The sky was dark, and the rain was pouring down.


Dark clouds covered the entire sky, and lightning like tree branches kept popping up, and heavy rain poured down.

The old car took a short rest in the parking lot of a gas station.

In the old car, Tian Mark was sleeping on the bed, Xiaoban was sitting on the sofa with headphones on, playing a violent sumo video game, and Xiaowen was looking at the sky boredly.

Klein was not in the old car. He just went out and said he was going to a supermarket somewhere else to buy some things. After all, the supermarket in the gas station had a limited variety of goods.

Xiao Wen stopped looking at the cloudy sky and turned to look at Xiao Ban. "Ah, I'm so bored, so bored that I even find your stupid video game fun. Xiao Ban, can I borrow it to play with you?"

"Huh?! Sorry, I already have a comrade."

Xiao Ban refused and then added, "Why should I play with you?"

"To prove that your violent sumo wrestler will not lose to a little girl."

Xiao Wen used the provocation method, which was a success for Xiao Ban.

Sure enough, Xiao Ban paused the game and threw a game controller to Xiao Wen.

Then Xiao Ban was beaten.

It turns out that sometimes hard work is really worthless in front of talent. Xiao Ban, who has been playing games for many years, was completely beaten by Xiao Wen, who had just started playing this game.

Then Xiao Ban's mentality exploded and he couldn't play anymore. He snatched Xiao Wen's game controller while Xiao Wen was not paying attention and controlled the game character to commit suicide. The game character has three lives in total, and now Xiao Wen's game character has only one life left.

Xiao Wen put his hands on his hips and glared at Xiao Ban, "Xiao Ban! You are so bad!"

Xiao Ban was thick-skinned. Instead of apologizing, he looked smug.

In the end, even so, Xiao Ban's game score was not as good as Xiao Wen's.

Xiao Ban, whose mentality exploded again, slapped the omnitrix directly, turned into a shapeshifter and attached to the game console, clearing Xiao Wen's game score.

"Tian Xiao Ban! You are so deceitful! You are so rude, you will get retribution sooner or later!"

Xiao Wen was so angry that he grabbed the game console attached to the shapeshifter with both hands.


At this time, there was a loud noise in the sky, and a deep blue current hit the game console along the wire.

A deep blue light flashed, Xiao Wen disappeared, and the shapeshifter attached to the game console also disappeared, and the game console was still smoking.

At this time, the door of the old broken car opened, and Klein walked in with a shopping bag in his hand.

Klein looked around regretfully, "Hmm? Where are they?"


In the game world, the sky was a gloomy red, there was no land, only floating islands, and the architectural style was very similar to the neon of the Edo period.

Xiaoban dressed as a samurai and Xiaowen dressed as a ninja suddenly appeared.

Xiaoban looked around at the unfamiliar environment, and suddenly noticed that his clothes had changed, "What's going on?!"

Xiaowen found that the environment here was very similar to the background of the violent sumo game, and then thought of the previous lightning, and then made a guess, "It must be the previous lightning that sent us into the violent sumo game."

Hearing this, Xiaoban jumped up excitedly, "Cool!"

Xiaowen looked at Xiaoban with her hands on her hips, "Not cool at all! Daitou! Send us out!"

"Okay, okay, I'll turn into a shapeshifter and send us out now."

Xiaoban looked around himself and found the omnitrix on the armor of his left hand.

Xiaoban tried to turn the omnitrix and found that all the alien heroes inside were gone, "Uh~ We may not be able to get out for the time being."

"What did you say?!"

Xiaowen stepped forward quickly, grabbed Xiaoban's left hand and turned the omnitrix, but there was nothing inside!

Xiaowen tried to sense the natural energy in his body again, "Me too, I can't transform, and I can't use magic."

"What should we do now?"

Xiaoban was also helpless, and then looked at Xiaowen and asked to see if Xiaowen had any ideas.

Although Xiaoban didn't want to admit it, Xiaowen was indeed a little smarter than him.


Xiaowen was about to say something.


At this time, a spherical sumo robot with a diameter of more than one meter fell down and flattened Xiaoban.

(The sumo robot is like a big iron ball with short limbs, and a strange big face is painted on the iron ball.)

Then a bunch of data gathered next to Xiaoban.

After Xiao Wen was surprised, she found that only one of the three circles on Xiaoban's shoulder armor was still lit. She turned her head and looked at her own shoulder armor, and there was only one left.

It's bright! (Xiaoban asked Xiaowen's game character to commit suicide just now)

Xiaoban followed Xiaowen's line of sight and realized something, "You only have one life left! Me too!"

"Now is not the time to talk about this! Hurry up and run!"

Xiaowen pulled Xiaoban and turned to run, but countless sumo robots behind them quickly caught up.

Not long after, they were surrounded by sumo robots.

The robots rushed forward. Xiaowen was very good, and now with the blessing of the game character, those robots could hardly do anything to Xiaowen.

Xiaoban's skills were much worse. He was knocked down by another robot just after punching a robot away. Fortunately, Xiaowen saved his life.

Xiaowen reminded Xiaoban, "I have a hunch that if we lose even the last life, then we are probably really dead."

Xiaoban nodded with a serious expression. At this time, Xiaoban suddenly noticed a box floating in the air above the house in the distance.

"That's... the Wonder Box?! Xiao Wen! Look over there!"

Xiao Ban called out, and tried to rush out of the robot's encirclement and rush to the Wonder Box.

Xiao Wen looked at the place where Xiao Ban pointed, and saw the Wonder Box.

Xiao Ban punched a robot and made a dent with the mark of his fist, and Xiao Wen kicked a robot away.

The two first ran to the nearest house, jumped on the house, and ran on the house.

Because they are now game characters, Xiao Ban and Xiao Wen can jump three or four meters high, and can easily perform various difficult movements.

Not long after, Xiao Ban jumped up and jumped onto the tall building, and successfully touched the Wonder Box.

The Wonder Box turned into a white light and disappeared, leaving only two gold coins with a diameter of 20 cm floating in the air.

Xiaoban looked at one of the gold coins with a broadsword pattern in surprise, and reached out to touch the gold coin, "The violent sumo sword is going to be very powerful!"

The gold coin turned into a golden light and gathered in Xiaoban's hand, and then the golden light gradually formed a broadsword about one meter long.

Then Xiaoban jumped off the tall building, wielded the broadsword, and cut the sumo robot attacking from the front in half with one knife, and cut the two sumo robots attacking from the side in half with another knife.

With the violent sumo sword, Xiaoban solved the sumo robots surrounding him in a few moves.

On the tall building, Xiaowen touched the remaining gold coin, and the gold coin turned into a piece of white paper.

There was a map drawn on the white paper, and another use of the white paper was recorded.

Xiaowen folded the white paper, and the white paper turned into a snowflake-shaped dart the size of a washbasin.

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