On the way to the new city.

Xiao Chen was just like usual, sometimes playing video games with Tian Xiaoban, sometimes chatting about science with Xiao Wen, everything was the same as usual.

"Haha, Xiao Chen recovered quickly."

Mark glanced at Xiao Chen and said with a smile.

Taking advantage of his good mood, he turned on the old car radio - the death radio as usual.

"That... Hello everyone, this radio station was hijacked by me."

"I want to tell you that I, the hijacker, am an alien hero!!"

A cold voice came from the radio!

Swish! !

The old car suddenly stopped on the road.

Mark looked grim, and took a deep breath: "Another imposter!!"

"I heard it, Grandpa."

Xiao Chen stood up slowly, his expression stern, and he was completely in combat mode: "I don't know who wants to impersonate me this time... or is it the bad class who is here to cause trouble again."

Or maybe some other small class is impersonating him!

The next moment, the person in the radio station suddenly said: "In addition to my identity as an alien hero, I also have an earthling identity, called Tian Xiaoban! To be precise, I am an alien hero transformed from an earthling!"

As soon as these words came out.

The atmosphere in the old broken car froze instantly!

"No, you, you tell me my name?"

Tian Xiaoban slowly stood up, pointed at himself, and looked incredible.

Almost instantly, everyone reached a consensus.

The person in the radio station is a small class from another universe, not a clumsy imposter! !

A guaranteed bad class, a small class with an unknown upper limit! !

"Tonight at 8 o'clock, I will prove my identity to you on a TV station in Utah! Everyone must watch TV!"

As the last sentence sounded, the radio station suddenly turned off!

Xiao Chen looked at Tian Xiaoban with an ugly expression and said, "Xiaoban, if he really uses your face to admit the identity of the alien hero, the consequences will be disastrous."

"The consequence is... I will become famous?"

Tian Xiaoban said in surprise.

"..." Xiao Chen was silent for a while, and was speechless.


Tian Xiaowen gently hit Tian Xiaoban's head with the back of his hand.

"Ouch, it hurts!"

Tian Xiaoban covered his head with his hands and looked at Tian Xiaowen unconvinced: "I obviously have the alien gene, why can the nerd hurt me?"

"This time I hit you, it is to wake up your dream of becoming a star!"

Tian Xiaowen put his hands on his waist and said angrily: "Daitou, once that Xiaoban uses your face to claim the identity of an alien hero, many weirdos will cause trouble for us, including trouble for our family!!"

"My parents will also be in danger!"

Tian Xiaoban suddenly stood up and said in horror.

For the first time, he felt a trace of worry and fear!

"Yes! Now you know why I want to hit you! We are so anxious!"

Tian Xiaowen sighed deeply and looked at Xiao Chen and Mark.

"The next step is very simple."

Xiao Chen put his hands in his pockets and raised a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Go directly to Utah, and find a way to meet that guy before 8 o'clock in the evening!!"

This time.

He was going to go all out and hammer the enemy to death!!

"The brutal hero and the legendary plumber are ready!!"

Mark stepped on the accelerator and drove the old car to the maximum speed!


In the vast state of Utah.

The passers-by on both sides of the street were walking and gossiping with their companions.

"Have you heard that the alien hero said he was an earthling!"

"Do you still believe this? It must be the radio station who is making a big hype again."

"That's right... and he said his name is Tian Xiaoban. There are so many Tian Xiaobans in this world. Who knows which Tian Xiaoban~"

Almost everyone was talking about this explosive news!!

But they were only talking about it, just as a topic of conversation after dinner.

"Roar~ I thought people on the street would discuss me, but I didn't expect it to be limited to this."

In the old car, Tian Xiaoban leaned against the open window, facing the heat, and complained helplessly.

"Daitou, close the window quickly!! The air conditioning will be taken away!"

Tian Xiaowen said to Tian Xiaoban with an angry face.

"Xiaoban, if we can't catch that guy before 8 o'clock in the evening."

Xiao Chen crossed his arms and said seriously: "When that time comes, you will experience what it feels like to be famous!!"

When that time comes.

Tian Xiaoban really became a brutal hero


His parents, everything about him...

may all be in danger! !

