The old man was in a hurry, but the old man was in a hurry.

"System, open the personal list."

In the deserted alley, Xiao Chen leaned against the wall and chose to open his personal list.

The gorgeous panel came into view!

Host: Xiao Chen

Age: 10 years old (actually 26+10=36 years old)

Items: Omnitrix (transformation time 14 minutes, cooldown time 7 minutes) (function: class mode), lawn mower (C-level characteristic card)

Skills: simple cooking, Dragon Country language, American country language, top fighting

Aliens: Diamond God of War (D-level skill card: Jeet Kune Do Short Stick Method, B-level skill card: Golden Skyline.), Four-Handed Overlord (C-level skill card: Flowing Rock Fist (Basic Edition), C-level skill card: Whirlwind Iron Fist (Basic Edition)), Fire Man (C-level equipment: Kusanagi Kyo Windbreaker (unlocks Orochi Nagi, Ame no Murakumo (number of combos: 4/5), B-level equipment: Flame Dragon Horse), Electric Lizard (D-level skill card: Instant Thunder Sky Flash), Ghost Shadow...

Gene sequence: Wear Surpasser Gene, Brother Bang Gene

Combat Power Assessment: Except for the Little Warrior, Shapeshifter, and Super Beast, all your aliens have been fully upgraded and are comparable to Diamond King Kong, or even surpass it and crush Diamond King Kong!!

"System, close the personal list."

Xiao Chen chose to close the personal list with satisfaction and walked out of the alley happily.

As soon as he walked out of the alley, he ran into Tian Xiaowen who had also finished transforming.

"Cousin, these magic weapons, don't you really want to keep one?"

Tian Xiaowen looked embarrassed, and the three floating magic weapons followed him.

Xiao Chen waved his hands and said seriously: "Of course not, I said, all of them are for you."

Well, it's mainly because... he doesn't have that magic talent, so he can't use these things! !

"How can I do this? I must leave you a magic equipment."

Tian Xiaowen's face was serious. She took a step closer to Xiao Chen and pressed the magic sleeve robe directly into Xiao Chen's hand.

"No need, Xiaowen, leave it to you!"

Xiao Chen pushed the sleeve robe back seriously and said in a sonorous and powerful voice: "I said, I will give it to you if I give it to you."

"Cousin, you are so strong, I can't push you..."

Tian Xiaowen couldn't push Xiao Chen, and her cute face was shy.

Xiao Chen's hand was almost touching her through the sleeve robe.


Xiao Chen retracted his hand and emphasized: "Okay, Xiaowen, don't be polite to me, take it all."

"Actually, it's not polite."

Tian Xiaowen stuck out her tongue, her eyes were a little evasive, and she was afraid Shame: "It's the sweat smell of the magic sleeve robe of the corpse. I, I really don't want it, so I want to leave it to you, cousin."

Xiao Chen's face was stunned, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Because it smells of sweat, you have to leave it to me."

Does it mean that he stinks? ?

For a moment, he was speechless.

The ghost smiled secretly: "Hehe, Xiao Chen is so shocked that he can't speak. Interesting! ! Interesting!!"

This is a rare scene~

"I don't mean anything else, cousin." Tian Xiaowen waved his hands and explained, "I'm just afraid of wasting this magic sleeve robe."

"It's okay, I'll put the magic sleeve robe in the washing machine to wash it later. You can wear it after it's washed clean. If it's damaged, we don't want it! We'll snatch it from the corpse later! "

Xiao Chen waved his hand and said generously.

There is a scary corpse to back him up!

While chatting, the two walked towards the direction where the old broken car was parked.

After a while, they came to the old broken car and saw Mark and Tian Xiaoban who were outside from a distance!

"Grandpa, why are you staying outside? Aren't you and Xiaoban afraid of being bitten by mosquitoes?"

Xiao Chen looked at Mark curiously and asked.

"No." Mark raised his hand to drive away the mosquitoes nearby, and said solemnly, "Next, there is something serious to say! Xiaoban, you say it!"

