Qin Tian appeared on the TV screen.

He was wearing the crown prince’s attire and had a serious expression on his face.

He walked to the podium step by step.

Although he hadn’t spoken yet, the aura of a superior was fully revealed in the details. He was intimidating without even getting angry….

“Hello, people of Yan, I am the crown prince of Yan, Qin Tian.”

At this time, all media, TV stations, and networks in Yan were forced to broadcast the crown prince’s speech. Qin Tian’s speech was also broadcast live on social media platforms. Some people in Yan were watching their phones, some were waiting by the TV, and some were listening to the radio in their cars.


They pricked up their ears, wanting to hear what the crown prince would say.

After all, the order to bombard the Eagle Sauce Army was issued by the crown prince himself.

Why did the crown prince issue such a crazy order?

The people of Yan need an explanation, a reasonable explanation!

“I know that at this moment, the people of Yan Country and people from all over the world want to know why I gave the order to open fire on the Eagle Sauce Army?”

“Am I, as the mainstream Western media reported, a brutal and inhumane executioner?”

“Or is he a crazy extreme terrorist?”

“No, none of them!”

Qin Tian’s voice was loud and contagious, and he immediately explained the whole story to the people:

“It’s a pity! The Western media is deceiving the world as always. They are trying to hide the truth and cover up justice and truth!”

“The fact is that last night, 2,000 combat troops from the United States brazenly crossed the border of the United States, seized our Naku oil field by force, and illegally detained our soldiers and equipment.”

“Such actions seriously infringe upon Yan’s sovereign property and people’s safety!”

“As the crown prince of Yan State and deputy commander-in-chief of the three armed forces of Yan State, if I cannot fight back when our country’s territory and property are invaded, then what qualifications do I have to be the crown prince?”

“As we all know, because our Yan country is rich in oil and gas resources but weak in national and military strength, it has always been coveted by Western powers led by the United States!”

“They want to build military bases on our land, control our military command and oil and gas exploration rights, take away the wealth created by our people’s hard work, and turn our Yan country into a colony of the Eagle Sauce!”

“They thought that our Yan Kingdom would not resist, nor dare to resist! The Yan Kingdom royal family would surrender to them like a coward!”

“However, this time, they miscalculated!”

“Our Yan Country has not retreated, and will not retreat!”

“As long as I, Qin Tian, am alive, I will never allow the Western powers to trample on the sovereignty and security of our Yan country!”

Qin Tian’s resolute eyes have been looking forward, his expression is confident and firm:

“We in Yan Country are unfortunate because we are the Hua people, and we are incompatible with the Western races.”

“Therefore, since its founding, Yan Country has been oppressed, blocked and discriminated against by the Western camp such as Yingjiang Country.”

“However, justice will not be destroyed because of the enemy’s tricks!”

“At this moment, countless Western politicians are gloating and looking forward to our fall.”

“Thereby occupying our territory and plundering our resources and wealth!”

“However……..Yan Country is not good at falling!”

“We will never become anyone’s vassal! We will never bow to any country’s power!”

“Even if I die and my clan is destroyed, even if my country is destroyed and my family is ruined, I will never retreat!”

Having said this,

Qin Tian paused and continued:

“Why am I so confident and why do I dare to fire at the American army?”

“Great people of Yan State, my Yan State Crown Prince Qin Tian can proudly tell you!”

“We in Yan country have successfully developed mushroom bombs, which are powerful enough to defeat all invading enemies!”!!!!

As soon as Qin Tian finished speaking, tens of millions of people in Yan country went crazy in an instant…..

They couldn’t believe their ears.

The Crown Prince just said…..Our Yan country has successfully developed mushroom bombs?

Oh my god, did I hear that right?

I can’t even imagine it……..

Our Yan country actually has mushroom bombs!

No wonder His Royal Highness the Crown Prince dared to attack the Eagle Sauce army rashly!

It turns out that he has the confidence!

The people are not stupid, of course they know the significance of mushroom bombs!

Once Yan country has mushroom bombs, it will no longer be afraid of Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carriers, and the war between the two countries will not happen.

This news immediately exploded on the Internet, and

Yan country netizens began to discuss and discuss crazily:

“Is it true?…..? His Royal Highness the Crown Prince said we have mushroom bombs?”

“Of course! He is the crown prince after all, how could he lie about such a thing?”

“I cried so hard!!……Is our Yan country really going to have mushroom bombs? We don’t have to be afraid of the Eagle Sauce anymore?”

“Damn it!! I was almost fooled by the Western media. It turned out that the Eagle Sauce wanted to occupy our Yan country’s oil fields, and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was forced to fight back! I wrongly blamed His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. I’m sorry, I apologize! I was wrong!”


The image of the Yan Kingdom royal family has always been very good among the Yan Kingdom people, and they are deeply loved, so the people believe in the words of Crown Prince Qin Tian.

They know that the royal family cannot lie about such a big thing!

The despair and helplessness that originally permeated the hearts of the Yan Kingdom people were swept away in an instant……

Instead, there was an extremely excited mood!

The people cheered happily, danced, hugged each other, and congratulated each other…….

The most simple emotion in the blood of the Hua people is the love for the country.

For the people of Yan country, the country becoming stronger is the most gratifying thing for them…….

At this time,

Qin Tian’s speech had not yet ended.

He raised his right hand and clenched his fist. A trace of determination flashed across his stern face!

Under the national flag of Yan Country, he solemnly swore to the people:

“I, Qin Tian, the crown prince of Yan, promise you!”

“From today on, I will never allow any foreign forces to oppress and exploit our Yan Country for any reason!”

“Here, in my capacity as the Crown Prince and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Yan State, I declare that Yan State’s Navy, Army, Air Force and Rocket Force shall urgently enter a wartime state. The waters of the Gulf of Is in the Indian Ocean within 130 kilometers shall be designated as a no-fly zone, and live-fire military exercises with mushroom bombs shall be conducted!”

“If any country dares to enter our military exercise area, I will not hesitate to destroy them all!!”

“Finally, I declare!”

“Major General Baldwin, the commander of the Eagle Sauce Army, brazenly invaded the Naku Oilfield in Yan State, violating Yan State’s highest laws and regulations. Now Baldwin, the Eagle Sauce man, is sentenced to war crimes, endangering Yan State’s national security, and illegally occupying Yan State’s state property…….”

“”For multiple crimes, it is decided to execute the death penalty! Execute immediately!”

After that, the TV camera turned and the blindfolded Baldwin knelt in front of the camera.

The Yan soldier who was executing the sentence took off the black cloth covering Baldwin’s head and signaled the gunman in the distance to shoot.

The moment the black cloth was taken off,

Baldwin was almost stunned.

Because of something stuffed in his mouth, he couldn’t say a word.

He was tied with ropes and handcuffs.

He wanted to move but couldn’t.

He could only watch in despair as the Yan soldier raised his rifle and aimed at him!


A clear gunshot rang out, and the bullet quickly shot out from the gun barrel and pierced Baldwin’s head, killing him in one shot!

Smooth as flowing water!

The major general division commander of the Eagle Sauce Country received the due trial in the Yan Country!…………………………

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