"So..." Mark drove the car and analyzed calmly, "The safest way for us now is to stay near the Utah TV station. When it's almost eight o'clock in the evening, the mastermind will naturally appear!"

"Yeah, okay."

Xiao Chen nodded, but he felt something was wrong in his heart.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Let the old car drive towards the Utah TV station building.

Time passed by.

Xiao Chen suddenly stood up and looked at Mark: "Grandpa, your method doesn't work!!"

"What do you mean?"

Mark asked in astonishment.

Xiao Chen took a deep breath and said quickly: "Just like I used ghost shadow to sneak into the TV station building before, that guy must have a way to enter the TV station building without us knowing!"

"Then we will just squat in the live broadcast room and catch him when he comes in!"

Tian Xiaoban suddenly had an idea and proposed a plan.

Xiao Chen shook his head again: "The moment he sees us, he will leave the TV station building and go to other TV stations!"

"What should we do..."

Tian Xiaoban leaned on the car seat with a distressed look, and there was no way.

He was about to become the first.

The hero who was "opened"!

For a moment, everyone in the car fell into deep thought.

"Wait, since that guy wants to use Xiaoban's identity to claim the brutal hero."

Tian Xiaowen slowly raised his head with a touch of excitement on his face: "Then why don't we muddy the water!"

"Muddy the water?"

Xiao Chen looked at Tian Xiaowen and asked.

Tian Xiaowen suppressed his excitement and quickly narrated: "It's like this! Xiaoban, my cousin, and I... We all went to public places to show our superpowers and claim the identity of the brutal hero! Release these false news to deceive the public!"

In this way.

Even if Xiaoban's identity was revealed at 8 o'clock in the evening.

No one would care! !

Because there are too many people who claim to be the brutal hero! !

"Good idea!"

Xiao Chen slapped the table hard and said eagerly: "Start implementing it from now on! Don't let that guy have the possibility of pretending to be Xiaoban!!"

The old broken car suddenly stopped!

After Mark's repeated reminders.

Xiao Chen, Tian Xiaoban and his group walked out of the old broken car and went in different directions! !


In a huge video game city.

One by one, the game players were concentrating on controlling the joystick, trying to blow up the enemies on the game console screen.

They pulled the joystick hard, as if this would increase the damage.

"First, sir, we don't have any game consoles for aliens here."

At this time.

The guy at the front desk stuttered, with a hint of fear! !

A few players who had just finished the game slowly looked towards the front desk, their pupils changed.

Front desk.

A weird man with a flowery face stood there! !

Although his eyes were kind, his murderous aura made everyone's heart beat wildly! !


Tian Xiaoban put his hands on his shoulders and said in an almost arrogant tone: "Don't you watch the news... My nickname is the brutal hero! ! The hero from the alien planet!"

As soon as the voice fell!

Almost everyone looked at him, took out their mobile phones, and filmed him! !

"Look, I saw the real brutal hero, so excited!"

"I told you, how could a brutal hero be called Tian Xiaoban? The name sounds lame!"

"He's from an alien planet, with the same setting as Superman!"

Players were all imagining and excitedly sharing Tian Xiaoban's story on their respective social media!

If it were the live broadcast era now.

Tian Xiaoban could just start broadcasting and collect the supercar fragments!


In the Utah TV building.

Although it was not yet eight o'clock in the evening, reporters surrounded the place, eagerly waiting for big news.


With a piercing sonic boom!

A light-like figure passed over the reporters' heads and landed on the ground!

The crowd was in an uproar, and the shutters began to flash continuously! !

In the TV building, employees couldn't help but look out.

Everyone... looked at the sudden electric lizard!

"Everyone, I'm not in the habit of being late, so I chose to come early."

Electric Lizard smiled at countless cameras!

"Brutal hero, is your real name Tian Xiaoban?"

"Are all those aliens displayed by you alone?"

"Excuse me, how do you get such a strong power!"


Their questions were endless and enthusiastic.

Faced with their questions.

The electric lizard just gently twisted the pattern in front of him: "What I want to tell you is that my body... looks like this!"

Turn on the regret medicine mode!

As the light suddenly appeared!

The flame man walked out of the light.

