When Shilov heard this parameter, he was stunned…..

He muttered these numbers silently:

“The suicide drone has a range of 15 kilometers, a single unit weight of 4.5 kilograms, and an effective killing distance of 20 meters……….”

“The HIMARS rocket launcher has a range of more than 450 kilometers and a shooting accuracy of less than 5 meters……….”


This parameter is more than enough!

It is several times higher than the standard value.

Special Envoy Shilov suddenly stood up from his seat and looked at Qin Tian in shock, his eyes full of disbelief:

“Your Highness, does Yan Country really have such drones and rocket launchers?”

As the Director of the National Health Agency of Mao Bear Country, Shilov naturally has a better understanding of military weapons.

At present, the suicide drones used by Mao Bear Country on the battlefield have a range radius of less than 3 kilometers and are very weak. They can neither hit tanks nor radars. Not to mention the long charging time, the endurance time is only five hours.

Compared with the drones described by Qin Tian, they are simply dregs!

As for rocket launchers, the HIMARS rocket launcher currently used by Er Mao Country has a range of only 300 kilometers, while the HIMARS R rocket launcher mentioned by Qin Tian has a range of 450 kilometers!

Not only that……The shooting speed, loading speed, and shooting accuracy are also faster than the HIMARS rocket launcher of Ermao Country! Qin Tian was not surprised to see Shilov’s shocked eyes :

“Special Envoy Shilov, as the crown prince of Yan Country, is there any need for me to lie to you?”

“Incredible! Absolutely incredible!”

Shilov shook his head in disbelief, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and cautiously tried:

“Your Highness, I am very interested in the weapons you mentioned. I wonder if you are willing to sell them to me.”

Qin Tian spread his hands and said frankly:

“Of course! As long as the price is right, you can buy as much as you want.”

Shilov was delighted when he heard this, but he was the director of a country after all, so he didn’t show his emotions.

On the surface, he pretended to be calm and said:

“Your Highness, how much do these drone fire launchers and HIMARS-R rocket launchers cost?”

“Woodpecker I unmanned cruise missile fire support vehicle, 3 million US dollars a set! HIMARS R rocket launcher, 10 million US dollars a set, and a shell is 150,000 US dollars……..”

Qin Tian remained calm and told the price.

Shilov was shocked and coughed awkwardly:


This price is too expensive……..

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world.

A drone launcher that costs 3 million US dollars can only carry 60 drone cruise missiles , which is equivalent to a cost of 50,000 US dollars for one unmanned cruise missile, which is more than twice as expensive as an ordinary drone!

The price of the HIMARS R-type rocket launcher is not cheap. At

10 million US dollars per set, it is slightly more expensive than the one sold in the United States, but the shells are too expensive,

15 US dollars per shell!

This is tantamount to robbing money!

You must know that a weapon like the HIMARS rocket launcher will fire 108 rockets in a round of salvos for dozens of seconds, and 108 rockets are 16.

2 million US dollars!

The shells are so expensive, what else is this but robbing money? It makes money faster than robbing a bank!

Although the parameters and performance of Yan Country’s weapons are very advanced, the cost performance is too low.

The money of the Bear Country is not blown by the wind, so it must be calculated carefully.

Shilov tried to bargain with Qin Tian and said:

“Sorry, Your Highness, the price of your drone and artillery shells is really too high. We in the Bear Country can’t afford it…….”

“You know, we are in a tight situation on the battlefield and need to purchase a lot of ammunition. Can you give us a cheaper price?”

Qin Tian expected Shilov to say this.

Indeed, the price of Yan’s weapons is a bit high, but…..

The practical value of these weapons is absolutely beyond imagination!

The system’s products must be top-notch! Qin Tian is still very confident about this. The most important thing is that Qin Tian is not a philanthropist and does not make money.

……Why should I sell it to you?

Besides, how many countries in this world are willing to sell weapons to the Russians?

The weapons of Persia and North Korea are just simple imitations, which are totally incomparable with the Eagle equipment of the two countries!

The current situation is that you, the Russians, may not be able to buy advanced drones and rocket launchers!

Having said that,

Qin Tian did not act too strong.

After all, having a good relationship with the Russians is beneficial to the Yan country now!

So, Qin Tian said:

“Special Envoy Shilov, this price is already the lowest price, and we cannot offer any more discounts.”

“But considering the friendship and affection between our two countries, let’s do this…….Take the drone fire vehicle and HIMARS R rocket launcher back and use them first.”

“If there is no effect on the battlefield, I don’t want a penny.”

“If you think the actual combat effect is very good, how about coming to me to place an order?”

Shilov hesitated for a second and asked:

“Your Highness, the Crown Prince, if there is no effect, you don’t want money? Really?”

“A gentleman’s word is as good as his bond!”

Qin Tian was also very straightforward.

Shilov was tempted.

Since it had no effect and didn’t cost money, it would be a waste to use it. He immediately replied:

“Thank you, His Royal Highness, for your support to our Bear Country!”

Qin Tian replied politely:

“Haha, you’re welcome!”

After saying that, he turned his head and said to the secretary next to him:

“When Special Envoy Shilov left, he was asked to take away ten unmanned cruise missile fire support vehicles and HIMARS R rocket launchers!”

“Yes! Your Highness!”

After the explanation,

Qin Tian and Shilov continued to eat and chat.

Soon the banquet ended with laughter.

That night,

Shilov returned home……………………….

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