The dartle looked thin

, but it was extremely fast, Qi Changfeng only felt a gust of fishy wind coming to his nose!"So fast..."

Qi Changfeng secretly screamed that it was not good, and he dodged sideways, and this thing pounced into the air!

After landing on the ground, this droughtle let out a roar that was no different from that of a beast, the bloody mucus at the corner of his mouth continued to drip down, and his cloudy eyes stared at Qi

Changfeng deadly, his eyes were dull but full of murderous intent.


This thing slammed towards Qi Changfeng again, this time Qi Changfeng still chose to dodge to the side, but unexpectedly, this thing learned well, this time it actually landed in advance, and after adjusting his posture slightly, he pounced

on Qi Changfeng who had not yet stood firm!Qi Changfeng secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good, but he had no way to dodge, and he was thrown to the ground by this drought in an instant.

And Qi Changfeng suddenly felt a strange stench and fishy smell envelop him, and this drought fish opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Qi Changfeng's shoulder blades, and how could Qi Changfeng let it do his wish like this?

I saw Qi Changfeng hit the dartle in the jaw with an elbow, and the drough let out a painful howl, and the originally loose teeth instantly scattered to the ground, and the blood in the mouth continued to gush out, and the drought was stunned.

Qi Changfeng hurriedly turned over, grabbed the dry fish's legs, and threw it aside.

Unexpectedly, the dartfish's body rolled flexibly, and immediately stood firm, and then scratched towards Qi Changfeng again with his claws.

Qi Changfeng did not show weakness at all, and punched out, although he was only a mortal now, but thanks to his strong physical fitness, he carried the wind with every punch, and the speed was so fast that the drought could not react.

However, instead of flinching, the Drought Fish became more and more furious, attacking Qi Changfeng one after another, it seemed that he had murderous intent!

Qi Changfeng moved flexibly and dodged many fatal blows, but he also gradually felt the strength of the Drought Fish. The body of the dry fish seemed to be stronger than steel, and the fists and feet seemed to hit the rocks, making Qi Changfeng's palms feel painful.

No, this thing is too difficult

! Zombie zombies, stiff and corpses, Qi Changfeng's attack has little effect on this thing, he can only barely beat it back, and he still has to rely on magic weapons to subdue this ghost thing

! And now there is not even a piece of rune paper here, let alone any magic weapons!

This is terrible, how to deal with this beast-like drought?

Just when Qi Changfeng was thinking wildly, the drought fish had already recovered, let out an overwhelming roar, and rushed towards Qi Changfeng again.

This time, it was obviously proficient, and its speed became a lot faster, Qi Changfeng didn't have time to dodge at all, and was immediately hit by it.


The drought fish opened its bloody mouth and was about to bite down on Qi Changfeng's neck.

Qi Changfeng hurriedly pressed his hand against its chin and pushed it away with all his might, but at the same time, his palm was cut by its sharp teeth, and blood suddenly gushed out, and this drought greedily sucked Qi Changfeng's blood.

Qi Changfeng also took the opportunity to roll over and stay away from the drought.

However, like crazy, the drought fish immediately pounced on it and continued to attack, Qi Changfeng retreated again and again, he really couldn't deal with this beast!

Between dodging, Qi Changfeng's palm was continuously scratched by the claws of the drought, and wounds appeared on his arm one after another. This thing is so fast that a mortal can't completely dodge its attacks.

Qi Changfeng knew that if he continued like this, he would soon be defeated! At this

moment, the drought fish suddenly rushed forward, and seeing that he was about to bite Qi Changfeng's face, Qi Changfeng hurriedly flashed

sideways, and with a heavy punch on the temples of the drought fish.


The force of this punch was so great that it directly knocked the drought fish far away, and it let out a painful howl, and slid out more than ten zhang away along the inertia before stopping.

Although he temporarily restrained the attack of this drought, Qi Changfeng himself was not happy, and his whole arm seemed to have hit an iron plate.

No, it's hard to deal with this thing with your own mortal body.

This ghost thing has at least a period of refining qi

!And just as Qi Changfeng was trying to think about how he should deal with this drought, he suddenly thought that there were still some peach trees piled up in the outer courtyard!

The peach wood is a "ghost horror wood", it is something that specializes in suppressing ghost things, if you can use those things...

Before Qi Changfeng could finish thinking about it again, the drought fish jumped up and pounced again!

Qi Changfeng didn't hesitate at all, and ran directly from pushing open the gate of the inner courtyard towards the outer courtyard.

And the drought fish also followed closely, after all, for the "food" at its fingertips in front of it, it was naturally impossible for it to let go so easily!

The drought fish, the cracked corners of its mouth were dripping with blood, mixed with yellow saliva flowing down together, and its thin body even crawled and jumped, jumping on this roof, chasing behind Qi Changfeng.

Although this drought has a certain amount of gnosis, it is only a certain amount of gnosis, and it still follows the instincts of its own dead things, chasing blood and aura.

But I never thought that Qi Changfeng would also give it a set

! The drought fish was about to grab Qi Changfeng's back when he saw it, thinking that Qi Changfeng had revealed his flaws, and it jumped so happy that it jumped over, so it pounced on it again like a repetition, but it was flashed by Qi Changfeng!


" The dreak screamed and fled from the pile of peach trees that had been piled up in the yard, but as soon as he jumped up, he was kicked and knocked down by Qi Changfeng, who was holding a peach cone.

The thing reacted very strongly to the peachwood, and began to struggle around, trying to escape from the pile of firewood with all its might.

