“Buzz buzz buzz……!!!!”

“Buzz buzz buzz……!!!!”

The death roars from these drones were like announcing the death of the squid soldiers!

The whole scene almost scared the squid soldiers to death.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them in amazement.

The squid people never dreamed that what they were waiting for was not Yan country tanks, nor Yan country soldiers… but endless woodpecker drones!

“Run! It’s too scary! Run, I won’t defend it anymore!”

“This street fight can’t be fought. How can we fight when we can’t even see the people from Yan Country?”

“Oh my god, if I stay here I will die! Oh my god, run!”

“Oh my god!…..Why are you so cruel to us Squidmen!…..”


Then it was too late.

The black mass of drones quickly covered the entire Golan Heights.

The Woodpecker drones locked onto the tunnels, holes and underground fortifications and attacked them frantically!

Boom!………..!!! boom………..!!!

Under the ground, there were explosions one after another, and the shouts and screams of the soldiers resounded throughout the sky!

However, no one could save them.

Even if God came, he had to wear a helmet to save his life!

In just ten minutes, a large number of squid soldiers hiding in the ruins, debris, and grass were completely wiped out!

In the caves of the Golan Heights, the entire underground fortifications seemed to have been washed by bombs.

In addition to the soil, there were the bodies and blood of the soldiers……..

The commander of Yan State in the rear only heard the constant reports from the front line:

“Report! Direction 0-5-4 position, annihilate an enemy sniper!”

“Report! Direction 0-6-7, annihilate three enemy throwers!”

“Report! Go to the bush at 1-5-2 and kill the four lurking enemy soldiers!”

“Report! Go to the ruins of the building at 8-2-5 and destroy an enemy artillery squad!”


Listening to these endless good news, the officers of Yan State were so happy that their faces were crooked!

You know, so far, the number of casualties among Yan State soldiers is only 2, one accidentally tripped over a stone and twisted his left foot, and the other injured his right hand due to misoperation of the cannon barrel………

Because of this, the division and regiment they belonged to were laughed at by other armies of Yan Country for half a year……….

Judging from the current record, the casualty ratio of Yan Country is 2 to 58,060!

Yes, you read that right!

The Squid Country has suffered 58,060 casualties!

The commander of Yan Country will not give the Squid any chance to breathe.

After the drone group destroyed the Squid’s underground passage, the Yan Country tank cluster, infantry vehicles, various military vehicles, and chariots that were ready to fight arrived at the front line.

The armed helicopters in the sky were also ready to go, ready to destroy the enemy in front at any time!

The Yan Country troops were in high spirits and excited.


The commanders of the divisions and brigades on the front line issued the order to march.

Countless tanks and armored vehicles started to move, forming a long steel torrent, rolling towards the Golan Heights!

On the dilapidated positions, the few remaining squid men took out various weapons and fired at the Yan country tanks.


An anti-tank gun hit the Yan country’s Y-300 main battle tank.

In an instant, the tank was covered with smoke.

Unfortunately, the roar of the tank engine did not dissipate.

Before the smoke dispersed, the tank drove out of the thick smoke without any scratches! Not even the paint was scratched.

The squid soldier was stunned for a second.

He obviously did not expect that the special anti-tank gun was useless!

Before he could load the second round of ammunition,

“Da da da…….!!!”

The armed helicopter in the sky opened fire first, and the crazy rain of machine gun bullets swept across the body of the squid soldier, and the soldier was cut in half. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The body was broken into more than a dozen pieces!

The scene was horrible!



After approaching the position, []

Yan’s Y-300 tanks and infantry vehicles began to fire crazily, overturning the squid position again, and found those squid people who resisted stubbornly, and ended them with artillery shells!!

Because the fortifications and military facilities on the position were completely unusable, the squid soldiers could only resist with simple individual equipment.

However, these equipment could hardly cause any damage to the Yan armored army.

When the division commander and brigade commander of the squid wanted to contact General Gore again, they found that the communicator could only communicate with crying sounds.

It turned out that the safe house where General Gore was located was discovered by the Woodpecker UAV.

