Xiao Zhi knew that she was willing to take things lightly, so he continued to coax her in a soft voice, "It's not too late, the pastries are right there, they're all yours."

The pretty little brother said angrily, but Shen Nian couldn't help but push the envelope, so he obediently agreed, "Okay."

After cleaning her hands, she picked up a piece and stuffed it into her mouth, her eyes widening.

It’s so delicious, ma’am!

What are the pastries in the pastry shops in the county? They were compared to dregs.

There is such a delicious thing, wow wow.

Seeing that he was completely lost in her eyes, Xiao Zhi shook his head helplessly, asked someone to bring the documents over, sat down and started reading.

Under the pavilion, one person is doing official business and the other is eating. The picture is strangely harmonious.

Liufeng smiled strangely and said to Qianhan beside him: "Hey, do you think the Crown Prince's appearance is scary?"

Qianhan's face was expressionless.

It's a bit scary.

Liufeng was used to talking to himself, so he touched his chin and continued: "I always feel that when the prince smiles, someone will be in trouble. Now that he is smiling like this, are you sure there is no problem?"

The second-ranked guard at Prince Rongguang's Mansion expressed concern.

Qianhan twitched the corner of his mouth, becoming more and more unwilling to talk to this idiot.

The prince is obviously in love and trying to flirt with a girl, but why is it so scary to be told by this fool?

Xiao Zhi moved his ears, Cen Liang's eyes swept across Liu Feng, and the smile on his lips was cold.

Someone is unlucky?

Someone is in trouble.

Shen Nian finished a plate of pastries, wiped his mouth, and planned to get up and leave.

Xiao Zhi put down the paperwork in his hand and spoke before her, "Want to go for a walk?"


It seems inappropriate to leave as soon as you eat.

Although I don’t know how it will get better.

Xiao Zhi couldn't see what she was thinking. He just pretended not to notice her selfish desire to stay with the little girl for a while longer.

The two came to the backyard.

Shen Nian saw a row of horses in the stable.

"So many horses." She walked over happily and fed the most handsome horse a handful of hay.

"Hiss!" Ma responded immediately, and the cold and rebellious attitude towards outsiders disappeared at this moment.

Xiao Zhi raised the corner of his mouth and patted the horse's head.

You can recognize the mistress at a glance, so smart.

After leaving the backyard and passing a yard, Shen Nian smelled a particularly fragrant smell.

"What's going on inside?" She looked at Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi's expression was extremely calm, and he could not see the sinister intention of deliberately leading the little girl here.

His tone was uncertain, "It should be the chef in the house who is making the food."

After explaining, he took two steps forward and said, "There's nothing to see here, let's go."

Shen Nian didn't move, with a serious look on his face, "No, I think this is the most beautiful place."

Xiao Zhi turned his back to her, with a successful smile on his face.

Little girl, I can’t cure you yet.

When I looked back, I was back to my usual glory.

"...Aren't you in a hurry to leave?"

Shen Nian waved his hands, as if he didn't know what embarrassment was, "Don't be in a hurry, you can ride a horse very fast."

Xiao Zhi teased her for a few words and then said, "Let's go."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the courtyard where the fragrance became more and more fragrant.

When the fat cook saw the prince coming, he hurriedly bowed and said, "I've met the young master."

After arriving in Suizhou, the servants' name for Xiao Zhi also changed.

After saluting, his little eyes glanced at Shen Nian uncontrollably.

Ah, is this the future Crown Princess?

She looks better than the noble ladies in Zhongdu, but her clothes are a bit shabby.

The prince doesn't even know how to send some fabrics, no, I have to remind him later.

It’s rare for the prince not to hate a girl. If you miss this one, you don’t know where the next one will be...

Xiao Zhi opened his lips lightly, "This is Miss Shen, my savior."

The fat cook saluted Shen Nian and said hello politely, "I've met Miss Shen."

He is still a savior. The grace of saving his life should be promised with his body. I don't know if this girl likes their son.


Shen Nian didn't know that this fat cook with excellent cooking skills had a lot of inner activities. She moved her nose when she smelled the fragrance.

"What are you doing?"

When the fat cook heard the Crown Princess asking him, he straightened his chest and raised his head, "Pigeons swallow swallows, hundreds of crows watch phoenixes, cherry meat, yellow braised shark's fin..."

They are all palace dishes.

It sounded delicious. Shen Nian hissed and turned to look at Xiao Zhi, his dark eyes like stars on a summer night.

"Xiao Jinzhi, do you still recognize the grace of saving my life?"

Xiao Zhi nodded seriously, with deep eyes, "I will admit it, I will admit it for the rest of my life."

The light in Shen Nian's eyes was even brighter, "Then you don't mind if I have another meal, right?"

His little eyes were a little fierce, with an expression on his face that said, "If you dare to refuse me, I will kill you."

"do not mind."

Hearing this, the smile on Shen Nian's face became more sincere. He looked at the fat cook and asked expectantly: "Can we start dinner?"

Cooks like people like this. The fat cook said happily: "There are a few ready. Girl, you can help me taste them first."

Shen Nian felt energetic after hearing this and followed him inside, "Okay, okay, let me have a taste."

Prince Xiao, who watched his wife being seduced by a few dishes, said: "..."

Shen Nian didn't pay attention to someone's resentment and entered the cookhouse with the fat cook. The smell inside was overwhelming.

She was not polite at all and tasted everyone who came, almost smacking the cook in the face with her thumb.

“…Hmm, it’s so delicious~!!”

The little girl's face was slightly rounded, and her happy eyes narrowed into crescent moons, which was so adorable.

When the fat cook got older, he felt his heart melting.

"Eat slowly, there are plenty of dishes, I'm sure there will be enough for you." He said, feeling a little regretful, "It's a pity that the ingredients are not complete, otherwise I can make you a Buddha jumping over the wall. The taste is so delicious. I remember when I was in the palace... In the mansion, the masters like to eat the most..."

Shen Nian swallowed what was in his mouth, "Is it delicious?"

"That's not the case."

There are a lot of ingredients, it takes time, and it’s impossible to make it taste delicious.

Shen Nian looked at Xiao Zhi again, his eyes full of expectation, bright and irresistible.

"When the materials are ready another day, let him make it for you."

The little girl doesn't want rich clothes and jewelry, and she doesn't want gold and silver... she just wants to satisfy her appetite.

Shen Nian frowned and sighed, "Xiao Jinzhi, it's great to be your savior."

Crown Prince: ...No, my Crown Prince actually wants to be the girl’s husband.

Yin Shi.

Shen Nian carried the box full of pastries and led the horse away from Xiao's mansion with a satisfied look on his face.

The fat cook sent the person to the door and said enthusiastically: "Girl, come here often. I will cook more and ensure that the girl enjoys her meal."

Shen Nian had a great time eating today. He had never known that such delicious food existed before.

Hearing what the fat cook said, he smiled heartily and said, "Okay, I'll definitely come."

Xiao Zhi looked at the two people and could not see the unfamiliarity between them for the first time. He pinched his eyebrows slightly with a headache.

"I'm leaving. I'll come back to visit another day." Shen Nian got on his horse.

There was a crack of the whip and the horse galloped away.

Liufeng saw that his eldest son's status in the girl's heart was not as good as that of the fat cook in the house, so he wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

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