The two of them were walking in the intricate Tiangong Association base.

Led by Mark, they bypassed the buildings and came to the door of an underground warehouse.

As Mark stepped into the warehouse.

There were safes connected to each other on all sides of the warehouse. The densely packed safes were connected together, which could be called a wall!

"Grandpa, there are weapons in these safes, right?"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and said in astonishment.

Mark nodded and reached out to touch the door of a nearby safe: "Take a look."


The door of the safe opened, and a green blade suddenly appeared inside!

"This is the crystallization of the Diamond God of War, the condensed blade!" Tian Xiaoban recognized the owner of the blade at a glance and exclaimed.

"It is an alien of the same race as the Diamond God of War. He used to work as a plumber and left this weapon after his death."

While Mark was talking, he kept opening the doors of the safes.

A variety of dazzling alien weapons and earth equipment.

Presented in front of everyone! !

Submachine guns, even hot weapons such as Gatling, are even common here!

Mark reached out and picked up a laser gun, saying lightly: "You can choose the right weapon for yourselves, I only need this."

Xiao Chen was not interested at all, and leaned against a safe casually: "I won't take it, maybe taking it will limit my performance. You take it!"

Even Tian Xiaowen, just took a look and lost interest.

There is no way...

She has too much equipment.

"Then I want this knife!"

Tian Xiaoban reached out and picked up the emerald blade, holding it tightly: "With it, maybe I can become a swordsman!"

As he said this, he gently waved the emerald blade.

After another round of searching, the four of them made sure that they didn't have the weapons they wanted, and then they raised their feet and walked out of the so-called arsenal.

They shuttled through the Tiangong Base and returned along the same route.

Mark suddenly stopped and said indifferently: "Do you know why I came to the Tiangong Base? In addition to taking weapons... the intricate terrain here is an advantage that I can use to attack the bad class!"

"Grandpa, you mean that we won't go back to the old broken car."

"Let's ambush here!"

Xiao Chen instantly got what Mark meant, his eyes lit up.

Before, they tried guerrilla warfare.

This time, they are going to use an ambush to ambush the bad class! !

"Yes!" Mark nodded heavily and said, "Next, I will explain to you the general terrain of this area. After you understand the terrain, you can use various buildings to deal with the bad guys!"

Tian Xiaoban was embarrassed and said, "Ah, remember things? I'm not so good at this."

Mark patted Xiaoban on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Don't be silly, Xiaoban, if we fight an ambush, the only one who can fight alone is your cousin, you, me and Xiaowen, the three of us together, so it doesn't matter whether you remember it or not!"

"Huh... Then I have to remember it clearly."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen took a deep breath and concentrated on it.

Next, Mark told the complicated terrain of this underground base.

Xiao Chen listened attentively and gradually understood the general terrain of the entire base!


Xiao Chen walked away alone and hid in various buildings.

Mark and the other two went to other high-tech buildings and hid in them.

The entire Tiangong Workers' Base, even the light bulbs went out.

It became dark.

I don't know how long it has been...

With a "boom" sound!!

A big hole was opened in the huge underground passage of Tiangong Workers' Base!

Immediately, one figure after another fell from the big hole and landed in the Tiangong Workers' Base!!

"Is this really the base of Tiangong Workers' Base?"

"Haha, this is a double blessing, I can strike the damn brutal hero and destroy Tiangong Workers' Base!"

"Hmph, I told you a long time ago that I know all the secrets in the world!"

One figure after another was whispering to each other, and there was also a proud voice from the bad guys.

As their discussion sounded, the lights also lit up in an instant, illuminating the intricate terrain in all directions.

"Why is this so complicated?"


The big white man, who was wearing a fur coat and was not afraid of the heat at all, looked at Bad Class on the side in surprise: "If they are hiding here, how can we find them? Do you know how to get there?"


Beads of sweat appeared on Bad Class' forehead, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "I remember everything else, but I forgot this..."


It's his brain, which is really not enough.

I can't remember this damn terrain!!

"Then let's go separately."

The big white man turned his head and looked at a road with a cold expression: "We, the Dark Circus, will take this road!"

"Then I'll take another road!"