"Listen carefully, nerd~"

Tian Xiaoban pinched the big bag bitten by the mosquito, and said seriously: "Because you have just mastered the power of magic, and we will face the pursuit of weirdos next, so grandpa wants me to practice with you to exercise your fighting ability!"

"Huh? Really? "

Tian Xiaowen raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at Tian Xiaoban: "In other words, I have a chance to beat up Daitou?"

"What! ! In terms of the time of hero debut, I am earlier than you!"

Tian Xiaoban was furious and clenched his fists and said angrily!


He is a hero who debuted earlier! !

The two of them haven't even started fighting yet, but the smell of gunpowder has gradually filled the air! !

"Grandpa, you are doing the right thing."

Xiao Chen walked silently to Mark's side and said, "I think Xiao Wen will get effective combat training if she fights against Xiao Ban."

Xiao Ban, the "good" cousin, will definitely not show mercy.

And Xiao Wen, the "good" cousin, will definitely go all out.

We are the Tian family, love each other!

"I think so too." Mark nodded and smiled awkwardly, "Actually, I wanted you to practice against Xiao Wen at the beginning, because you have more experience... but then I thought, forget it."

If Xiao Chen takes action...

Either Xiao Wen will be killed in the first second, or she will fight until Xiao Chen's transformation time is over, and the battle will not end! !

"It's okay if I can't make a move. This is my first time watching others fight!"

Xiao Chen looked ahead with interest, like a bystander.

Swoosh! Bang!

Tian Xiaowen raised her hand and gently touched the Akamira spell book.

The spell book radiated a magical light, instantly igniting her azure and powerful natural energy!

"Oh, I see. The book is used to activate your magic. This is your "lifeblood"!"

Tian Xiaoban looked like he could see through people, raised his feet again, and walked towards the old broken car.

"Really~ Daitou, I also know your "lifeblood"!"

Tian Xiaowen raised his staff, waved it gently, and cast a cold wind.

The cold wind swept into the old broken car, bringing out the gene variable device, facing Tian Xiaoban's somewhat ugly face!

In the first round, the two were evenly matched!


The next moment, Tian Xiaoban slapped the controller on his chest and was instantly bathed in the light of the genetic variable!

His whole body transformed into the state of Vigilante!

"Although the sleeves smell bad... it's not bad to use them as smoke!"

Tian Xiaowen held the staff in her right hand and pointed at the blood-red sleeves with her left hand.

The blood-red sleeves turned into a puff of green smoke, lingering around her, making her figure unpredictable!

Both of them entered the combat state.

"You two wait."

Xiao Chen called the two of them, turned his head and looked around, and then he felt relieved: "There is no one around, you two can take action, be quiet, and stop when you are done."

"No problem, cousin!"

The two answered in unison and acted at the same time!

Tian Xiaoban stomped his feet on the ground, and his body flew towards Tian Xiaowen like a cannonball, and his claws flexibly tore towards Tian Xiaowen! !

"Eat my fireball!!"

Tian Xiaowen raised his staff high, and a deep blue flame like the cold fire of the bone spirit gathered on the staff, and blasted towards Tian Xiaoban.

Boom! Boom!

In the silent night, the sound of the brother and sister fighting echoed!

Sometimes you can see Tian Xiaoban being blown away by the fireball.

Sometimes you can see Tian Xiaowen dodging in a panic with a cloud of green smoke.


Xiao Chen's mouth twitched fiercely, with a hint of speechlessness in his eyes: "You two, what do you call a point?"

But...these two people are indeed honing each other! !

After several minutes!

Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen, both of them obviously lost their patience.

"Humph, Daitou, look at my all-out move!!"

Tian Xiaowen raised his staff high, and the remaining natural energy gathered on the staff, forming a dazzling fireball! !

"I'm not afraid of you!!"

Tian Xiaoban also tried his best and rushed towards Tian Xiaowen who had lost his natural energy!

Both of them actually used their ultimate skills at the same time! !

"If we do this, we will all be in danger. Hey, let me calm you down."

Xiao Chen sighed softly when he saw this scene.

He clicked on the screen of the small broken watch.

Cousin, it's time to take action.

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