The wound was so severe that the wound was still alive.

Bang! Bang!

Kevin felt the missing limbs and rolled in pain, but he couldn't resist the remaining nuclear energy!

"That's enough!"

Nuclear Steel stretched out his foot and stepped on the twisting Kevin: "I need to ask you some very important questions now, please cooperate with me."

"I won't say anything!!"

Kevin closed his eyes and said viciously!

Bang! Bang!

Hegangjun raised his foot and kicked Kevin's nose bridge: "You are shameless and want to be beaten again!!"

"Ah ... Kevin mocked: "Yeah, what can you do to me!!"

"Then there is no way, I will change my mind."

Nuclear Steel gently lowered his head and looked at Kevin's pupils: "You should know that excessive nuclear energy can cause cancer, right?"


Kevin's pupils slowly contracted and he took a deep breath: "What do you mean by cancer?"

He couldn't even write his own name.

I really don't know what cancer means.


Nuclear Steel was silent.

I have to say that when your opponent is ignorant to a certain level.

You, the enemy, will feel silent! !

"What are you scaring me about?"

Kevin shouted.

Whoosh! !

Nuclear Steel stopped talking nonsense and put his hands into the big hole in Kevin's chest, flashing a brilliant nuclear energy light!

This light penetrated Kevin's wound and drilled into his body.

At this moment...

The internal organs in his body, along with all kinds of miscellaneous alien internal organs.

Began to grow extremely terrifying tumors! !

"Puff, puff!"

Kevin's face turned pale instantly, blood flowed from his mouth and nose, and countless extremely terrifying symptoms appeared on his body!


He would die directly!

But because of his strong physique, he could tolerate countless cancers and live in pain!

"I'm just curious."

"You are tortured by so many diseases all the time, how long can you bear it!"

Hegang Jun stared into Kevin's eyes and asked.

"Devil, devil!" Kevin screamed in pain, his voice was extremely terrified, "You are simply a devil, you should send me to the prison of Tiangong Society instead of torturing me with lynching, this... This is unjust!"

"Justice? My justice is everything!"

Hegang Jun said decisively!


Kevin couldn't even speak.

Because he was already skinny, tortured to the point of dying, and almost out of nutrients!!

"Still not telling... Would you rather die than tell?"

Nuclear Steel frowned deeply, looking at the half-dead Kevin: "If it doesn't work, I will focus nuclear energy on you, so that you can grow something outside your body."

"Wait, wait!"

Kevin finally couldn't hold it anymore, and opened his mouth painfully: "Don't turn me into a monster!! What do you want to ask, I'll tell you!!"

"If you were like this at the beginning, would I still make you so painful?"

Nuclear Steel smiled helplessly and shook his head: "Now, I want to ask you, you are the Kevin from the Banger Universe, right?"


Kevin instantly burst into a swear word, looking at Nuclear Steel like he saw a ghost.


Big brother, did you get the script? ?

I haven't explained it yet, and you know this most important information? ? Outrageous!

"Who told you to swear? Answer me!"

Hegang Jun's face suddenly darkened!

Kevin nodded desperately: "Yes, I am indeed from the Bange Universe... It's like this, a guy named Huankong..."

Hegang Jun didn't even need to ask.

Kevin told the story of Huankong's arrival in the Bange Universe as if he was recording a confession.

That day.

Bange, who protects the safety of the earth and even the Milky Way, returned home after finishing a day's work.

He had just laid on the sofa when he was stabbed in the back by Huankong, who was lurking at home and was always perfectly virtual! !

Yes, Huankong turned into the ghost of the bad class!


, Brother Bang started a duel with Huan Kong!

Huan Kong, however, narrowly won over Brother Bang because he had two watches! !

"Wait, Huan Kong had a bad watch, so he completed a perfect assassination plan and stabbed Brother Bang!"

Hegang Jun said in astonishment.

Kevin nodded frantically, and helped Brother Bang to curse: "To be honest, I actually like that guy Brother Bang. I don't know which bastard gave Huan Kong a new watch, and hurt Brother Bang so badly!"

He was also hurt badly! !

"Shut up! Don't say anything you didn't say!"

Hegang Jun said angrily: "Go on!"

Kevin continued to narrate.

After Huan Kong defeated Brother Bang again, Mark rode an old broken car equipped with nano bombs at the cost of himself and knocked Huan Kong away.

After that, Brother Bang disappeared.

After being knocked away, Huankong recovered and released all the criminals, slaughtered the entire earth, and destroyed all the righteous forces in the Bange universe...

And Kevin sneaked out of the Bange universe through the time and space gate opened by Huankong and came to the Xiaochen universe.

"This is what I thought. I don't want to be Huankong's younger brother, so I came to your universe and pretended to be Tian Xiaoban in this universe, wanting to kill him and become the king of this universe... You saw the result."

Kevin sighed to the sky.

Hegang Jun fell silent completely, listening with a frown! !

He really didn't expect that he indirectly contributed to the destruction of the Bange universe! !

It's hard to imagine how powerful Huankong is with two watches!

Not to mention, he has a bunch of weirdos under him!

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