Beiyin Great Sage

Chapter 569 Get started

When Liu Mengyan found Wen Shanjing, he was staying in a small mountain village outside the city, accompanied by more than ten close relatives.

"Who would have thought that Cui Shao, the dignified senior fellow of Tianyi Sect, would be willing to stay in this unknown mountain village for ten years without anyone knowing about him."

He stood in front of the bamboo gate with his hands behind his hands, looking at the slightly hunched figure in the courtyard, and said in a long voice:

"But Senior Cui is really willing?"

"What are you talking about?" The man in the courtyard looked sallow and wrinkled, and his hands were calloused and rough, looking like a mountain man.


He is a mountain man.

His eyes were dull and empty, as if he had been tortured by life and had lost his spirituality. He was like a walking zombie busy with food and drink every day.

Looking at Wen Shanjing, he looked surprised:

"I don't know what you're talking about?"

The sudden arrival of such a group of people in the mountain village naturally caused quite a stir.

Presumably, the cautious mountain residents kept their doors closed, but there were also bold and curious people who quietly eavesdropped on what was going on here.

Tianyimen, Cui Shao.

These are extremely unfamiliar to them, but judging from the respectful attitude of others, it seems that the old Bangzi in the village is not an ordinary person.

It's really strange.

"Why bother."

Wen Shanjing sighed:

"Senior Cui probably doesn't know that your wife was pregnant when she returned to her parents' home. The child must be ten years old now, right?"


The mountain man raised his head, the corner of his mouth moved slightly, and there were some ripples in Gujing Wubo's expression.

"I heard that the Huang family has always wanted the senior's wife to remarry, but the wife never responded. Apparently she still thinks about the senior in her heart."

Wen Shanjing continued:

"I know the whereabouts of the Zixue Sword."


The mountain man suddenly raised his head, and the dullness and hollowness in his eyes disappeared in an instant, and a sharp sword intent came out of his body as if it had substance.

Obviously they were dressed the same, but at this moment, the mountain people were like unsheathed swords, with a cold light that made it difficult to look directly at them.

He looked at Wen Shanjing and his voice was hoarse:


"Of course." Wen Shanjing nodded:

"Wen can swear an oath!"


Cui Shao closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and suddenly struck the stone mill beside him with his palm.

The stone mill was big enough to be surrounded by three people, and the two-layered stone roller weighed an unknown number of kilograms. Under his palm, it shattered to pieces, revealing the long sword inside.


The sword suddenly jumped up and fell into Cui Shao's hand. The sword groaned softly, as if he was excited to reappear after being in the dust for many years.

"Who do you want me to deal with, Mr. Wen?"

"Please get in the carriage."

Wen Shanjing bowed:

"Let's talk in detail."


The carriage is so spacious that even a group of eight people will not feel cramped.

Cui Shao got in the car. In addition to Wen Shanjing and Liu Mengyan, there was also a handsome middle-aged man with strange eyes.


The man chuckled:

"I heard that the senior brother of the Tianyi Sect killed his master the night before the sect leader took over the grand ceremony, and escaped with the inherited treasure, the Purple Snow Sword."

"I didn't expect to see the owner here."

"Brother He, please be careful what you say. There is another reason for this." Wen Shanjing shook his head and stretched out his hand:

"This is the flying star player He Yanhe from Liangzhou. His flying star and moon-catching hand is one of the best. Senior Cui must have heard about it, right?"


Cui Shao nodded slowly:

"The wonderful thief He Yan, Cui has not been involved in Jianghu affairs for many years, and I don't know when he got the nickname Flying Star Hand."

"Haha..." He Yanlang laughed:

"As early as a few years ago, He had already washed his hands and stopped doing that sneaky business, otherwise why would he be so tight?"

As he spoke, he touched the gold ingot on the side.

There are thirty gold ingots on the tray, each of which is ten taels of pure gold. If exchanged at the current market price, it can be exchanged for more than four thousand taels of silver.

Even according to the official price, it is still three thousand taels of silver!

This amount of money is a lot of money, even for a wealthy family.

And this is the reward for asking him to take action once.

"This is Brother Liu Mengyan, let's get to know each other." Wen Shanjing looked at Liu Mengyan, nodded, and asked hopefully:


"He didn't agree." Liu Mengyan shook his head.

"What a pity." Wen Shanjing sighed.

Although it was a pity, he had already expected this and shook his head not to mention it again.

After all, according to that person's style, he could obviously hold a high position and earn a fortune, but he was willing to hide in the mountains and do ascetic cultivation.

This kind of people,

Not interested in money, women, or power.

In addition, as Liu Mengyan said, Zhou Yi has a cold temperament and is not a person who pursues righteousness. There is little hope of asking him to take action.

There was also the old devil with bloody hands, who was very powerful but had too weird temperament, so he was also not invited.



He glanced at the people in the field and paused at Liu Mengyan, feeling slightly at ease.




Shangyuan Festival.

Liangguo's festival is second only to the New Year. On this day, every household lights up lanterns to ward off bad luck, and the market is bustling until the next day.

The noise is everywhere, which makes it easier for some people to do things.

The Meng family mansion.

Night falls.

More than ten black shadows swooped from everywhere and appeared near the house. They exchanged messages with each other through secret whistles and silently jumped towards the yard.


On the roof, Zhou Yi, wearing a black robe, was like a ghost hiding in the dark night. He touched his chin when he saw this:

"Interesting, he is actually from the Red Lotus Sect."

Ever since Bai Fengyue obtained the Holy Buddha's Seal, the Red Lotus Sect has begun to slowly withdraw from Kunshan City's sphere of influence, with only a few remaining.

