“We all know that this vanguard force is actually the regular army of Yan State. We can take advantage of this opportunity to completely wipe out this group of armed forces.”

“From the perspective of international morality, we declared war on the Vanguard Armed Forces in the name of fighting terrorists. Even if we wiped out this group of troops, Yan Country would not be able to do anything to us, right?”

After hearing this, President Netahu thought about it carefully and felt that there was some truth in it:

“Good! Very good! This is a good idea.”

“It not only strikes at Yan Country, but also leaves Yan Country with no reason or excuse to fight back! Kill two birds with one stone!”

At this point,

Garandi smiled and reminded:

“Mr. President, it’s not killing two birds with one stone, it’s killing three birds with one stone! Don’t forget….These militants are in Syria!”

Netahu was stunned and asked:

“What happened in Syria?”

Garandi explained:

“Mr. President, you are confused….”

“We can ask Syria to hand over these militants immediately. If they refuse, we can openly occupy Syria’s territory in the name of anti-terrorism!”

“so……Not only did it destroy the vanguard forces, it also left Yan with no excuse to fight back, and it also occupied the territory of Syria…….!”

“It’s not killing three birds with one stone! What is it?…?”

When President Netahu heard that he could occupy Syrian territory, his eyes immediately sparkled and he drooled.

The desire for territory of the squid people is engraved in their DNA! After thousands of years of exile, the squid people understand that they must have their own country and territory in order to protect their people….

The bigger the territory, the better. The bigger the territory, the more space the squids have to survive!

Therefore, the presidents of the squid country have tried every possible way to expand their territory.

For example, the Golan Heights in Syria is now occupied by the squid country, and the Hamas armed forces have been compressed to only the cassock zone.

“Wonderful! It’s wonderful! It’s simply wonderful!”

“Garandi, I was right about you. If we can accomplish this, we will become great contributors to the expansion of our territory! We will become heroes praised by the squid tribe for all eternity!”

When President Netahu thought about occupying Syrian territory, he was very excited!

“Mr. President, in order to expand the victory and annihilate this group of Yan country troops,”

“We can also invite the United States to conduct joint military exercises, and completely eliminate them in the name of anti-terrorism!”

Garandi finally added a suggestion.

When Netahu heard it, he smiled and replied without thinking :

“Good! Very good! With the help of Eagle Sauce, our plan will surely be twice as effective with half the effort! I’ll call Eagle Sauce now!”

Netahu excitedly picked up the phone on the desk and called Eagle Sauce’s President Leiden.

After answering the call,

Netahu informed President Leiden of all the plan contents in detail.

As a professional politician, Leiden would certainly not easily agree to Netahu.

He first made an urgent call and prevaricated:

“President Netahu, this is such a big thing, I have to discuss it with my ministers before I can give you a reply!”

President Netahu of Squid didn’t think much about it and replied immediately:

“Good! I’ll wait for your good news, President Leiden!” In the Presidential Residence of the

United States , President Leiden put down the phone and looked around at the directors present:

“The joint military exercise initiated by the Squid Nation, should we participate or not?”

During the call just now,

President Leiden used the hands-free function throughout the whole process, so all the directors of the Eagle Sauce Department also knew the content of the call. The directors fell into deep thought.

After a few seconds, the Director of the National Health Administration, Terrence, narrowed his eyes and said:

“Mr. President, my suggestion is that we participate in this military exercise. Although Yan’s oil and gas revenue has declined, they have made a lot of money by selling arms to the bear and the Middle East resistance fox, which has made up for a lot of economic losses.”

“This means that our economic blockade policy has completely failed, and we must change our approach to continue suppressing Yan Country!”

As an oil and gas exporting country, Yan Country

‘s main customers are Western countries and Long Country.

Now that Western countries are not buying,

Long Country has increased its purchases, so Yan Country’s oil and gas revenue has dropped by 40%, and it can’t drop any further!

After all, with such a huge market as Long Country supporting it,

Yan Country’s fiscal revenue is unlikely to fluctuate significantly in the short term.

President Leiden frowned:

“Go on! Director Terrence, do you have any good ideas?”

Terrence continued:

“Mr. President, for us in the United States, there is only one strategy that is sure to win, and that is to cultivate proxy wars!”

“Now that the Squid Country and the Yan Country have had a conflict, it is a good thing for us, as it saves us from having to find agents.”

Since the founding of the Eagle Sauce Country, their way of handling foreign military relations has been very simple and crude! Their attitude towards weak countries, such as Iraq and Afghanistan, is to send troops to beat them hard until they surrender! Their attitude towards strong countries, such as the Bear and the Dragon Country, is to cultivate agents to slowly consume them, and never go to war with strong countries head-on!

