Soon, in the National Council Hall of Yan State, the Prime Minister Li Nanfeng, the Chief of the Armed Forces Cao

Desheng, the Air Force Commander Ying Xinzhi, the Army Commander Shi Zixing and other ministers gathered here.

The king’s seat on the stage was empty, and

Qin Tian sat on the assistant seat next to him.

In the row below sat the ministers and generals…… at this time……

Shang Song, the Royal Household Manager, stood up and saluted Qin Tian, bowing and saying:

“Report to Your Highness, His Majesty the King cannot come due to illness. He said that you will have full authority to make the decision for this meeting and grant you the authority to be the regent. During His Majesty’s recuperation, you will be responsible for all national affairs of Yan State.”

“Is my father okay?……?”

Qin Tian asked with concern

“Your Highness, the doctor said that your Majesty’s health is an old problem and he needs to rest…….Please do not disturb me during this period of time……”

Hearing that King Qin Shanhe was fine,

Qin Tian felt relieved:

“OK, I understand. Let’s start today’s meeting.”

“Teachers, generals, I will stop talking nonsense. The latest news came from the Intelligence Agency.”

“The dozens of gold, silver, copper, rare earth and other mineral resources we just took over from the Resistance Fox, as well as oil fields, natural gas and other overseas resources, were attacked and occupied by local terrorist armed forces, and hundreds of Yan country staff were killed…….”

“According to our agents, most of these so-called terrorist armed forces are active soldiers of the Squid Country in disguise. They pretend to be Middle Eastern terrorists and carefully planned these terrorist attacks. It is obvious that……This is a blatant act of revenge,” Qin Tian paused and continued:

“The Squid Nation is very unhappy that we provide weapons to the Middle Eastern countries. They dare not declare war on us, the Yan Nation, directly, but use this dirty and disgusting method to attack our overseas mineral resources…….”

“”The purpose of the”577″ Squid Nation is not to cause casualties to us, but to disrupt the development of our overseas assets, so that we cannot obtain monetary benefits, retreat from the difficulties, and give up providing weapons to the Middle Eastern countries.”

“At present, it is urgent to protect our overseas assets. If we retreat this time, all our Yan country’s overseas assets may be attacked in the future, so we must fight back resolutely!”

“Not only must we fight back, but we must also make the Squid Nation pay five times, ten times, or even twenty times the price!”

“Therefore, I decided to form an overseas special operations corps to carry out a special military operation, specifically responsible for eliminating overseas terrorist armed forces and guarding the safety of our overseas property!”

At present, these overseas mineral assets are very important to Yan Country.

Whether it is economic development or the production and manufacturing of weapons and equipment, mineral resources are indispensable!

Especially some unique rare earth resources, which

Yan Country does not have at all.

In the past, it could only rely on overseas imports.

Once it is strangled by the West, some cutting-edge weapons, intercontinental missiles, and aircraft will not be able to continue to be produced!

This is very fatal to the national strategic security of Yan Country!


These overseas minerals will provide Yan State with a considerable amount of fiscal revenue, which just makes up for the losses caused by the decline in oil and gas exports.

Yan State has signed ore transportation contracts with Long State, Badong and other countries.

If it fails to perform on time, it will be a breach of contract, and Yan State will pay a large amount of breach of contract fees for this! Qin Tian cannot accept this result! Therefore, Qin Tian must fight back for both reason and benefit! Although Qin Tian does not want to participate in the war, but now

……The Squid Nation punched him in the face,

Qin Tian would never tolerate it!

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng said nothing and directly expressed his support:

“Your Highness, we support your decision! These damn squid people, we didn’t provoke them, but they actually took the initiative to provoke us, it’s time to let them know how powerful our Yan country is!”

The other generals and commanders were also indignant and said:

“That’s right, Your Highness, just give the order, and we will make the Squid Country pay the price!”

“And me! I will go to the battlefield myself and destroy all these Squid Nation soldiers!”

“Your Highness, please issue the combat mission! We promise to fulfill the mission!”


Seeing that everyone agreed with the battle decision,

Qin Tian did not say anything more and immediately gave the order:

“Okay, I declare that one hundred thousand elite troops will be drawn from the navy, army and air force to form an overseas special operations corps, which will be stationed in our overseas mineral resource areas to eliminate all local squid armies and terrorist armed forces, and all rebels encountered will be eliminated!”

“Remember, this time all troops are allowed to carry heavy firepower weapons and use all the newly equipped weapons, including the Air Force and Rocket Force, who will all provide assistance!”

“I will not let go of any enemy that attacks Yan Country. I will not accept surrender or negotiation! Until all the squid soldiers and terrorists are dead and completely eliminated!”

At this moment,

Qin Tian looked forward with a determined look and a serious expression.

