The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meeting.

At the entrance of the "City Dragon Adventure" game conference! !

"You two... and the one behind you, do you want to go in and play? There are just three seats left."

The employee at the door wearing Sonny headphones and listening to game information said to Xiao Chen and Tian Xiaoban.

His eyes fell behind the two of them.

"The one behind? Xiao Wen."

Xiao Chen turned his head and saw Tian Xiaowen with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Cousin, Dai Tou, I also told grandpa that I came here. As for why I came here secretly, I also wanted to give you a surprise."

Tian Xiaowen replied a little embarrassedly, showing an awkward smile.

Damn it! !

It's all the fault of that employee who didn't know how to see!

"Okay, let's go in quickly, there are only three seats~"

Tian Xiaoban raised his feet excitedly and walked into the press conference first.

The three walked into the press conference and sat down in front of the three machines in the corner under the instructions of the staff.

"Oh my god... it's really the Adventures of Chenglong."

Xiao Chen's hand fell on the handle on the camera, controlling the cartoon character "Chenglong" on the screen.

The image of this Chenglong...

It's exactly the same as the Chenglong in the animated version of the Adventures of Chenglong! !

"Wow, the background story is so cool, Chenglong who knows kung fu, defeats the eight demons!"

"Very interesting~"

Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen, the two of them also looked at the introduction in the arcade with great interest and said.

The three of them quickly rubbed the handles and started adventures on the arcade.

After a while.

"Ah? The trial is over, do you need to recharge?"

Xiao Chen's mouth twitched fiercely, looking at the frozen game screen.

The screen clearly displayed "Insufficient balance, please insert a one-yuan coin"!

"Damn it, my machine told me that I must insert three yuan to sponsor Chenglong to defeat Bo Gang!!"

Tian Xiaoban even held his head with both hands, looking distressed: "Otherwise I can't protect Xiaoyu and the others!"


Who did you learn this press conference from? ?

You have to recharge to become stronger!

"I'll invite you to play the next game, you're welcome."

A figure suddenly came to Tian Xiaoban's side.

He stretched out his hand and put the coin in his hand into the coin slot of the game machine, and the game machine returned to normal.

"Who are you?"

Xiao Chen, Tian Xiaoban and others did not pay attention to the game machine screen.

They all turned their heads and looked at the person who came.

It was a teenager of the same age as them.

He was thin, his clothes were slightly tattered, and his hair had a pungent smell.

Only the smile on his face seemed a bit sincere.

"My name is Kevin, hello."

Kevin smiled and looked at Xiao Chen, saying politely.


Kevin? ?

Different from Tian Xiaoban's excited greeting.

Xiao Chen's expression was slightly surprised!

"Just now, when I swallowed you into my mouth, I sucked out the stock of several years in your body."

The evil frog showed a weird smile and looked at the light jokingly: "You, do you still have the energy to make trouble?"

"Kai, what a joke!!"

"We will not admit defeat!"

The light's face was full of determination, and everyone tried their best to climb up!

After getting up, they raised their feet tremblingly and took only one step towards the evil frog.


Bang bang bang!

The light's knees softened instantly, and he knelt down in front of the evil frog in an extremely standard way.

They couldn't straighten their waists.

"Hey, you're kneeling down for me? You don't have to be so polite."

The Explosive Frog hugged his shoulders and said with a smile.

The entire Fantasy Light Paradise suddenly became particularly silent.

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