A typical diplomatic strategy of bullying the weak and fearing the strong!

Although this policy is shameful, it has established the dominant position of the Eagle Sauce!

Not directly conflicting with strong countries also means that the Eagle Sauce Country will never lose!

Leiden understood what Terrence meant:

“You mean, we support the Squid Nation from behind, but we won’t fight in person, right?”

Terrence nodded.

“Yes, Mr. President!”

“We can agree to conduct military exercises with the squids, give them a boost, and provide them with military aid and loans.”

“It is clear…..The soldiers of Syria’s vanguard armed elements are the active troops of Yan Country!”

“In order not to over-stimulate Yan Country, we ourselves try to avoid contact with Yan Country to prevent the situation of mushroom bomb bombardment.”

“Let the Squid Nation take the lead. If it attacks these militants and the Yan Nation does not react or reacts very little, we will follow up later.”

“If Yan Country reacts strongly, we will wait for the opportunity and reap the benefits!”

President Leiden touched his chin and thought for a few seconds.

He felt that it made sense, but also felt that something was wrong:

“Squid is now deeply mired in the quagmire of war. Can he be a qualified agent? I am very worried that Squid does not have the ability to deal with Yan Country!”

Terence disagreed and said:

“Mr. President, after all, the Squid Nation has advanced FF-350 stealth fighters, so it will be no problem for them to crush the Yan Nation’s air force.”

“As long as we gain air superiority, Yan Country will be no match for Squid Country!”

“Besides, the Squid Nation also has mushroom bombs, and the Yan Nation dare not easily fight to the death with the Squid Nation!”

Leyden’s frown did not relax, and he said worriedly:

“Having said that,…..I’m still a little worried!”

President Leiden’s several confrontations with Yan Country have made him more cautious.

This Yan Country is completely different from other countries.

It can always turn danger into safety unexpectedly at critical moments!

For example, Yan Country suddenly possessed mushroom bombs.

From design, mapping, precision instruments, to the final test explosion, Yan Country only took a short year!

It’s a bit incredible in itself!

What’s even more incredible is that they soon have intercontinental missiles with a range of 29,000 kilometers!

Subsequently, drones, rocket launchers, tanks and other advanced equipment emerged in an endless stream.

(To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!

) The technological capabilities are like building a rocket, rising wildly!

Those who don’t know would think that [God] is secretly helping Yan Country.


, when President Leiden faced Yan Country, he did not dare to be careless.[]

At this time,

Terrence came up with a solution that would satisfy both parties and suggested:

“Mr. President, how about this? We can help the Squid Nation find a teammate to help it share some of the pressure from the Yan Nation.”

President Leiden was stunned:


“This is a good idea, but……Which other countries in the Middle East have relatively strong military power?”

“Camel country? No,……Although the Camel Country is rich, its combat effectiveness is rubbish and it is simply sending heads to the Yan Country!”

“Turkey? No, they won’t listen to us at all. Turkey’s President Edogan is as slippery as a loach. It’s not realistic to ask him to be at odds with Yan!”

“Blast furnace or John Bull? They are unlikely to come to the Middle East. They can’t get out of here until the war between the two countries ends!”

“Who else? It seems there are no good candidates……?”

President Leiden thought about it and couldn’t think of a good candidate.

Terrence smiled calmly:

“Mr. President, I have the most suitable candidate!”


“Oriental country!”

“Dongyang Country?”

After hearing this name,

President Leiden thought for only a second, then slapped the table and said:

“Good! This is good! Japan is good!”

“Japan is strong enough, has a strong economy, and a strong military, and most importantly, it is more obedient!”

“It’s the East! We’ll bring the East to join the military exercise and let it be the teammate of the Squid. That’s it!”

“Director Terrence, I leave this matter to you. Order the Japanese country to participate in this joint military exercise!”

“”Yes! Mr. President!”

Director Terrence replied.

After the meeting,

Terrence called the East and conveyed President Leiden’s order to the East’s top leaders.


Sakura City,

Prime Minister’s Residence.

After receiving the order from the Eagle Sauce Country, Prime Minister Koizumi Jushiro immediately summoned the East’s ministers to discuss the matter.

Soon, the important ministers of the East gathered here.

After everyone arrived,

Koizumi Jushiro relayed the Eagle Sauce Country’s order to the ministers, and then asked:

“Gentlemen, regarding the joint military exercise initiated by the squid, should we go or not? What do you think?”

Minister of State Sato Masato secretly rolled his eyes at Koizumi Jushiro and whispered back:

“Prime Minister, since this is the order from President Leiden of the United States, we seem to have no choice. We have to go whether we want to or not!”