The ruthlessness in his eyes was self-evident!

All the generals felt the cold murderous intent in Qin Tian’s words.

They immediately stood up and obeyed the order:

“Yes! Your Highness!”


Qin Tian thought of something and continued:

“besides……The Squid Nation likes to do this kind of tricks, so we can’t let them off easily. Bring the map over.”

Upon hearing this, the assistant next to him immediately brought the map over and spread it out in front of everyone.

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng and the generals immediately surrounded them.

Qin Tian picked up the baton, pointed to a location on the map, and said:

“This is it, the city of Kol in the Golan Heights. It is the iron ore resource city of the Squid Country. It has many factories and power plants, and is heavily guarded. It is very important to the Squid Country.”

“As the saying goes, if you don’t take revenge, you are not a gentleman. I, Qin Tian, never take revenge overnight! Didn’t the squid attack dozens of our mining factories? Then we will blow up his Kuer City and cut off the power supply to their entire north! This will give the squid country a warning!”

“I ordered the special operations corps to be divided into two parts. One part will annihilate the local terrorists disguised as the Squid Army and be responsible for the security of the overseas mines. The other part will directly surround the city of Kuhl!”

“Then, we will use our Yan country’s most advanced intercontinental missiles, warm-water bombs, rockets, and long-range weapons to carry out a saturation bombing of the city of Kul.”

“Don’t the squid people like God? Then I will send all the squid people in Kule City to heaven and let them confess their sins in front of God!”

For Qin Tian,

the philosophy he believes in is to hit the first punch to avoid a hundred punches!

He understands that at this moment, the whole world is watching Yan Country.

If Qin Tian’s response this time is not shocking enough and not enough to shock Xiao Xiao, in the future, the Eagle Sauce, the West, and the messy local armed forces in the Middle East will all learn from the behavior of the Squid Country and continuously attack the overseas assets of Yan Country and threaten the economic income of Yan Country!

This is something Qin Tian will never allow to happen!

Therefore, Qin Tian must retaliate against the attack and provocation of the Squid Country this time. Not only must he retaliate, but he must also shock the whole world and let the top leaders of various countries understand that whoever dares to make a dirty move behind Yan Country will be cut off by Yan Country! Therefore


Qin Tian even took out super killer weapons such as intercontinental missiles and warm duck bombs……However

, when Prime Minister Li Nanfeng and the commanders heard about intercontinental missiles and warm duck bombs, they were stunned.

Everyone looked at Qin Tian in amazement.

They all understood what these two weapons meant.

It meant that the city of Kuer in the Squid Country might not even have an ant left. Everything would be blown to ashes……

The damage of these two weapons is second only to mushroom bombs! Their terrifying power…..It goes without saying!

This order caused concern among the ministers…….

The Squid Nation is also a country with a bad temper.

It has always been walking sideways in the Middle East, and it doesn’t care about anyone!

And they also have a lot of mushroom bombs.

If the Squid Nation is provoked, it will trigger a mushroom bombardment between the two countries! (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The consequences will be serious!

The Prime Minister Li Nanfeng’s face sank, and he hurriedly reminded:

“Your Highness, isn’t it a bit too harsh to use intercontinental missiles and pseudo-mushroom bombs such as Wenya bombs?”

“I’m afraid that if we’re not careful, it will trigger a mushroom bomb war between the two countries! At that time, we will lose more than we gain…….”

Qin Tian explained calmly:[]

“Don’t worry, the Squid Nation is not as tough as you think. Don’t forget that the Squid Nation’s mushroom bomb launch rights are in the hands of the Eagle Sauce Nation.”

“As long as we tell Eagle Sauce clearly that once the Squid Country launches a mushroom bomb attack on the Yan Country, we will launch a mushroom bomb counterattack against both the Eagle Sauce Country and the Squid Country at the same time!”

“Tell me, will the consortium behind the Eagle Sauce Country agree to the squid launching mushroom bombs?”

At this point,

Li Nanfeng and the generals also came to their senses.

With the Eagle Sauce Consortium’s fear of death, they would not dare to get involved in a mushroom bombing with the Yan Country even if they had a hundred guts. After all, those consortium masters were reluctant to give up their power to”call the wind and rain” and their luxurious life. Prime Minister Li Nanfeng thought about it carefully and still felt that something was wrong, so he continued to remind:

“Your Highness, if the war starts rashly, even if the squid dares not use mushroom bombs, the two countries will inevitably compete in conventional combat power.”

“This means that the entire territory of Yan Country will be within the attack range of the Squid Country Air Force. Our Lingxiao stealth fighters and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers have not yet been completed, and the air force does not have an advantage.”

“I worry……War will affect the safety of our people at home and our economic and technological development…….”