After all, with the Lin family in charge, it is difficult for the Red Lotus Sect to preach here. On the contrary, it loses many masters every year because of this.

Such large-scale actions as today are even rarer.

Zhou Yi shook his head and ignored it.

No matter what they want to do, it has nothing to do with him. The purpose of his trip is to read the "Book of Thousand Souls" so that he can cultivate the 'Death Mushroom'.


The figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

Land Galloping Technique: Perfection.

Wind Control Technique: Proficient (4/100)

The mastery level of Wind Control Technique has increased Zhou Yi's speed by 20% on the original basis, and his movements have become more agile and elegant.


The practice of this skill is simply ridiculously slow.

Over the past few years, he had been habitually running the Wind Control Technique whenever he walked, and with the golden finger of the Eternal Certification, he was actually quite proficient at it.

After advancing to the proficiency level, progress will be slower.

Compared to the Chunyang Iron Cloth Shirt at the Dacheng Realm, it is no worse.

No wonder Bai Fengyue would hand over the Wind Control Technique without hesitation. It would probably take an ordinary Zhenqi warrior ten or twenty years to achieve this feat.

Proficient, accomplished...

It may not be possible in a lifetime!

This made Zhou Yi even more curious about the limits of this skill. Such a method, the power of movement is profound and subtle, and it should not be ordinary.

A 30% increase may seem like a lot, but spending such a long time is not as cost-effective as practicing a superior light skill.


The breeze blew across the ground, picking up some fallen leaves, but the figures had disappeared.

The drunken Liu Laosan said goodbye to the man on the dock and pushed open the door with a staggering step. His body felt cold as soon as he entered the room.

Years of fighting have given him a special sense of murderous intent. Just like now, the skin and flesh all over his body are tense and the hairs are exploding.


Turning around, he looked cautiously at the dark figure in the room, his drunkenness completely gone:

"Who is your Excellency?"

"Is the Book of Thousand Spirits on you?" Zhou Yi said in a tight voice:

"take it out."

"Hmph." Liu Laosan narrowed his eyes slightly and hummed:

"You want me to take it?"


Zhou Yi touched his chin. He was about to show his hand, but after thinking about it, he waved his hand and opened the curtain at the back.

At the same time, it indicates:

"Go over and take a look."


Liu Laosan looked confused.

His residence is close to the Meng family mansion. Hall Master Meng is a first-class master in cultivating Zhenqi, which is why he is not afraid of visitors.

Just shout and someone will come immediately.

He carefully moved to the window and saw a scene that would make ordinary people's eyes wide open and almost scream.


At some unknown time, more than ten men in black appeared in the Meng family's mansion and started killing wildly under the cover of gongs, drums, cheers and firecrackers outside.

One after another figures lay in a pool of blood, including many of his acquaintances.

"How about it?"

Zhou Yi spoke:

"Can you take it out?"

"..." Liu Laosan opened his mouth, his voice hoarse:

"Take it out and you won't kill me?"

"Don't worry." Zhou Yi said calmly:

"I'm not interested in your life."


Liu Laosan nodded:

"I'll get it, just wait a moment."

"Ask someone to go." Zhou Yi waved his hand:

"Although I don't mind your tricks, I don't like trouble. It would be convenient for you and me if you ask someone to come over and get it, right?"

"...Yes." Liu Laosan's eyes flashed and his voice said:


"Come here."

After a while.

A booklet appeared in Zhou Yi's hand.


"never mind."

For something like a book, what's important is the content inside. It doesn't matter to him whether it's an authentic book or not, as long as the content is authentic.

I flipped through it and found a page with the word 'Death Mushroom' on it.


Raising his eyebrows, Zhou Yi couldn't help but show a hint of joy on his face. It not only had the characteristics of the dead mushroom, but also a formula.

The effectiveness of the medicine can be maximized.

Judging from the layout style, this prescription should have been added later, probably because Hengbaoju found someone to specially prepare the prescription after learning about the Necromancer Mushroom.

This time it was easier for him.

The Book of Thousand Spirits contains a description of the efficacy, characteristics, and growth environment of the undead mushroom. Coupled with the theory of the impermanence of life and death, Zhou Yi is 80% sure of cultivating the undead mushroom.


Nodding, he put the book in his arms, and with a sway of breeze, he disappeared, leaving behind a frightened Liu Laosan.

Until it was confirmed that Zhou Yi had left, Liu Laosanfang's knees weakened and he struggled to run out.


Meng Mansion.

"Meng Xiu."

Liu Xinran gritted her silver teeth and glared at the people in the field:

"I never imagined that you would have this day too!"

"The remnants of the Liu family." Meng Xiu's cheeks twitched and he stared at the Liu siblings:

"I shouldn't have let you escape back then, so I should have eliminated the root cause to avoid future troubles!"


Liu Xinran waved her hands gently:


"Kill him and I will pay you one thousand taels of silver."


Two black figures jumped out from the side, each using their killing moves to rush towards Meng Xiu. When they struck, they were full of energy, and they were obviously people who had achieved true energy.

Although his aura is weak, Meng Xiu is also an old man in his sixties.



Along with a series of fighting sounds, several rays of cold light shot out from Liu Xinran's hands, and lightning penetrated into Meng Xiu's body and burst out.


Meng Xiu's body froze, and several other people took the opportunity to take action. The body was chopped into pieces under the interplay of swords and swords.

"Ha ha……"

Seeing the beheading of her enemy, Liu Xinran couldn't help but raise her head to the sky and roar, the sword in her hand trembled with excitement. When she came to her senses, her face turned ferocious:


"Kill everyone in the Meng family, including the newborn child!"

Liu Xiao on the side froze, and suddenly turned his head, looking at his sister with eyes filled with horror.

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