The dead body was chopped off, and the dead body was chopped off.

"Give me your life, you damn orange dog!"

The corpse raised his staff fiercely, and drove it with the posture of green smoke, and re-ignited a group of purple flames! !

As he waved the staff, the fireball condensed by the fire also exploded towards the super beast on the ground like a meteor!

The super beast's face was very calm, as if he ignored the arrival of the fireball, and his body stopped moving!

In his heart, he already had a brutal battle plan!

"Is Super Beast tired and can't dodge?"

"Or is Super Beast going to use a big move..."

Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen watched this scene, and they speculated without any opinion.

Mark's face was thoughtful, and his hand was holding his chin: "Xiao Chen must be brewing a tactic... So, what tactics will he use?"

Swish! Bang! !

Super Beast's claws suddenly raised, and violently slapped the oncoming purple fireball!

The scorching fireball burned his claws so much that his teeth clenched! !

"Take the fireball? Boy, wait for death..."

The expression of the corpse was a little surprised, and he just mocked.

Boom! !

Super Beast's muscles were fully stretched, and the fireball was directly slammed back to the corpse in the sky! !

The corpse couldn't react at all!

The terrifying fireball hit his Qingyan body, turning into countless sparks, instantly burning the entire Qingyan!

In the middle of it.

There was a violent scream from the Horror Corpse!!


The Super Beast slowly lifted up his claws, blew the wind at the burning claws, and looked at the tragedy in the sky with cold eyes.

I, the Super Beast, can't hit you.

But your fireball will definitely hit you!!

Even if it burns his claws, he must hurt the Horror Corpse!

"So, this time there is no tactics... It all depends on Xiao Chen's fighting spirit!!"

Mark took a deep breath, his eyes full of shock.

Once upon a time.

They all admired Xiao Chen's powerful fighting power, but they all overlooked one point.

That is, Xiao Chen's stronger and more persistent fighting spirit than anyone else!!

He is the kind of real man who can really fight you without frowning!

"Is my cousin's hand okay... Damn it, I really want to teach that guy a lesson!"

Tian Xiaowen first looked at the claws of the super beast with heartache.

Then, she spoke indignantly, but she caught a glimpse of the Akamira spell book on the ground of the museum...

Bang! !

A cloud of green smoke fell heavily to the ground, and the human form of the corpse was revealed.

The corpse rolled on the ground, putting out the fire on his body, waving his staff!

"Don't go! The corpse!"

The super beast raised its claws and pounced on the corpse's body!

The oncoming murderous intent.

It made the corpse's face change drastically, as if he saw the coming of the god of death! !

"Strange, monster, don't forget, I still have this trick!!"

The corpse waved his staff hurriedly, aiming at the flying body of the super beast!


The Super Beast's expression changed, and he instantly felt his body was much lighter!

A gust of wind made him fly directly over the head of the Horror Corpse and flew to the top of the museum! !

He took off directly on the spot!

"Let, let this monster fly away first..."

The Horror Corpse got up in shock, with a trace of fear in his eyes: "I'll take the Akamira Spell Book and run away first!"

He was really scared!

Even if he, the Horror Corpse, mastered the three major magic offensives.

He couldn't beat the Super Beast! !

Are you kidding? When did this kind of beast appear on Earth? ?

Just when the Horror Corpse was looking for the Akamira Spell Book.

"Hey, anemic uncle, are you looking for this book!"

Tian Xiaowen's calm voice sounded!

She held the Akamira Spell Book in one hand and pointed at the Horror Corpse with the other hand, and said suddenly!

"Hmm?! My Akamira spell book!" The corpse stared at Tian Xiaowen fiercely, and pointed his wand at her sarcastically, "Little girl, you don't really think that any passerby can use the book!!"

"But I feel... I am quite suitable for this book."

Tian Xiaowen held the book in her hand, but she had an inexplicable connection with it in her heart.

This made her heart ripple, and she had a wonderful feeling.

"Haha, you have encountered the three major illusions in life."

The corpse mocked, completely lost his patience, and the wand began to condense purple flames: "I won't talk nonsense with you, I will fulfill your wish!"

"Nerd... It's broken, my stones are all used up!! Damn it!"

Tian Xiaoban anxiously touched his pocket, but couldn't find the ammunition for the slingshot!

Mark raised his feet directly, like a 100-meter sprint, and rushed towards the corpse and Tian Xiaowen: "I will never allow anyone to hurt my granddaughter!"

Swish! !

The fireball condensed by the corpse's magic wand gradually became dazzling!

The next moment...

A more violent blue light instantly bloomed from Tian Xiaowen's body, directly covering the magic light of the corpse! ! !

"Even if I don't believe in this so-called Akamira spell book, I have to believe what my cousin said."

"I will soon have magic, no, I have magic now!!"

Tian Xiaowen had a smile on her face, and she looked particularly sweet against the light!

That book made her whole body bloom with energy!

"This, this is... the magic power of a great magician!"

The corpse looked at Tian Xiaowen in front of him with a dull face.

At this moment.

He was somewhat skeptical about life.

Any beast can beat him.

Any little girl can have the magic power of a great magician! !

"Then, try this trick!"

Tian Xiaowen recalled Kevin's tricks, holding the treasure book in one hand and pushing forward with the other hand!

Boom boom boom! !

Her blue sky energy condensed into a shock wave, and blasted towards the corpse with infinite power! !

"Damn, who did you learn this from!!"

The corpse's expression was even more collapsed, and he waved his magic wand fiercely!

His fireball flew out, resisting the flood-like sky energy, but he couldn't stand the fierce sky energy at all!

The fireball actually flew back little by little! !

"No, I still have to run!"

The corpse took a deep breath and turned around to run.

As soon as he turned around, his face froze, his eyes almost went dark, and he fainted from fear.

Super Beast stood in front of him intact!!

"Xiao Wen, well done."

He stretched out his hand and gave Tian Xiaowen a thumbs up, and everything was self-explanatory!

The next moment!

Super Beast raised one hand and pressed the corpse to the ground like an ant, making him unable to move!!

"I almost forgot... this monster is the most terrifying true god!!!"

The corpse roared with a face of collapse.

This time, it's completely ruined!

"Cousin, now I have magic too~"

Tian Xiaowen smiled and looked at Super Beast, also giving a thumbs up!


Tian Xiaoban's chin almost dropped to the ground, and his eyes were about to pop out of his sockets: "Nerd, you talk about science all day long, but you are the magician?"

"I think Xiaowen became a magician today, and that's the effect of the treasure book."

Mark's mouth twitched slightly, and he thought silently in his heart: "Xiaowen's natural power has been completely stimulated... Well, let her avoid danger when she has the power, which is better than her being powerless when she encounters danger!"

The crisis is resolved, so the next step... is how to deal with the corpse!

"Don't do it yet."

The super beast rarely killed the corpse immediately, but instead showed a sly smile and looked at the magic equipment on the corpse.

The corpse trembled, and a hint of coldness appeared on his expression: "Hey, monster, monster, a warrior can be killed but not humiliated! I'm old, don't humiliate me!!"

"It's okay, take off your magic sleeves first!!"

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