In the Presidential Residence of the Eagle Sauce Country

, after a few days of treatment,

President Leiden’s body has recovered and his complexion has improved a lot.

After being discharged from the hospital, he came to the Presidential Office as soon as possible and couldn’t wait to gather all the Eagle Sauce elites together.

There was only one purpose, that is, to retaliate against the Yan Country!

The president of the most powerful country was fooled several times by the crown prince of a small country within a few days. Even the Statue of Liberty, the most symbolic of the Eagle Sauce, was shattered. This undoubtedly made the Eagle Sauce Country suffer a heavy slap in the face in front of the people of the world. President Leiden was so angry that he broke eight of his back teeth. He really couldn’t swallow this breath.

Desperately wanting to take revenge on Yan Guo and Qin Tian,

“These past few days have been the most embarrassing for me since I took over as president. My approval rating has dropped to an all-time low, and people all over the world are laughing at me!”

“Our Statue of Liberty was destroyed by the Yankee Country. This is the greatest insult the Eagle Sauce Country has suffered in its 200 years of existence!”

“I must avenge this, we must use all means to make Yan Country pay the most painful price!”

President Leiden roared angrily at the senior officials, his voice several decibels higher than before.

Everyone present also knew the purpose of this meeting. During the days when President Leiden was hospitalized, everyone was busy thinking about how to retaliate against Yan Country.

Vice President Daniel took his plan and handed it to President Leiden, reporting:

“Mr. President, now that Yan Country has hypersonic missiles and mushroom bombs, it is impossible to force Yan Country to surrender by force.”

“My suggestion is to start from other aspects and completely defeat Yan Country, such as our most commonly used economic means.”

“Go on,”

President Leiden also knew that it was no longer realistic to use force to make Yan Country surrender , because the only result of using force would be a mushroom bombardment and the destruction of the world…….

Even if he agrees, the consortium behind the Eagle Sauce Country will not agree.

“This is the economic report of Yan Country that I investigated.”

“At present, Yan’s economy is very simple, and its fiscal revenue depends entirely on oil and natural gas. Other industries are not well developed. Domestic daily necessities, such as clothes, hats, and food, need to be imported from abroad.”

“Their agriculture, industry, electronics and other related industries are seriously unbalanced and quite backward.”

“My suggestion is to unite the West and pro-Eagle countries to impose the most severe economic blockade on Yan Country. As long as no one buys Yan Country’s oil! Then Yan Country’s economy will inevitably collapse!”

The strength of the Eagle Sauce Country is not only military, but also in the economy, trade, rule-making, and influence of Blue Star. The

Eagle Sauce has absolute dominance, not to mention that he has a group of younger brothers who follow him like a kneeling licker.

“I agree with Vice President Daniel’s suggestion.”

“Mr. President, my colleagues, please don’t forget……Wasn’t it the same way we dismantled the terrifying Polar Bear Alliance back then?”

“The economy is the lifeblood of a country. If the economy stagnates, people’s lives will become difficult, and the regime will not be able to continue. Sooner or later, it will be overthrown by the poor people.”

The speaker is Claire, the director of the Treasury Department of the Eagle Sauce Country.

He has the most say in the economy.

He knows that economic means are like an invisible depth bomb.

Economically weak countries are simply unable to resist it………

President Leiden was persuaded.

He stroked his chin and thought for a few seconds.

“All right! Let’s do as you say! We must not let Yan Country live a comfortable life for a single day!”

“Yes, Mr. President”…………………………

That afternoon, the Director of the Foreign Affairs Department of the United States held a press conference and announced the resolution of economic sanctions against Yan State.

When the resolution was released, almost all countries in the Western world followed the United States and announced the resolution of sanctions against Yan State!

Among them, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and other countries responded positively.

On the day the resolution came into effect, dozens of pro-Eagle countries stopped economic and trade exchanges with Yan State, and many large-scale cooperation projects were forced to stop, which caused Yan State’s oil and gas export trade volume to drop by 40%!…………………………

In Yan Country,

Beifeng Scientific Research Base, in the experimental field,

Qin Tian and a group of academicians gathered together, watching dozens of suicide drones performing test flights and rocket tests.

These are the two latest research results of Yan Country, the Woodpecker-class drone launcher and the HIMARS R rocket launcher!



First of all, the suicide drone performed very well, bypassing layers of monitoring and finally hitting the target fortress accurately, with bursts of explosions being heard.

Secondly, the HIMARS R rocket launcher test showed that its range, speed and accuracy all met the standards and requirements!


“Very good!”

“The experiment was successful!”

“Snap Snap Snap……..”

The academicians stood up excitedly and clapped their hands continuously.

The excitement on their faces was self-evident………………………….

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