The next day, early in the morning.

The old car was still driving in the desert, but this time there were occasional passing vehicles on the road.

In the car.

Tian Xiaoban was using a laptop, watching the kung fu movies on the computer with great interest: "These movies are so cool, but why can't I find a movie with a golden skyline?"

"Of course I can't find it, there is no "Star Travel" in this world."

Xiao Chen silently complained in his heart and looked at Mark who was driving: "Grandpa, how long will it take us to leave this desert?"

"Don't worry, our destination today is already... Fantasy Light Paradise!!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Mark stepped on the brake with a comfortable look on his face and stopped the old car at the door of a huge sign!

"Fantasy Light Park?"

"An amusement park?! And it's in the desert?!"

Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen, both of them looked at the entrance of Fantasy Light Park with great interest.

There is a huge elk wood sculpture at the entrance of Fantasy Light Park.

There are no amusement projects in the park, only some deserted theme stores.

There are also some facilities suitable for taking pictures and checking in.

It looks... boring!

"You will definitely have a lot of fun, get off the car!"

Mark unbuckled his seat belt with a smile and pushed open the car door.

"Let's go, maybe we will meet some alien weirdos next, anyway, it won't be boring."

Xiao Chen also stood up, looked at the two listless people, and encouraged them.

Tian Xiaoban sighed: "How can we be so unlucky that we can meet weirdos every day?"

"Let's go, cousin."

Tian Xiaowen cheered up a little and smiled.

Although Fantasy Light Park is boring.

But at least my cousin is here, and we can chat~

The three of them got off the old car one after another, and bought tickets for four people at the ticket office with Mark.

After they walked into the Fantasy Light Park.

Xiao Chen's mouth twitched: "It's a miracle that this amusement park can be open until now..."

Looking around the huge Fantasy Light Park.

There are only a dozen tourists!

And they all look "cheated"!

"Haha, if there are fewer people, we don't have to worry about queuing for the attractions."

Mark smiled, raised his feet, and walked towards a facility not far away.

As he walked, the three people behind him followed closely.

But Tian Xiaoban's pace gradually slowed down.

"What's wrong, Xiaoban?"

Xiao Chen slowed down and asked Tian Xiaoban: "Do you want to go back to the car?"

"No... cousin, we are bored here anyway, why don't we find a place and you teach me some kung fu!!"

Tian Xiaoban clenched his fist and gently pounded his chest.

"Do you want to beat Diamond?"

Xiao Chen looked at Tian Xiaoban and asked seriously.

"Well, beat Diamond, then Vilgax... No, Vilgax will be yours, and the No. 2 will be mine!"

Tian Xiaoban looked up with a strong unwillingness in his eyes.

He didn't want to experience it again.

Experience the feeling of being killed instantly! !

"Let's go!"

Xiao Chen nodded without hesitation, and together with Tian Xiaoban, he walked towards a corner of Huanguang Paradise where there were few people!

"Cousin, you and Daitou should be careful!"

Tian Xiaowen watched the backs of the two and reminded them carefully.

Then, she strode to Mark and whispered, "I'll go to Grandpa's place and help you cover."


Bang bang bang.

"There are few people here."

Xiao Chen kept walking and brought Tian Xiaoban to an empty warehouse.

Look around.

There is not even a single figure nearby!

"Great, there's no one here... Eh? Wait, what's in here?"

Tian Xiaoban nodded, but his eyes glanced at the empty warehouse.

Inside the warehouse.

A huge light white ball of wool was placed there, which looked particularly strange! !


Somehow, the yarn inside had some traces of tearing, as if it was damaged!

"It's just a huge ball of wool, don't touch it, it'll be fine."

Xiao Chen looked at the ball of wool with his eyes sharp and said slowly.

He knew.

It contained the lights!

But for now...

They shouldn't come out? !

Inside the ball of wool.

"Good, what a handsome watch!!"

The lights were silent in the darkness.

Electric light was jumping on them, passing through the slightest traces of the wool ball.

The gap, staring at the Omnitrix on Xiao Chen's wrist with jaws dropped!

His eyes flashed with envy!

The next second.

Bang bang bang!

Xiao Chen posed like a fighting master, clenched his fists, and waved: "Xiaoban, follow me, this is the basic skill..."

"Good, so cool!! I'll learn it now!"

Tian Xiaoban followed and imitated Xiao Chen's movements, exclaiming.

"So cool."

"Let's learn it too!"

At this moment.

All those lights, they all imitated Xiao Chen's appearance and posed a standard straight punch posture!



The moment Xiao Chen waved heavily, flashing electric light was reflected in his eyes! !

Swish swish swish! !

In that dark warehouse.

Countless straight punches of that light hit the ball of yarn, and with the help of electricity, it actually broke the already broken ball of yarn apart!

Revealing the electric light that tore through the darkness!!

"This? What's going on?"

"That light ran out in advance?"

"The instigator" Xiao Chen looked at this scene in astonishment.

"Oh my God, cousin, you're right!!

Tian Xiaoban retracted his fist and stared at the electric light in the warehouse in amazement: "We've met alien weirdos again!!

"Don't worry!"

"I'll transform now!!

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, quickly raised his left wrist, and clicked on the screen of the small broken watch.

He transformed at the fastest speed as usual.


The speed of that light was fast enough.


A flash of electric light tore through the air and suddenly landed on Xiao Chen's wrist, giving him a sore and numb feeling!

"The watch is so cool, lend it to me to play with!!"

An alien that looks like a large battery looked at the broken watch with shining eyes and reached out to grab it!

But his electric current...

touched the Omnitrix on Xiao Chen's wrist! !

"Get out of the way, let me transform!"

Xiao Chen's eyes were fierce, and he was about to scare the light away.

The next moment.

Swish! !

The Omnitrix on his wrist burst into a deep red light, and the energy of the class on the watch was instantly consumed! !

"Such a bright light..."

"What is that guy doing!!"

Swish, swish, swish! !

Seeing this, the other lights cheered and rushed into the red light one by one! !


Looking at Xiao Chen surrounded by the lights.

Tian Xiaoban was extremely excited, and he felt as if the sky was collapsing and the earth was breaking in front of him! !

My normal cousin is surrounded by aliens!!

What to do!!

In the blooming red light.

Xiao Chen ignored the lights that attacked him one by one.

He felt the terrifying power bursting out of his body!!

Twelve aliens.

Randomly selected...

It's you!!

"Huh? That mysterious power didn't choose me?"

In the table.

The ghost's expression was still a little disappointed, and he sighed softly: "I thought I could experience the feeling of fighting side by side with Xiao Chen!!"

When the time comes.

He will have a good talk with this kid.

Don't be so cruel, I am worried about your mental state.

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