Qin Tian understood the terrible consequences of the war without Li Nanfeng’s detailed explanation. However, Qin Tian was not stupid enough to declare war on the Squid Nation. He said:

“Teacher, safety cannot be begged for. Only when we defeat and scare the Squid Nation will they not dare to continue attacking us!”

“The reason why I deployed the ICBM and the Wenya missile is to warn the Squid Nation, to make them feel scared! Feel terrified!”

“The more cowardly we are, the more aggressive the enemy will be…….The tougher we are, the more cowardly the enemy becomes!”

“Besides……Who said that our Yan country is going to attack the squid country?”

“Teacher, generals, this is clearly a terrorist attack on the city of Kul in the Squid Country by armed forces in various regions of the Resistance Fox. What does it have to do with our Yan Country?”

After these words came out,

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng and the generals understood instantly.

After they looked at each other, they all smiled knowingly. If your Squid Country can pretend to be terrorists to attack Yan Country’s overseas minerals, then why can’t Yan Country pretend to be a local armed force to attack your important cities in the Squid Country?

This method of attacking the enemy country in the name of [illegal terrorist attacks] is common in the struggles among countries around the world.

Everyone knows it tacitly and it is almost an unspoken rule…….

The ministers immediately shook off their worries and became more energetic.

They all said with emotion:

“Haha, local armed forces, this is a good idea! It has nothing to do with our Yan country!”

“Yes! Even if we go to the League of Nations, the Squid Nation can’t do anything to us!”

“Now we can go after the squid without any hesitation. He deserves it!”


After hearing this, Qin Tian also smiled confidently:

“It’s settled now, you all go and prepare!”

“”Yes! Your Highness!”

After that, all the ministers left the parliament hall and began to prepare for the expedition.

War is no joke. In fact, launching a war is very cumbersome, from the allocation of various military supplies such as logistics, ammunition, food, and bulletproof vests, to the debugging of weapons such as tanks, artillery, and infantry vehicles, from a grain of rice in the military rations to the preparation of intercontinental missiles, the eating and drinking of a hundred thousand troops, there are too many things to be busy with!

That evening, countless Yan soldiers began to gather, countless tanks, infantry vehicles, and transport planes headed to the front line.

A military special operation from Yan was about to begin……

Afterwards, the Yan country troops that completed the assembly first crossed the border and entered the occupied area of the Yemen Slippers Army.

After arriving at the combat area, they set up camp and waited for orders from their superiors.

Some troops arrived at the Pearl Party on long-range transport aircraft, while others arrived in Syria and other places on warships.

The 100,000-strong army from Yan country was like this…….Fully armed, they marched into the territories of the Middle Eastern countries.

Among them, nearly 40,000 Yan State troops came to Syria.

The reason why so many people came to Syria was that Syria was the country with the largest territory, the largest population, and the most mineral and oil field resources mortgaged to Yan State among the resistance fox forces!

Moreover, they also bordered the Squid State!

Therefore, Yan State sent the most special forces to Syria.

In addition, Syria and the Squid State had an irreconcilable feud in 1.0, and it was impossible for them to betray Yan State!

In the six Middle East wars, the Squid State used its powerful military force to occupy the Golan Heights in Syria.

This occupation lasted for decades.

Syria was weak and could hardly see the possibility of returning it!

This time, Yan State sent troops to help Syria fight local terrorists. Naturally

, the Syrian authorities welcomed it with open arms!

After the Yan army arrived in Syria, the Syrian president appointed General Ayuri of the National Defense Agency to go to the Yan station. The first purpose was to pay friendly regards to the Yan army and express the Syrian authorities’ concern for the Yan country.

The second purpose was to assist the Yan army in clearing out local terrorists as a staff officer.

After all, the Yan army were all outsiders and did not know much about the local conditions and terrain in Syria.

They needed a local as a guide to help the Yan win the war.


General Ayuri pulled dozens of transport vehicles carrying vegetables and food to the Yan station camp.

General Liu Qiang, the commander of the Yan army, went out to greet them.

“Hello! General Ayuri!”

“Hello! General Liu Qiang!”

After shaking hands and greeting each other, they exchanged a few pleasantries:

“General Liu Qiang, these are some fresh vegetables and food sent by Syria. They are just a token of our appreciation, not a token of respect!”

“Thank you very much for the generosity and friendship of Syria. Please come in, General Ayuri!”

After saying that, General Liu Qiang waved to his subordinates, signaling the soldiers to come and unload the goods.

Then, under the leadership of Liu Qiang,

General Ayuri entered the military camp of Yan State.

“General Liu Qiang, next, as a combat staff officer, I will provide you with all the local terrain and intelligence in Syria. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time.”

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