After concentrated bombing,

General Gore was killed on the spot and was blown to pieces.

Dozens of guards, staff officers, and officers at the scene all saw God.

Only one signalman fell with a radio cannon.

When this signalman passed the news of General Gore’s death to the combat units of the squid country, the psychological defenses of the division commanders, brigade commanders, regiment commanders, and battalion commanders were completely defeated, and their fighting will was almost zero.

They almost chose to give up surrender at the same time!

Put down your weapons and raise the white flag to the Yan army!

Oh, no!

To be precise, it is to surrender to the local armed forces of Syria, the Pioneer Armed Forces!

After a large number of squid troops surrendered, the Yan army began to take over the entire defense of the Golan Heights.

The commander-in-chief, General Qi Weiguo, also reported the current situation to the Yan headquarters:

“Reporting to the Prime Minister, General Cao, our unit has successfully completed the mission and occupied the Golan Heights, and is currently taking over the entire defense of the Golan Heights!”

“A total of 59,520 enemies were annihilated, 30,867 were captured, and countless tanks, infantry vehicles, guns, and artillery were seized! Please instruct the next steps, leaders!”

Yan Guo and other high-level officials were overjoyed when they heard this, cheered excitedly, shook hands and hugged each other!

General Cao Desheng replied immediately:

“Good! You did a great job! I didn’t expect that you guys would progress so smoothly! I will personally report to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and ask for credit for all the soldiers in your army!”

“Thank you, Chief! What should we do now?”

Qi Weiguo asked on the other end of the phone.

Cao Desheng glanced at the Prime Minister Li Nanfeng next to him, and

Li Nanfeng reminded him in a low voice:

“Follow the Crown Prince’s plan!”

Cao Desheng nodded slightly and conveyed to Qi Weiguo:

“Commander Qi, I order your troops to continue advancing southwards. Once the Squid Country’s Golan Heights are lost, the south will be flat and there will be no strategic locations to defend!”

“You must make a concerted effort, use tanks, infantry vehicles and other mobile forces to quickly penetrate and head straight for the squid capital, Yecheng! Beat the squid country until it is subdued and frightened, and kneels down and surrenders!”

“Yes! Boss! I promise to complete the task!”……Commander Qi saluted and replied solemnly.

After that, the two hung up the phone.

Cao Desheng looked back at the senior officials of Yan State and was filled with emotion for a moment:

“Old friends! Our Yan country’s army and air force are so powerful. Who would have thought that we could capture the Golan Heights of the Squid country in less than two hours! In the past, we would never have dared to dream of this!”

“With our current equipment, even if the Eagle Sauce comes, it will not be our opponent! Hahahaha……”

At this point, Cao Desheng laughed heartily.

Since he took over as the Chief of Staff of Yan State, this was the first time he felt the feeling of being a great power.

This feeling made him obsessed and crazy!

It was so cool!

“Ha ha ha ha…….!”

Prime Minister Li Nanfeng and other high-ranking officials also laughed happily.

Army Commander Shi Zixing suddenly thought of something:

“That’s right! I remember the news said that the Squid Country, the Eagle Sauce Country, and the East Asian Country were conducting joint military exercises. We have already taken down the Golan Heights, so what are the other two countries doing?”

Li Nanfeng, the Prime Minister, explained:

“The other two countries have sent out navies, who are currently in the Mediterranean Sea and on their way! Don’t underestimate them!”

General Cao Desheng continued:

“His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said that if the Eagle Sauce and the Japanese dare to attack us, we will open fire to fight back and kill them all! If they are just cowards, standing by and doing nothing, we can temporarily spare their lives!”

Shi Zixing nodded after hearing this, but did not respond.

After being happy, everyone continued to gather in front of the commander-in-chief’s screen to watch the latest developments and intelligence.

On the Golan Heights,

General Qi Weiguo issued the latest combat deployment to the entire army.

He left part of his troops to guard the Golan Heights and guard the prisoners and supplies.

After a short period of ammunition replenishment, the other main forces, rocket artillery units, and tank units continued to advance deep into the southern territory of the squid!

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