to launch!”…………………………



A deafening roar came from the bottom of the launch silo, shaking the earth!

【The tail of the Judgment Sword No. 1 continued to spew out flames, and white heat waves kept rolling in the air.

In just a few seconds,

【The intercontinental missile rose from the ground at lightning speed and disappeared at the end of the sky……

【The initial acceleration of the intercontinental missile was very fast, and it quickly reached 6 times the speed of sound….

In just a dozen seconds, it entered the level 2 boost acceleration state.

【Report! Stage 1 booster ignition completed!】

【Report! The booster has come off successfully!】

【Report! The projectile’s trajectory is normal.】

【Report! 2nd stage booster ignition successful!】

【Report! The fairing popped out, normal!】

【Report! Current speed: Mach 8.25! 】

Looking at the speed data constantly jumping on the big screen,

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng was filled with emotion.

“I never dreamed that we could have such an advanced intercontinental missile!”

King Qin Shanhe beside him also smiled:

“This time, our Yan country has upgraded its weapons, so we should not underestimate it. Hahahaha…….”

“Ha ha……”

The ministers behind him also laughed.

Just a few days ago, the generals of Yan State trembled when they saw the Eagle Sauce army.

Now the situation has reversed.

The trembling people have become the Eagle Sauce country.

The ministers are naturally very happy.

【Report! Stage 3 boost ignition successful!】

【Report! The intercontinental missile successfully entered suborbital orbit!】

【Report! Current speed: Mach 23.8!】

【Report! The missile body temperature is normal!】

【……………】 then,

【The Sword of Judgment No. 1 successfully entered the suborbital space to fly around the earth.

At this stage, the state of the intercontinental missile has stabilized, and it will also complete the final acceleration here……

【Report! Final stage booster ready to launch!】

【Report! Current speed is Mach 40! Acceleration complete!】

【Report! The anti-interference system is operating normally!】

【Report! Decoy bomb released successfully!】

【Current number of decoy bombs: 218!】

【Estimated time to hit the target: 6 minutes! 】

How many?

218 decoy bombs?

When Li Nanfeng heard this number, his pupils trembled slightly, and a huge wave of emotion surged in his heart….

It’s too scary!

You know, the most powerful Sammat ICBM of Blue Star can release up to 40 decoy bombs, while [Sword of Judgment No. 1] can release 218 decoy bombs at a time!

It is 5 times as many as the Sammat ICBM!

The so-called decoy bomb is a means for ICBMs to resist interception.

With the current technical level of Blue Star, the most effective way to intercept hypersonic ICBMs is to calculate the ballistic flight trajectory during the ICBM’s suborbital flight , and then launch air defense missiles for preventive interception.

This stage is also the weakest stage of ICBMs, and the means of anti-interception are very limited.

The role of the decoy bomb is equivalent to giving the main warhead a multiple shadow clone, which can not only confuse the enemy’s radar and affect the enemy’s detection, but also release the wrong ballistic trajectory to confuse the enemy’s radar.


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