The truth is, it is time to save the world.

"Hai Shi wants to find a high place to perform the ritual of summoning Bessel during the total solar eclipse. He will then gain supreme power. We have to stop him. If he succeeds, no one in the world will be able to defeat him."

(Hai Shi: Blame me? You fooled me!)

The evil witch is dressed like a witch, and she looks like she is doing it for the world and for everyone.

Klein doesn't believe the nonsense that "he will be invincible". Superman X can teach anyone how to be a man!

But at least he got useful information, a total solar eclipse! And, a high place!

Klein looked up at the tower in the distance that still stood out even in this steel forest.


The top of the tower.

Klein was waiting for the corpse. He bet that the corpse would not give up his powerful magic power, and he also bet that the witch of evil curse did not tip off the corpse.

(Klein tricked Xiaoban and Xiaowen away.)

The sun was rising gradually, and a solar eclipse was beginning to appear.

"Well... he wouldn't be scared, would he? Why hasn't he come yet?"

Klein was getting a little impatient waiting.


The sound of the elevator arriving sounded.

The elevator door opened, and a figure in a black robe came out. It was the corpse.

He didn't dare to fly over, fearing that Klein would find him.

The corpse bet that Klein didn't know he was coming here.

The dark blue light shone.

Although it was unknown what mentality the corpse had when he came up, anyway, now "the hanging heart is finally dead."


I saw a boy with dark blue skin, blue-white eyes and hair waving at him not far away.

The corpse knew the other party. He had seen him before at the museum. He was the flying turtle.

Klein, who had turned into an Anno, immediately took down the corpse, "Run! Keep running! Why don't you run?"

"Alas." The corpse sighed calmly, his lifeless eyes seemed to have lost their lives.

The dead corpse began to review his experience, "I just wanted to hold a ceremony, and then make other magic pendants to gain some magic power of "I can't beat you anyway". I was obviously very careful! I only dared to take the elevator up!"


Klein heard the key words, "Make other magic pendants?"

"Huh?" The corpse didn't expect that there would be a turnaround.

Seeing that Klein seemed to be interested in other magic pendants, he immediately explained to Klein in detail, and his eyes regained their brilliance, just asking Klein to spare his life.

"Why didn't you say it earlier! Hurry up and perform that ceremony for me!"

Klein let go of the corpse.

Klein was not afraid of the corpse running away, because he couldn't run away.

You didn't ask. The corpse muttered in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it out loud.

After a short period of time that seemed like a year (for the corpse),

"Here it comes!"

The corpse attached great importance to this ceremony. To put it bluntly, he didn't attach so much importance to his father's funeral.

"\:】#【"、@&*#%^|_~" (I don't understand it anyway)

As the corpse chanted the spell, the Bessel Magic Pendant slowly rose into the sky.

The sky began to turn dark red, and the Bessel Magic Pendant began to shine.

Klein watched this scene with interest.

In the corpse's sight, the Bessel Magic Pendant in the sky began to overlap with the sun in the state of total solar eclipse.

Then the shadows of other magic pendants began to appear around the Bessel Magic Pendant.

It's going to work!

The corpse was excited, but the spell he chanted was still clear. He didn't know what to do until the end. He will never relax for a moment!

(Hai Shi: Don't underestimate the bond between me and my life!)

As Hai Shi uttered the last word, the light of the Bessel Magic Pendant reached its most dazzling level.



The other Bessel Magic Pendants that failed to be reshaped began to dissipate, and the original magic pendant was directly blown away.

Klein's face became more and more gloomy.

Hai Shi was so scared that cold sweats ran down his face, and he hurriedly took out the magic book that recorded this ritual.

"No... No... This is not right!"

While flipping through the magic book, Hai Shi looked back and forth at Klein, who had a gloomy face, and the contents of the book.

Finally, Hai Shi turned to the last page of the magic book, and there was a line of tiny words at the end:

"The ritual was inferred by the author based on the characteristics of the Bessel Magic Pendant, but it was not practiced because it could not wait until the total solar eclipse. If there is any accident, no responsibility will be taken. "

Fuck you, you're screwing me!

The corpse stared at the words on the book, and his hands unconsciously exerted force, and the book was

Pinch out wrinkles.

"Where are my things?"

Klein's faint words sounded like the whisper of the god of death to the corpse.

"This... that... wait! Please wait a little longer! It will be done soon, I will be able to make those magic pendants soon!"

The corpse didn't have the heart to curse the bastard who wrote this magic book. He had to find a way to survive. Now he could only hold Klein back.

Time passed little by little. (In fact, it was only a few minutes.)

Just when the corpse was about to despair.


The evil curse witch flew up.

It was the first time that the corpse felt that his niece's voice was so beautiful.

"This, do you want it?"

The evil curse witch threw the Bessel magic pendant in her hand to Klein.

Klein reached out to catch it, and took a closer look at the pattern of the Bessel magic pendant. It was exactly the original one.

Klein looked at the evil curse witch in silence. He didn't expect that the evil curse witch who picked up the Bessel magic pendant would come to return it to him.

After staring at the evil witch for a long time, Klein said lightly, "This is originally mine."

The evil witch didn't say anything, but she was in a good mood, because she could clearly feel that Klein's attitude towards her had changed, and it had changed for the better.

There's hope!

The corpse found that he had a chance to survive, and immediately looked at the evil witch for help.

It was the first time that the evil witch saw such a corpse. She felt like she had met the corpse again today and saw many sides of the corpse that she had never seen before.

But the filial evil witch didn't intend to care about the corpse. What if she saved the corpse and Klein was dissatisfied with her? Who would she cry to if the goodwill she had worked so hard to gain was gone?

Besides, the total solar eclipse was over, and she didn't need the help of the corpse.

I knew my niece was not so filial. The corpse knew that it was not feasible to talk about family affection with the evil witch, so he began to gesture to the evil witch. He wanted to lure the evil witch with real benefits.

"Well... no, I don't want that. I've read that magic book."

The evil witch shook her head.

The corpse was stunned after hearing this. You even peeked at my collection?

Helplessly, the corpse gestured again.

"Well... not enough."

The evil witch shook her head again.

Greedy! The corpse gritted his teeth and continued to gesture.

"Well... OK, deal."

The evil witch nodded.

Klein watched the two uncles and nephews gesture for a long time without knowing what they were doing, but he found it interesting to watch the corpse's non-repetitive expressions.

"Uh~ That, my uncle..."

The evil witch turned her head to look at Klein and found that Klein was also looking at her. Suddenly, she felt a little happy in her heart, but she still had to do business first.

Klein didn't say anything, just waved his hand.


At night, in an abandoned church somewhere.

"Evil Curse Witch! How dare you take advantage of the situation!"

The Corpse Havoc was very dissatisfied with his niece's behavior.

"Uncle, what? Do you want to fight? I have a good relationship with Klein."

The Evil Curse Witch is no longer afraid of the Corpse Havoc. Yes, she got to know Klein again before leaving.

"You... are really my good niece."

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