The water was blown away, and the water was blown away.

"Here comes the depth charge!"


Xiaoban jumped into the lake in his swimming trunks.

"Ahahaha! Xiaowen! Cousin! Come down and play with us! Isn't it to play in the water when you come to the lake?" Xiaoban said as he splashed water on the two people on the shore.

"No, Xiaoban, I don't want to get wet yet." Xiaowen looked at the lake surface filled with thick fog under the night sky and decisively rejected Xiaoban's invitation.

"Me too, Xiaoban, I'm going back to the old broken car first." Klein came out to get some fresh air, and then turned and left.

"I'll go too." Xiaowen hurriedly followed.

"Ah!" Xiaoban screamed and sank into the lake. Bubbles kept coming out of the lake.


"Xiaoban, stop joking, okay? This is not fun!" Seeing this, the two turned around and walked to the lake. Xiaowen, who knew that Xiaoban had a criminal record, did not think that Xiaoban had any problem.


Seeing that bubbles were still coming out, Xiaowen was a little unconfident. Klein was just about to transform and go into the water to save people.


A black shadow wrapped in kelp rushed out of the water! (Why is there kelp in the lake?)

"Ah!" Xiaowen screamed in fear and fell to the ground.

"Ahahaha! Nerd! You are so embarrassing!"

Xiaowen looked carefully and found that it was Xiaoban. "Big silly! This is not fun!" After saying that, he turned and left.

Klein shrugged and prepared to leave.

"Ah!" Xiaoban sank into the lake again.

"Okay, Xiaoban, have you had enough fun? It's time to leave." Klein didn't care.

But in a trance, Klein seemed to see something, realized something was wrong, slapped his watch, and jumped into the lake.

A faint blue light burst out from the lake, and then the lake began to shake and splash. Soon, a strange fish man with a fish head, big fangs and limbs jumped up with Xiaoban in his arms.

The huge black shadow reflected on the lake surface quickly went away.

"What is that?"


The next morning, the sun had not risen completely, and the fog on the lake was still thick. Everyone went to the agreed fishing boat. Because it was still early, there were no people around, it seemed a little deserted, but the air was very fresh.

"Grandpa! Believe me! There is really a water monster in the lake! If my cousin hadn't saved me, I would have been dead." Xiaoban pestered Tian Mark and told him about the thrill of last night.

"Okay, Xiaoban, let's talk about the water monster later. We're going to fish for a day today. I was a fishing expert when I was young. I'll show you later." Tian Mark was obviously looking forward to fishing. He didn't care much about the big water monster that Xiaoban mentioned. He had seen creatures that were more terrifying than the big water monster. Besides, he knew that there were these creatures unknown to ordinary people on the earth. Generally, he wouldn't pay too much attention to them if they lived there well.

Klein and Xiao Wen followed behind, chatting as they walked. It can be seen that Xiao Wen leaned slightly towards Klein, but Klein didn't care.

Soon, everyone walked to a fishing boat. There was an old man who looked very bad-tempered on the fishing boat who was sorting things out.

"Hello! Is this Captain Xiao? I'm Tian Mark who made an appointment for this boat." Tian Mark shouted to the old man.

"Then what are you waiting for! Hurry up and get on the boat! I'm very busy!" Captain Xiao's temper was really bad.

"Then, let's get on the boat." Tian Mark said to Klein who was looking at the lake and Tian Xiaoban and Tian Xiaowen who were playing.

"Okay, Grandpa, I'll be there right away." Klein responded.

"Ugh! Disgusting!" Tian Xiaoban was holding a bunch of worms used as bait in one hand and stretched his hand to Tian Xiaowen. Xiaowen ran to Klein with a pale face, "Cousin, wait for me!"

"Xiaowen, are you okay?" Klein supported Xiaowen.

"Okay, stop making trouble, let's get on the boat quickly." Tian Mark urged his grandchildren.


On the lake, the fog was much lighter, but the visibility was still very low.

"Captain Xiao, how is the fishing situation today?" Tian Mark talked to Captain Xiao.

"Very good! Better than you can imagine... It seems that your grandson is planning to use today's breakfast as bait." Captain Xiao saw Xiaoban lying on the side of the boat with his head facing the lake.

"Daitou, what's wrong with you?" Xiaowen asked Xiaoban.

"I must find the big sea monster from yesterday!" Xiaoban looked up and saw a black shadow floating in the distance.

"Ah! It's coming!"

When the black shadow got closer, Tian Xiaoban realized that it was a piece of driftwood.

"It's called Kraken." Captain Xiao said.


Do you know it?" Xiaoban was a little happy to see that someone finally cared about the monster.

"Of course, it's very famous in town," Captain Xiao took out a photo. Although the shadow in the photo was blurry, the general outline could be seen. It was the monster we met last night.

"I must catch the monster! People in the town said I was crazy and that the monster didn't exist at all." Captain Xiao put the photo away.

"I don't doubt it (whispering)" Tian Mark looked at Captain Xiao.

"I can take you to where I saw it, but you have to have the guts to go on an adventure with me." Captain Xiao smiled at the few people with an ambiguous smile, which was a bit ugly.

Woo woo

"Hey! Fishing is not allowed here! Go back quickly!" A large ship came not far from the lake. Several people came on the ship. The leader said: "I am Jonah Meier, a member of the International Fishermen's Association, an expert in animal protection, a stinky old man, and fishing is not allowed here."

"This is my lake! Stinky fishermen! I can be wherever I want!" Captain Xiao immediately retorted.

"Ahem, Captain Xiao, I have chartered this boat today, I should have heard about it, right?" Tian Mark reminded slightly.

"Tsk!" Captain Xiao was helpless.


On the shore

"That bunch of stinky fishermen! They actually sealed off the entire lake!" Captain Xiao walked back, but immediately walked to his boat, "I must catch the big water monster, I am the most powerful monster master!" Then he drove away alone in the boat, apparently not intending to give face to Jonah Meier.

Everyone shrugged.

"Xiao Wen, help me check that Jonah." Klein vaguely remembered that this person was a little bit wrong.

"Yeah." Xiao Wen sat on a chair with a laptop on his legs, "I found out, Jonah Meier, he is not a member of the Fishermen's Association at all, let alone an animal protection expert. He often hunts precious animals, packs them in boxes, and then sells them to people who bid high! "

"It seems that we have to follow and take a look." Tian Mark frowned after hearing this.

"Oh yeah! Are we finally going to find the big water monster?" Xiaoban was very excited about this, after all, this is an adventure.

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