After a long time, the two of them were busy.

Klein and the other two walked back to their accommodation tonight while discussing.

"What should we do? It seems that we can only pretend to be stupid and pretend that we know nothing." Xiaoban mentioned to the other two

"It's easy for you to say, you are dumber than me." Xiaowen, who has always been a good girl, said that it was difficult to do.

"Okay, since we can't escape anyway, let's go find grandpa first." Klein waved his hand and walked in front. Just kidding, the worst case is that he will be scolded. He has already maxed out this skill of "in one ear and out the other ear".

Coming to a house, Klein pushed open the door. It is worth mentioning that the door and interior decoration of this house are both reversed 90 degrees. (That is, the wall is the floor, and the floor is the wall)

"What do you think? This place is really awesome!" Tian Mark put his hands on his hips, and it was obvious that he was very satisfied with it.

"What do you mean? We really don't know anything!" The good girl Xiao Wen started to blow herself up. (Tian Mark's attack was considered to have triggered a big move)

"Hehe... Grandpa, she is super fun here." Xiaoban hurried out to save the situation.

Klein saw that there was nothing strange on Tian Mark's face, and didn't say much.


The next morning

"Tian Xiaoban! Tian Xiaowen! Klein! (Grandpa has no love anymore, so I won't say the abbreviations anymore) You three come out!" Tian Mark's voice came from outside the house.

"Ah! Oh~" The three people who heard the sound moved, fell off the bed, and cried out in pain.

Because there were only two beds, Klein still slept with Xiao Wen, and the bed was on the floor, which was the wall (the real wall), so when he fell, Xiao Wen was lying in Klein's arms. It is worth mentioning that Xiao Wen was also on top when she slept.

"Tian Xiaowen?!! We're doomed!" Xiaowen was too nervous to be shy. (Maybe she was shy enough last night)

"Oh! It's annoying! I really can't believe you're a kid! Don't admit anything unless you're caught red-handed, right?!" Xiaoban was obviously more experienced.


The three of them came out of the room and found that the outside was even more tattered than after being damaged by the huge rubber band yesterday.

"What happened?" Xiaowen couldn't help but ask.

"It looks like there was a typhoon yesterday." Tian Mark replied.

"Typhoon? Yes!... I mean, these weird natural phenomena and so on." Xiaoban didn't expect his grandfather to be so "considerate" and find a reason for them.

Klein became a little interested. I didn't hear any typhoon last night?

"It looks like some old-fashioned tricks of brats." The headmaster came here with popcorn.

"Brat tricks?!" Tian Mark glanced at Klein and the other two.

"No, it's not them, it's that light." The headmaster was still eating popcorn calmly.

"That light?" X4

"Some people say it's caused by static electricity, and some say... there are different opinions." The headmaster was still eating popcorn calmly.

"You locked it in a rubber band? How did it come out?" Tian Mark also had a question.

"It doesn't come out normally, it seems that someone doesn't follow the rules." The headmaster glanced at Klein and the other two.

"Okay, it's all our fault." Xiaoban had no choice but to admit it.

"I'll talk to you guys later." Tian Mark looked at the few people and his face was slightly gloomy.

"Hahaha...hahaha...hahaha!" A burst of laughter with a metallic sound appeared.

Golden lightning flashed, and bursts of electric light appeared on the surrounding wires and electrical appliances. A fire hydrant exploded and a column of water sprayed out.

"Is that the light? How can we catch him?" Tian Mark asked the headmaster.

"We? No, it's you. You let it go, so you have to be responsible for catching it back." The headmaster slumped on a park chair, eating popcorn, and just let it go.


Tian Mark led the three people on the abandoned street.

"So, how can we catch it?" Xiaoban looked at the street where there was not even a leaking object, let alone the light.

"I don't know, let's find it first." Tian Mark decided to take it step by step.

"Hahaha!" The electronic laughter appeared again.

"Uh~" Tian Mark was lifted up by the light, lifted up in the air, and lifted his underwear, "It hurts!"


The light let go, and Tian Mark fell down.

"Don't worry! Grandpa! I know who can teach this little light a lesson, the hero is here!" Xiaoban slapped his watch.

A green light flashed, and the shapeshifter appeared.

"Uh~ Daitou, how are you going to deal with that little light?" Xiaowen couldn't figure it out.

"Don't make a fuss! I have my own ideas!" The shapeshifter answered Xiaowen loudly, looking unhappy.

"You didn't become the one you wanted to become, did you?" Xiaowen saw it and smiled at Xiaoban.

The shapeshifter glared at Xiaowen.

"Don't run! Little light!" The shapeshifter shot a laser at the light and then chased after it.

It turned out that it was really difficult for the shapeshifter to move the light. The attack didn't work. After finally catching it with his hands, he was electrocuted and let go because the shapeshifter was an organic metal life form.

"Watch this!" The shapeshifter grabbed a manhole cover from the ground and threw it at the light.

The light was split in half by the manhole cover, but what was unexpected was that the two halves of the light grew another half each, and directly became two lights.

"No way!" The shapeshifter was stunned.

Seeing this, Klein knew that this was not a solution. The shapeshifter could not do anything with the light, so he slapped his watch and a faint blue light flashed.

"Electric Lizard!" (This is not the Another Omnitrix of Bad Class. The gene list is different. There is an electric lizard in the list but no light)

"Hahaha...ah!" The two lights that were laughing at the shapeshifter were caught by the electric lizard before they could react. At this time, the shapeshifter just turned back into the small class.

"Ah! Ah..." The two lights struggled hard and kept discharging electricity. Unfortunately, their strength was far less than that of the electric lizard, and the electricity they discharged was completely absorbed by the electric lizard.

The electric lizard also grabbed the light in his right hand into his left hand, holding the two lights in his left hand, and stretched out a finger in his right hand to lightly tap the Another Omnitrix logo on his chest.

A faint blue light shot out from the logo and swept across the light.

"Genes have been recorded." The female electronic voice appeared again.

"Ben, come here and pick one." The electric lizard extended his left hand holding the light to Ben, "Touch the omnitrix to the light."

Ben did as he was told. When the omnitrix touched the light, the green mark on the surface turned yellow, and soon the surface returned to green.

Ben twisted the cover and found the figure of the light inside. "Cool!" It was the first time he knew that the omnitrix had this function.

Then the electric lizard found a big light bulb and stuffed the two little lights in it (there were not many things in the Magic Light Paradise, but there were many large items, such as: big cards, big thermometers, etc.), and locked them up again.

As for whether the light was innocent, he didn't care. He was not a good person. He didn't care about the life and death of humans, so why would he care about you, an alien?


The old broken car drove away again.

The director looked at the old broken car that was gradually disappearing and couldn't help muttering: "Strange things happen every year, but there are more this year."

(By the way, I plan to write a special chapter after each season. It is a story in chronological order, that is, the special chapter will be after the season that is finished and before the next season. The first special chapter is going to be used to introduce the specialness of the protagonist, and the next one is going to be a list of errors. If you have any suggestions for the next one, please feel free to give me some)

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