The sound of the explosion was so deafening that the enemy was about to explode.

Boom! Boom!

On the ground where Bad Class was.

A huge alien with a steel helmet all over his body, who looked particularly bloated, was walking slowly.

Every step he took, although his movements were relatively slow, could create a dull sound!

This is Mark, Tian Xiaoban and the others...

Aliens never seen before! !


The ghost teleported to Bad Class, and the voice was filled with astonishment: "Bad Class actually switched to Nuclear Steel King! This monster!"

Nuclear Steel King is a powerful alien from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Under its thick armor, there is an extremely huge amount of nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy, however, has the power to destroy the world and attenuate everything!

"Now, even if I can't touch you, the battle is over."

Bad Class' voice was dull, his limbs slowly spread out, and his tone was cold: "Game time, over."


Tian Xiaowen touched her nose and felt her blood boiling.

A stream of blood suddenly flowed out of her nostrils.

Not only her.

Mark also started to bleed from his nose, and his whole state became wrong.

Even Tian Xiaoban felt breathless! !

"It's radiation. This guy has a huge amount of nuclear energy. The radiation inside is enough for us to drink a pot!!"

Ghost looked at the state of the three people and spoke nervously! !

In the real world, Nuclear Steel is simply a biological nemesis!

Even Tian Xiaoban, Tian Xiaowen and others are superhuman.

They are still affected by his radiation!

"Let's go, we'll only be a drag if we stay here!"

Mark immediately understood the stakes, and dragged Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen directly, running away from Bad Class!

Bad Class didn't chase them, but just looked at the ghost jokingly: "Xiao Chen, it's useless for you to let the three of them go. When you die, I will kill them within ten minutes. No, within one minute."

"Stop talking nonsense!!"

The ghost took a deep breath and cursed in an extremely irritable manner!

The appearance of Nuclear Steel Lord.

It made him feel a sudden increase in pressure! !

He held the Ekquwa Divine Sword and wanted to approach Bad Class...

But the Ekquwa Divine Sword actually emitted a faint sword aura!

It seemed to remind him not to get close to Bad Class!

"Damn, that's my Divine Sword!"

Bad Class looked at the Ekquwa Divine Sword angrily, feeling as if he was being taunted: "I want to take it back!"

He raised his footsteps and strode towards the ghost!

With his arrival

The ghost gradually couldn't breathe, and the whole person even began to weaken!

The terrible radiation made him extremely uncomfortable!

"Now, now I can only gamble. Either I can use the Armored Titan state to deal with him, or I can use the electric lizard to absorb his energy. Any other alien will definitely die!"

Just as the ghost was thinking, Bad Class also came in front of him, stretched out his heavy hand and grabbed his shoulder: "I'm going to kill you!"

"Regret medicine mode, open!!"

The ghost roared.

As he silently chanted, his own small broken watch pattern actually emitted a strange light, covering his whole body! !

"What?? You can also switch to aliens?"

Bad Class looked at this scene with a look of astonishment, and then, he showed a sneer: "It's useless, anyone will die!!"

After that.

The dazzling flames flashed on his helmet, which was the nuclear energy with terrifying high temperature.

This terrifying nuclear energy directly exploded on Xiao Chen in the light! !

The power is comparable to the nuclear energy caused by the simultaneous explosion of countless hydrogen bombs!

"Hey, are you tickling me?"

In the light, a muffled, mocking voice sounded! !

"What, what?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Bad Class's expression under his helmet was extremely wonderful, and his movements stopped: "You actually..."

Boom! !

In the light, a nuclear energy shock wave burst out, directly hitting Bad Class, blasting him away! !

The light also shattered...

Inside, the Nuclear Steel King transformed by Xiao Chen was revealed! !


Xiao Chen did not randomly get the Electric Lizard or the Super Giant.

But he randomly got the Nuclear Steel King DNA of Bad Class who had just touched him! !

He also got the Nuclear Steel King's DNA! !

"Bad, bad..."

On the ground nearby, the two-parted Ziska looked at the scene with tears in his eyes: "Two Nuclear Steel Kings fighting each other, isn't that a fight like Mars hitting the Earth? Can I still survive?"


Just dying.

But he felt.

He had a chance to save him!!

"Two radiation monsters... run away!!

"I think it should be called Nuclear Steel!"

"Now is not the time to be clever with names, stupid!"

Mark, Tian Xiaoban and others looked at Nuclear Steel from a distance, and the three of them quickened their pace and began to run farther...


Bad Class fell heavily to the ground in the posture of being blown away!

But he got up unscathed and looked at Nuclear Steel with interest: "You actually became Nuclear Steel too, well, Nuclear Steel and Nuclear Steel fight! Let's see who is stronger!"

"You talk too much nonsense!!

Nuclear Steel roared, and the whole person suddenly stopped.


From the gap in his helmet, a dazzling alien figure flew out and floated in the air!

This is the real body of Nuclear Steel!


Similarly, Bad Class also flew out of his huge helmet and looked at Nuclear Steel Lord coldly.

Two dazzling figures were frozen in midair, staring at each other.

One second, two seconds...

Boom! !

Nuclear Steel Lord and Bad Class moved at the same time, and the two flew and crashed into each other.

Like two terrifying comets! !

As the two of them collided with each other, a deep red energy shock was directly stirred up around them, razing the surrounding buildings to the ground!

The entire space was even filled with nuclear radiation!

"Energy intensity, a tie."

Nuclear Steel Lord slowly took a step back, looked at Bad Class who was also retreating, and frowned and said, "I am so lame?"

"I also think I am so lame that I am tied with you."

Bad Class said reluctantly, but there was an uproar in his heart.

The last one can play with any alien.

Even in the first transformation, he can master the alien's fighting power without any instruction...

It's still Brother Ban!!

This Xiao Chen is just like his mother Brother Ban's reincarnation!

The first time he used Nuclear Steel, he was not inferior to Bad Class!

"Energy intensity is equal, then I will knock you out with close combat!!"

Nuclear Steel clenched his hands and took a fighting stance with this alien posture!

"Fighting? I can do it, and I can still play at the level of professional competitions!"

Seeing this, Bad Class also took a fighting stance

The two approached each other.

Bang Bang Bang!!

Nuclear Steel's fist quickly landed on Bad Class, and the radiation-carrying fist hammered the latter's body out of shape!

And every punch Bad Class threw...

It was like turning on the outline mode!!

He couldn't touch Nuclear Steel!

"Fuck, fuck!"

"Why is his fighting skill so terrible!"

Bad Class said with a horrified face!

The longer he was in contact with Xiao Chen.

The more he seemed to discover.

How terrifying this man is!

Not far away.

"Who, who can save me..."

Ziska raised his withered tentacles and spoke weakly: "I am living a life worse than death! I have lived for so many years, why do I have to suffer so much in the last moments of my life?"

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