【If you don’t go, you’ll be punished!! 】 Sato Masato only dared to think this in his heart, but didn’t say it out loud!

Koizumi Jukuro sighed slightly:

“Hey! We have to go, but what I want to ask is, how should we go? Should we send a large army to cooperate with the exercise, or send a small force to cooperate with the Eagle Sauce and perform a small show?”

National Defense Minister Sato Masato thought for two seconds and said:

“Mr. Prime Minister, the purpose of this military exercise is to strike at Syria’s vanguard armed elements in the name of anti-terrorism and violence. These vanguard armed forces are actually the regular army of Yan Country!”

“The Yan Kingdom and the Long Kingdom are both Hua people, and they are very close…….Dragon Country’s allies should be our enemies! Attacking Yan Country is also equivalent to weakening Dragon Country in disguise!”

“In this case, I suggest that we send a large army!”

Koizumi Jukuro nodded and looked at the other ministers:

“Well! What are your opinions?”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Matsushita Shunta, also agreed with Sato Masato’s opinion and said:

“Prime Minister, I also think we should send a large army, but I think we should only send the navy. After all, the Middle East is too far away from us, and there is no core interest for us there! There is no need to waste our energy for the Squid Country!”

“The reason why I sent the navy is because I know that Yan Country’s navy is no good!”

“This military exercise is really close to the Mediterranean Sea of the Squid Country, not the waters of the Yan Country. If we only send the navy, there shouldn’t be any danger!”

“By the way, we can also show our faces. Anyway, Yan Country has no navy and can’t fight. We can be a little arrogant and show the world the power of our Dongyang Empire’s navy!”

As soon as the voice fell, the words of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Matsushita Shunta were strongly supported by other ministers:

“Prime Minister, I agree with Matsushita Shunta’s plan! Sending only the navy can show strength without being too dangerous, and it can also report to the Eagle Sauce!”

“I also agree with 983! This is the best way at the moment!”

“And! I agree too!”


In the end, most people agreed with this plan, and

Prime Minister Koizumi Jushiro also thought it was a good plan, so he decided to implement it!

He immediately issued an order to the commander of the Japanese Navy to send a 27,000-ton light aircraft carrier, the Hatsugumo, plus two destroyers, two frigates, a supply ship, and two missile ships to form an aircraft carrier battle group to the Mediterranean Sea………

The news that Dongyang participated in the military exercise made the president of Squid Nation, Netahu, very happy.

One more country means more fighting power, which also gives Netahu more confidence!


Squid Nation, Eagle Sauce, and Dongyang announced to hold a joint military exercise of the three armed forces of the navy, army, and air force!

After the announcement of this news,

Dongyang also issued a separate condemnation statement in order to highlight the power of the Great Dongyang Empire:

“In order to maintain justice and peace in the Middle East, we in the Great East Ocean Empire strongly condemn the bombing of the Squid Country’s Kul City by the Yan Country!”

“And for the safety of all mankind, we will resolutely fight the Vanguard Armed Forces and other terrorists to the end, and never give up……….”

Dongyang’s entire statement stood on the moral high ground, showing that he was fighting for justice!

The news was quickly reported by the world’s media, causing netizens to discuss:

“What the hell! What does this mean? Three countries conducting military exercises at the same time? It’s over, it’s over. I’m afraid the vanguard militants are going to be in trouble!”

“I heard that the Yan Kingdom is behind this vanguard militia! It should be okay. I see that Yan Kingdom’s army equipment, tanks and rocket launchers are quite powerful!”

“The above! What do you know? The Yan country’s navy and air force are scum. They have to kneel down when they encounter the Eagle Sauce’s FF-350 stealth fighter. Without air superiority, the entire Yan country will be bombed!”

“Damn! The damned East actually sent an aircraft carrier over there! I really hope Yan Country can teach them a lesson! I believe in Yan Country’s strength! Come on!”


Later, soon after the news fermented, the top leaders of the Squid Country issued an ultimatum to the Syrian authorities as planned, demanding that Syria immediately hand over all the members of the Vanguard Militants within one day.

If Syria refuses to implement this plan, Syria will be regarded as a member of the Vanguard Militants and classified as a terrorist country!

The Eagle Sauce, the Squid, and the Oriental Countries will attack Syria during the joint military exercise!

Until the terrorists in Syria are completely eliminated!

When Syrian President Barsha received this letter, he was shocked.

The Squid Country was enough for him, but there were also the Eagle Sauce and the Oriental Country.

Syria was a small country after all.

Facing such a threat, he was completely unable to cope with it.

He immediately asked the Director of the Foreign Affairs Bureau to contact Yan Country and ask for help from Yan Country!

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