Lin Liangjiang, president of the Yanguo Academy of Sciences, agreed very much with what Lin Fan said.

He understood that the choice of technology research and development route was very important.

If you follow the original technology route and slowly research, you will never catch up with others in your lifetime.

While you are developing, others are also developing.

No country will stand still and wait for you, so he said:

“I agree with the development plan of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. Now we are being bullied by the Eagle Sauce. If we are still bullied by the Eagle Sauce after we develop a light aircraft carrier, then what is the point of developing it?”

“Why not just do it in one step! Just research the strongest and most advanced aircraft carrier! They, the Eagle Sauce people, have two shoulders to support one head, and we, the Yan people, also have two shoulders to support one head, and we are no worse than them!”

“What the Eagles can research, we Yan people can definitely research as well. Even if we can’t research it in the short term, I believe we can research it in the future!”

The academicians present all expressed their support:

“You are right! I also support His Royal Highness the Crown Prince’s proposal”

“Yes, I also support His Royal Highness the Crown Prince”

“And I!”


Qin Tian nodded slightly, glanced at Prime Minister Li Nanfeng, and said:

“Teacher, if you don’t think about the future, you will worry about the present. If you don’t think about the overall situation, you won’t be able to plan for a specific area!”

Li Nanfeng didn’t understand these principles, but he felt that Yan Country had little capital and couldn’t afford to make trouble. If they didn’t figure it out

, Yan Country might never be able to turn things around.

In the end, after weighing the pros and cons, he chose to believe Qin Tian:

“Your Highness, you have successfully convinced me, and I agree with your plan.”

Li Nanfeng is the Prime Minister of Yan State.

With his statement, the matter is basically settled.

King Qin Shanhe doesn’t know much about technology and military affairs, so he has never had a chance to interrupt.

Seeing that all the ministers agreed, he immediately issued a royal decree:

“In this case, then it is settled. I grant Crown Prince Qin Tian the highest authority to mobilize the country’s financial, human and material resources to implement this plan.”

“”Yes! Your Majesty!”

The ministers replied.

After the meeting,

Qin Tian called the director of the Research Institute, Lin Liangjiang, and several of the most core academicians of Yan Country, and called them to his office.

When they arrived at the office,

Qin Tian pointed to a dozen wooden boxes in the office and said:

“Dean Lin, here are the design drawings of the 150,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and the Lingxiao stealth fighter. You are all the most authoritative technical experts in our Yan country. Please familiarize yourself with this manufacturing plan first.”

“Calculate how much money, how many people, and how long it will take to build it. I will prepare and we will start the project.”

At present, after Qin Tian’s continuous learning and understanding, the two technologies of 150,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and Lingxiao stealth fighter have been completely broken through.

It is time to let the academicians get in touch with the design drawings, let them familiarize themselves with the manufacturing plan and sketches in advance, and conceive of the specific manufacturing plan……..

After all, the manufacture of a 150,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier and a stealth fighter is not a small project.

First, you have to build a large military port that can accommodate an aircraft carrier…….

Secondly, we need to build hundreds of factories to support aircraft carriers and stealth fighters……

All these require academicians to execute the manufacturing plan according to the standards.

Qin Tian is great, but he is just one person and cannot do all the work.

Cultivating the ability of academicians is also very important to Qin Tian.

When they heard that it was the design drawings of aircraft carriers and stealth fighters, several academicians’ eyes were wide open and they gathered around.

They opened the box and took out some drawings.

With a simple glance, they were deeply attracted by the contents. The more they read, the more excited they became…….

At the end, everyone was so shocked that even their cheeks and lips trembled slightly:

“this……..This is really the manufacturing sketch of an aircraft carrier and a stealth fighter!”

“Look at the overall structural concept and planning details of this sketch. It seems to be more advanced than the USS Volt.”

“The design concept of this Lingxiao stealth fighter is also very advanced. It is estimated that after it is produced, it will definitely crush the Eagle Sauce’s FF-220 fighter!”

“Your Highness, who drew this sketch? Has our Yan country introduced foreign talents again?”

Yan country has no technical experience in the field of aircraft carriers and stealth fighters.

After seeing this sketch, the academicians thought that Yan country had introduced foreign talents with high salaries……..

Qin Tian smiled awkwardly:

“This is a state secret, just familiarize yourself with it as soon as possible.”

“Remember, never tell anyone about this sketch, not even your wife, children, or parents.”

“Yes! Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

The academicians were filled with joy and responded in high spirits…….

Afterwards, the development plan proposed by Qin Tian was quickly implemented.

In the following period,

Qin Tian was very busy, from building new factories, selecting talents, building military ports, security protection to personnel appointments, etc.

After careful calculations by Yan Guo academicians, the total manufacturing cost of 150,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carriers and Lingxiao stealth fighters is about 100 billion US dollars, which is a considerable amount for Yan Guo. Although Yan Guo is rich in oil and gas resources and has relatively high fiscal revenue,……

The rash transfer of 100 billion US dollars from the national treasury still put a lot of financial pressure on Yan Country!

When the funding application was submitted to King Qin Shanhe and Prime Minister Li Nanfeng for review, they also felt a pain in their hearts.

After discussion, they finally decided that the funds would be allocated to Yan Country’s scientific research team in two phases.

The first phase was 50 billion US dollars, which was soon received.

As the saying goes, the speed of payment determines the completion time.

After the money arrived, many academicians of Yan Country began to work day and night, and the construction of aircraft carriers and stealth fighters began…….

However, the chief guard Hu Shan had been waiting in Qin Tian’s office for a long time:

“Your Highness, I have already done what you asked me to do. Here is the list we drew up. Please take a look.”………………………….

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