Bad Class shrugged his shoulders, quickly selected the alien, and changed his body.

Then, he walked towards the chosen road in the form of an alien.

Not long after Bad Class left.

Several people in the Dark Circus all looked at Bad Class's back with special fear!

The reason why they can cooperate with Bad Class.

In addition to the reliable information provided by Bad Class.

Moreover, Bad Class can defeat any one of them!

So they have to cooperate!

"Okay, we should go too. That guy is scary as an enemy, but he must be reliable as a teammate!"

The white man took a deep breath, raised his feet and walked towards a passage.

"Yes... Master Tamer!!"

The other people followed the white man's footsteps and said humbly.

The people of the Dark Circus shuttled through this road without stopping.

Sometimes they looked up and looked at the high-tech buildings passing by, and sometimes they looked forward vigilantly.

Everything around was extremely quiet...

It seemed that there was no one.

Bang bang.

At this time, a person in the team was patted on the shoulder.

He waved his hand impatiently and cursed: "Fuck, at such a tense moment, you still patted my shoulder, looking for... huh?!"

The man's eyes were horrified, and cold sweat appeared on his body.

If I remember correctly...

He was the last person!

Crash! !

The cold blade suddenly swept across the man's neck, splashing a lot of blood!

The horrible blood was directly stained everywhere!

"Huh, the first one, done."

The ghost slowly retracted the Jason machete in his hand, and then grasped another Ekquwa sword, staring at the remaining people cruelly!

"The brutal hero is out!!"

"This method is indeed his!"

The other people turned around and stared at the ghost furiously!

As they found the ghost, the task appeared.

"Brutal task released: Kill the dark circus that came to you for revenge!"

"Lower limit of reward: Omnitrix high-efficiency enhancer!"

The ghost was a little surprised.

This group of enemies in front of him came from nowhere.

They actually came to him for revenge? ?

"No matter, I'll kill you first!!"

The ghost smiled grimly, and his figure suddenly flashed, and he disappeared on the spot!

The beast trainer stopped, clenched his hands, and growled: "Everyone, get ready for battle!"

"Got it... Master Beast Trainer!"


A man raised his head, his hair turned into sideburns, and his face gradually became a lion's face.

All over his body, there were terrifying muscles everywhere!

Another man growled, his body began to swell, and his ears became particularly wide.

The whole person... turned into a humanoid war elephant! !

A seven-meter-tall, humanoid war elephant! !

"I finally know why you are called a beast trainer."

"What kind of weird monsters are your men!"

A cold voice with ridicule sounded.

The ghost teleported above the beast trainer, and a knife and a sword crossed each other and chopped at the beast trainer's head!

To catch a thief, you must first catch the king, this is an eternal truth! ! !

Ping! !

The sound of metal interlacing sounded!

The trainer raised one arm to block the cuts of the sword and knife. The skin on his arm was as solid as steel.

He raised the corner of his mouth, and the beard on his face trembled like needles: "Brutal hero, the reason why I can train animals and am called a trainer... is of course because I am the most terrifying human!!"

And the most terrifying human.

can be a trainer!

"The strongest earthling? Are you worthy?"

The ghost retracted the two knives in his hand and looked at the trainer, the lion-headed man, and the war elephant man: "Today, I will kill three at once."

Wait for him to kill the Dark Circus.

Then go and kill Bad Class!

I hope... Xiaoban and the others don't run into this dangerous character!

On the other side.

A dragon-shaped monster with a height of seven or eight meters and a yellowish earth body was walking in the passage.

This monster was actually the Tyrannosaurus Rex transformed by Bad Class! !

"Little mice

, where on earth are you hiding! ! "Bad Class raised his head and kept roaring towards the passage, his voice seemed very dull, "If I catch you, you will all die!"

A figure suddenly walked out from behind a building not far away.

"Who will die is still uncertain!"

Tian Xiaowen looked confident, holding a staff in his hand, gently waving the staff, and the treasure book behind him raised a gust of wind!!

"Looking for death!"

Bad Class looked at Tian Xiaowen with disdain, and strode directly into the wind.


The strong wind blew violently on his feet, making him unable to stand, and fell heavily to the ground!