"That's the hero who put out the fire!!"

"Not only that, this guy has defeated many criminals before!"

"Sure enough, the flame man is the body of the brutal hero!"

At this moment!

The shutter began to shoot again, constantly exposing the existence of the flame man!

At the same time...

Tian Xiaowen, who deliberately masked himself, also claimed the identity of the brutal hero elsewhere.

On this day.

Countless newspapers quickly appeared throughout Utah and were snapped up.

That is...

Discussion about the identity of the brutal hero! !

Is he Tian Xiaoban, the flame man, or the lucky girl...

Even many neighboring cities began to report the existence of the brutal hero! !

Especially, the cities that the Brutal Hero has been to, and the news about him is following up!

Atlanta in the state of reconstruction!

"The Brutal Hero, shouldn't it be Diamond King Kong!"

"That's right!!"

People looked at the newspapers in their hands, and then looked forward.

Diamond King Kong, who was carrying construction waste back and forth, said expressionlessly: "I am the Brutal Hero, those news are nonsense!"


Since Xiao Chen and the others came out to expose their identities.

Then he should help too.

Make the water more muddy! !

In the RV of Julie's family.

"Tian Xiaoban, Flame Man, Diamond King Kong... Only Xiao Chen is missing? These journalists are too lame!"

Julie's little face bulged, and she looked speechless.

Tian Xiaoban's hometown, Bell City!

"Hahaha, it's so funny, someone actually used the name Tian Xiaoban to pretend to be the Brutal Hero?"

"It can't really be the Xiaoban we know? Haha!"

Keith, Xiaojie.

The two school bullies who had bullied Tian Xiaoban laughed so hard that tears came out of their eyes.

Tianji Organization, main base!!

"Who is the Brutal Hero?!"

"Cui Mok died too quickly, so we didn't know the identity of the Brutal Hero!"

The boss of the Tianji Organization said angrily!

At the same time, Tiangong Association, New York...

In one day, the Brutal Hero became the focus of the world, and the discussion about him was completely fermented!!

More than an hour later.

Electric Lizard walked back to the old broken car, with a satisfied look on his face: "Huh~ It's really good, this time I completely muddied the water and also increased my popularity!"

Kill two birds with one stone!

"Huh? Dai Tou didn't come back?"

"Xiao Chen, where is Xiaoban?"

At this moment, at the door of the old broken car.

Tian Xiaowen and Mark looked at Electric Lizard and were stunned.

"Xiaoban? Is he still claiming me? Or..."

The electric lizard's expression gradually became anxious. He looked around and couldn't see Tian Xiaoban's figure: "It's still him. He met that faker!!"


At the gate of the video game city! !

Tian Xiaoban stopped, took a deep breath, and looked at the figure opposite.

That was an extremely strange existence!

A body with a four-armed overlord, but the limbs were diamond arms, super beast arms and other alien arms.

The wings of the gliding King Kong grew on his back.

The ankles were flash star pulleys.

Such a weird, ten-unlike existence!

"Are you just trying to pretend to be my weirdo? A guy from another universe!!"

Tian Xiaoban slowly frowned and said aggressively.

"Do you know I'm from another universe?"

The alien was stunned for a moment, and a cold smile appeared on his face: "It doesn't matter if you know, Tian Xiaoban, the moment I see the news, I will come to kill you!"

"Come and try!"

Tian Xiaoban slowly twisted his limbs and just opened his mouth.


The alien appeared beside Tian Xiaoban in an instant!

Tian Xiaoban was stunned, holding his breath, and almost couldn't react!

Boom! !

The alien raised his diamond arm and knocked down Tian Xiaoban's body with a punch!

Tian Xiaoban deformed like plasticine and fell to the ground!

"No, that's not right!!"

"You don't have the Omnitrix pattern on your body, you are not the one who owns the Omnitrix in this universe!"

The alien looked at Tian Xiaoban and exclaimed!

"Wait, wait..."

Tian Xiaoban was stunned: "You don't know these things?"

If the other party was sent by Huankong.

He must know this information.

But he doesn't know!

But the problem is...

He is from another universe

! !

"Who are you?"

Tian Xiaoban asked!

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