But how could Qi Changfeng let it get its wish?

Grabbing the peachwood cone penetrated the heart of this ghost thing, but the drought that had been hit so hard was still able to resist

! After all, it was not a real magic weapon, and it still had little effect on these ghost things!

The drought didn't fight hard with Qi Changfeng, knowing that he was not the opponent of the person in front of him, he grabbed Qi Changfeng, jumped to the top of the wall when Qi Changfeng was dodging, and turned over to the wall

! At this time, there were also bustling footsteps and conversations outside, it was Wang Yiyu and they were back!

And they also seemed to find the drought that was hiding at the top of the wall and was about to escape, and everyone screamed in amazement, if it were not for the large number of people now, I am afraid that many young men would have been scared away by this evil thing!

And this evil thing saw that this was not good, and fled in all directions on the corner of the eaves, and some brave villagers poked at it with steel forks, shovels, and other long-handled farm tools, trying to poke it off the corner of the wall.

Seeing that there was no hope of escaping, this thing was so fierce that it jumped down from the corner of the wall and pounced on one of

the young men! The young man was as strong as an ox, but he was easily thrown to the ground by this thing, and the claws of this dartfish were very sharp, and blood flowed all over the ground when he went down!

Even if a few people came up and slapped this thing with shovels, they couldn't drive it away!

After a while, the young man was silent, and at this time, Wang Yiyu jumped off the horse, galloped over, and kicked the monster in front of the door, kicking the monster away!

Only then did everyone know the ferocity of this thing.

The young man had stopped moving, and a large piece of flesh was missing directly from his neck, and the blood was pouring out, which was extremely terrifying.

The dartle, who stood up after rolling on the ground a few times, stared at Wang Yiyu with scarlet eyes, as if he was very dissatisfied with Wang Yiyu interrupting its eating.

The monster roared twice, writhing its body like a wild beast, and flew towards Yun Yu'er on all fours.

And the villagers stabbed at the drought with a steel fork, but did not cause any damage to it, this zombie is "stiff", this mortal weapon can not hurt

the drought at all! He also let the drought fish grab the steel fork and drag them over, and a few blood marks appeared

on the two of them! And this drought fish did not eat the two of them, but went straight at Wang Yiyu, trying to bite her to death on the spot!


Wang Yiyu kicked the dartle, as if he had kicked a steel plate, and he couldn't shake the dartle at all, and even gave the dartle a chance to take advantage of it, and almost threw himself to the ground.

And Wang Yiyu could only retreat again and again, helpless against this ugly thing, after all, even a weapon couldn't hurt him in the slightest, let alone his own punches and kicks

!" Roar roar!


The drought pounced suddenly, Wang Yiyu couldn't dodge, and the people around him couldn't do anything, and he was about to be thrown to the ground...

"You evil beast, look at the trick!" Qi

Changfeng rushed out at this critical moment with a long peach tree with a sharpened head, and poked the drought spear away

! "Ah?"

Wang Yiyu had just escaped death, but saw that her husband, who had always been the furnace, actually stepped forward and saved herself!

This is not over yet, after Qi Changfeng knocked the drought into the air, another spear stabbed the drought on the shoulder blade of the drought fish, restraining the drought fish.

"Hiss!!" Drought

Fish desperately grabbed this peach tree, trying to pull this wooden stick out of his body, but unexpectedly, Qi Changfeng poked forward, and was poked deeper just a little bit!

However, Qi Changfeng's strength was too great, and he poked to the deepest part every time.


The drought let out a terrible cry, and even began to shout out a human voice, this voice was a sound made by a man and a woman mixed with the voices of the elderly and children, both the femininity of a woman and the masculinity of a man, the immaturity of a child and the hoarseness

of an old man, "You damn human beast! I'm going

to kill you!"

Qi Changfeng sneered:

"Be honest, you want to kill me?" Is it that easy?"

After speaking, it was another straight stab, and the drought fish only felt that all five internal organs were poked all over.

"Don't... Spare me—"

It wailed and begged for mercy.

"Hmph, now you know to beg for mercy?".

Qi Changfeng sneered, he couldn't listen to a word of what this murderous creature said

!"You ghost thing, hurt the heavens and reason, and eat countless people, today I will represent all the villagers of Wangjia Village to get rid of you scourge!"

"Everyone, go to the courtyard and take out those peach trees and build them into a fire! Fetch me some thick hemp rope!"

Qi Changfeng commanded everyone, and he approached the drought fish step by step, forcing it into the corner of the wall and unable to move.

The drought fish trembled all over, its eyes rolled white, it was already at the end of its rope, and its skills were poor.

It had been severely injured by Qi Changfeng by piercing the heart with a peach wood cone before, not to mention that he had experienced a "fierce battle" with these villagers, although he ate a person's essence and blood, but he couldn't stand Qi Changfeng from subduing it with peach wood at all!

Soon the villagers took out the peach wood and piled it on the open field, and then a flame rose!

And Qi Changfeng summoned a few young and strong guys, tied the drought to death with a thick hemp rope, and then carried the drought that was still struggling to the fire!


h The dartfish that were put on the fire crackled, and a strong stench permeated, which made everyone retreat a lot, and Qi Changfeng still grabbed the peach wood, pressing the dartfish struggling and churning in the fire!


Wang Yiyu swore that it was the most handsome back she had ever seen, and there was no one.

Until many years later, even Wang Yiyu, who was about to become a god, couldn't forget that back for a long time...

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