As Bad Class fell to the ground, he wanted to get up.

"Look at me to kill you! "

Tian Xiaoban rushed out and rushed to the front of Huaiban, holding the diamond blade in both hands and swung it violently towards Huaiban's neck!

With a "ping" sound!!

His diamond blade chopped on Huaiban's neck.

It was actually slightly repelled!

"Good tactics, but unfortunately, the defense of the Divine Tyrannosaurus is very strong!"

Huaiban showed a sneer, climbed up easily, and looked at Tian Xiaoban in front of him: "If you don't take it seriously, you really think I will be defeated!"

"Grandson, look at this!"

Mark's provocative voice suddenly sounded.

"Grandson? Who are you scolding! ! "

Bad Class was furious and turned to look at Mark who appeared not far away.

Mark raised the laser gun, locked the laser gun accurately, and pulled the trigger.


A laser burst directly into Bad Class's eyes!

It hurt so much that he raised his hands and covered his eyes that were constantly smoking: "Ahhh, despicable!! Grandpa, you are too despicable!! "

You are a legendary hero of Tiangong.

A great and glorious image.

How can you do such a thing!!

"Haha, the brutal hero taught me..."

Mark smiled and raised his eyebrows at Tian Xiaoban and the others: "To deal with weirdos, you must use any means!"

"Yes, yes! ! "

Tian Xiaoban gradually understood.

He raised the diamond blade with one hand and quickly came behind Bad Class.

The diamond blade stabbed the drum under Bad Class's tail fiercely!

"Ah ... "

Bad Class instantly jumped up as if he had been electrocuted, and covered the bottom of his tail with both hands.

He walked back and forth in pain.


Mark saw this scene and pulled the trigger of the laser gun again, hitting Bad Class's eyes!

Bad Class screamed in pain again.

He wanted to cover his face.

Tian Xiaoban was going to kill again!

The fighting style of the grandfather and grandson gradually became gangsters!!

"Control you!"

Tian Xiaowen raised both hands, continuously releasing the energy of heaven, and tightly controlled Bad Class.

It was not possible to let Bad Class move too much, causing Mark and Tian Xiaoban's attack rhythm to be messed up!

It can be said that...

The three of them are purely gangsters! !

"Why, why are you three so shameless! ! A fair and upright decision... Aa ... "

Bad Class covered his eyes with one hand and the bottom of his tail with the other hand, roaring furiously.

Before he could finish.

A laser wave hit his mouth directly.

A dolphin-like scream burst out from his mouth!!

"What did you say your name was... Oh, the Mighty Tyrannosaurus!"

"Today, he will be called the Defeated Tyrannosaurus!! "

Tian Xiaoban danced the diamond blade in his hand gracefully, and his fighting spirit was high.

He has fought so many battles.

Today, it was the most enjoyable one!

It was so enjoyable!!

"Defeated Tyrannosaurus?"

Bad Class's mouth was twisted fiercely, and his tone became furious: "Jiska, come out to assist me, as long as you deal with anyone casually, I can turn the tables!! "

"Jiska? !"

"Wait, it's the ghost inside and outside his appearance! "

Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen were a little confused when they heard the unfamiliar words.

Only Mark became nervous and reminded loudly.


On the small broken watch pattern in front of Badban.

A ghost figure emerged with a strong murderous intent in his eyes: "Got it, boss, I'll help you deal with the three of them! ! "

"Xiaoban, Xiaowen, be careful next time."

Mark tightly grasped the laser gun and said heavily: "When we can't use the rogue method to deal with Badban. He will become extremely scary! ! "

Bad Class is a monster that can fight back and forth with Xiao Chen!!

At this time.

The people of the Dark Circus also fought back and forth with the ghost!

Swish, swish, swish!

The ghost kept teleporting to the vicinity of the lion-headed man, the trainer and others, and the swords and knives crossed their bodies.

But only shallow scars were left on them!

"Haha, it's useless. The physical strength of our Dark Circus is

The power is the most terrifying, you can't do anything about it!"

The trainer said sarcastically, staring at the ghost: "When you run out of energy, you will definitely die! ! Cruel hero!"

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