The old man was so tired that he had to wait for the old man to come to an end.

"It's so simple!!"

It was night.

Xiao Chen held a screwdriver in one hand and a screw in the other.

The cover above the gene variable device automatically slid off because there were no screws.

The complex main control system inside was exposed, and there were so many circuits that it was dazzling...

There was only a groove like a CPU groove, which was just right for Vilgax's combat chip! !

"I picked up the chip and pressed it in... Done??!"

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and carefully took out the combat chip from the drawer of the bedside table.

Press the blood-red chip into the groove of the chip!


The chip stuck in the groove!

It's done!

It was so simple that Xiao Chen couldn't believe it!

"It's probably because the most difficult main control system, the chip system, has been solved by Mojias and Dong Wu. I was just responsible for the installation, so I thought it was simple."

But on second thought.

Xiao Chen felt reasonable again and smiled with satisfaction.


These villains' equipment is quite useful!

This modified gene variable device.

I wonder how terrifying it will be! !

Thinking about it.

Xiao Chen also gradually fell asleep~

Time passed in a flash.

It was nine o'clock in the morning!

"Cousin, you got up the latest today~"

When Xiao Chen woke up in a daze, in front of him were Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen, who were already energetic.

"Where's grandpa?"

He walked to the washbasin and asked while washing.

"He went to talk to some captain about fishing~ Before fishing, we can arrange the time freely!"

Tian Xiaoban blinked and hinted wildly.

Mark's plan is very simple!

The old broken car was parked by the lake, and then he contacted the local captain and planned to fish in this lake for a whole day!

In this regard.

Both children were not interested!

"Before grandpa finds us, let's go to the shallow water area by the lake to play in the water."

Xiao Chen shook his head helplessly and walked out of the bathroom.


Tian Xiaoban cheered instantly.

He raised his hands, holding a pair of swimming trunks in each hand: "I'm ready!"

"You wait for me."

Tian Xiaowen picked up a small swimsuit and hurried into the bathroom.

The three began to change their swimming equipment!

During this period.

Tian Xiaoban looked at the gene variable machine next to the pillow and exclaimed: "Cousin, were you modifying this last night? Lend it to me to play!"

"Although the modification is completed, it is currently unstable!"

"If you use it, it may blow up your game console, Xiaoban!"

Xiao Chen became serious instantly and threatened Tian Xiaoban.

Tian Xiaoban looked serious and nodded quickly.

He didn't want the game console to explode!

"Well, just don't touch it."

Xiao Chen nodded with satisfaction.

He didn't know the effect of the modified gene variable device yet.

It can't be used indiscriminately.

After the two put on their swimming trunks, the toilet door was pushed open from the inside.

"Let's go."

Tian Xiaowen wore a sky blue swimsuit, like a little swan.

With that angelic smile, facing the two.

Looking at Xiao Chen, with a little shyness.

"Remember, you two, don't run around!"

Xiao Chen reminded earnestly.


As the two agreed, the three of them walked down the old broken car in slippers. In front of the old broken car was a large lake.

They walked to the lake one after another.

"Remember, you can only play in the shallow water area."

Xiao Chen's deep eyes swept across the calm lake surface, and finally reminded.

Shallow water area.

There shouldn't be any water monsters.

"Got it~"

Bang! !

With a splash, Tian Xiaoban couldn't wait to jump out and jumped directly into the lake!

The water splashed on the shore!

"Xiaoban... I hope I don't have to use alien heroes to save you later!"

Xiao Chen's face darkened, looking at the unusually active Tian Xiaoban, complaining.

"Let's go, cousin, Daitou is quite good at swimming."

At this time.

Tian Xiaowen took the initiative to stretch out her little hand and gently hooked Xiao Chen's fingers.

She led Xiao Chen step by step into the shallow water area.

The water level gradually rose.

It took off the heat from Xiao Chen's body and gradually swallowed up to the chest.

"Xiao Wen, if you walk any further, you won't be able to find the bottom."

Xiao Chen retracted his palm, then spread his arms and let his body float gently.

"It's OK to come here~"

Tian Xiaowen looked a little shy and whispered: "Actually, I brought you here to ask you... when will we

"Ah? If you want to watch it, you can watch it tonight!"

"At night! That won't do!"

Tian Xiaowen's face instantly turned red: "Cousin, why do you suddenly say that! I thought you were the kind of boy who...takes things step by step."

"Ah? What I mean is, call grandpa and Xiaoban, and watch it together."

Xiao Chen looked at Tian Xiaowen in confusion and said as a matter of course.

"Hmph, cousin, you lied!"

Tian Xiaowen's face instantly swelled up, and she looked angry.

She wanted to watch it "together".

Not together!!


Xiao Chen instantly laughed and cried.

Only when Tian Xiaowen expressed a little bit of affection to him directly.

He could detect it.


He is really not a loli control! !


"Why is that stupid guy silent? ? ? "

Tian Xiaowen looked around again with a puzzled look.

She exhaled the air she had accumulated, and her hair swayed gently with the air.

"Xiaoban, where is he?"

Xiao Chen's eyes instantly became alert, and he also looked around.

All around, it was quiet.

Xiaoban is really missing!!

Use Flash Star to find him?

Xiao Chen immediately raised his left wrist, and his fingers fell on the Omnitrix screen!


Another noise came from the water not far away!

"Hahaha, you guys were scared by me~"

Tian Xiaoban suddenly emerged from the water and made a standard grimace.


Tian Xiaowen was angry, and said directly in a displeased manner: "Humph, Daitou, I'm not looking for you because I'm worried about you, but because I want to scold you~"

"Xiaoban, I'm not scared. "

Xiao Chen shook the Omnitrix on his wrist expressionlessly and said.

The two of them.

No one was scared!

"Ah, no one was scared? Such a failure!!!"

Tian Xiaoban looked depressed and lowered his head slightly.


The next second!

Tian Xiaoban floated up from the water, as if breaking Newton's law of gravity, and rushed into the sky!!

The syllables of the word failure were stretched to infinity!!

"Xiaoban flew!!!"

At this moment!

Tian Xiaowen was really frightened and covered her mouth!

And the water surface under Tian Xiaoban...

Suddenly, a huge figure appeared!!

A monster like a prehistoric creature, a plesiosaur, was holding Tian Xiaoban in the air, staring at Xiao Chen and Tian Xiaowen!!

"So. "

"There are risks in outdoor travel!! "

Xiao Chen's eyes were fixed on the Omnitrix screen.

On the screen.

It was the figure of Big Steel Teeth!

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