The belly of the evil exploding frog (where the brain is stored), this book is finished and I will spit it out and give it back to you......

It was a hot summer day.

The gentle evening breeze blew past, ruffling the hair of the trees and swaying them slightly.

An old, dilapidated RV was driving on a mountain road.

The lights were on and people were moving around.

"Recently, disappearances have occurred frequently. Some experts point out that this is a way for young people to escape reality and choose to commit suicide."

"In Atlanta, someone found the body of a monster. Except for the scattered sickles on its head, the rest of its features were no different from those of a human."

"In an alley in Feilu City, a severely eaten human corpse was found, stained with saliva from an unknown creature."

"According to eyewitnesses, a strange man with red eyes walked out of the alley, emitting a fishy smell......."

The host's voice echoed on the radio

"Oh, it's such a boring news again! This will take many episodes of"Approaching Science"!"

A boy with short brown hair and green eyes, holding his chin, looked unhappy.

""Xiaoban, this is the latest news, we have to keep up with current events!"

In the driver's seat sat an old man wearing a red floral shirt and gray hair.

But his determined eyes were still bright and sharp, and he was still as sharp as ever.

Hearing this, Tian Xiaoban rolled his eyes and said,"I would rather use my tongue to brush Xiaowen's teeth than listen to this kind of news."

"" Daido, what are you talking about! Get out of the way!"

A girl in blue casual clothes, with orange hair and blue eyes, grabbed the pillow next to her and threw it directly at Xiaoban.

Tian Xiaoban caught it angrily, his face suddenly turned red,"Nerd, what are you crazy about!"

""Daitou cousin, you are dumber than a pig in a farm!"

Tian Xiaowen retorted unhappily, gritting his teeth.

The two of them argued back and forth.

On the sofa on the other side, sat a handsome young man with black hair and deep eyes.

Facing the quarrel between the two children, he seemed a little helpless.

His name is Yechen, and he was an ordinary person on the blue planet.

Three years ago, he was studying late into the night to prepare for the college entrance examination, but he never thought that his eyes would go black and he would suddenly die.

When he woke up again, he traveled to the Ben10 world.

His identity in this world is the son of Tian Mark's comrade.

But his cheap father died at the hands of aliens, and his mother was nowhere to be found.

In the end, he was adopted by Tian Mark.

Although he was not his biological son, Tian Mark treated him like his own grandson. He even took better care of him than Xiaoban and Xiaowen.

Perhaps this is also a kind of spiritual sustenance for his comrades.......

It is worth mentioning that Yechen's father is Chinese, so his appearance is more like an oriental person.

""Okay, okay, you two stop arguing!" Tian Mark frowned,"Otherwise I will have to reduce your game time!"

"Grandpa! No!"

"Oh, what a mess!"

The two of them were struck by lightning, their faces looked very ugly.

Then they stopped arguing.

At this time, Xiaoban had an idea and flashed to Yechen's side.

"But come to that, Brother Chen, do you believe there are strange people with red eyes who eat people?" Xiaoban asked curiously.

"Daitou, how could that exist!" Xiaowen looked unconvinced.

Tian Xiaoban was indignant and glared at his cousin,"Humph, if you see it, I hope you won't be scared to pee your pants! I won't wipe it for you!"

Tian Xiaowen gritted her teeth in anger, but she could do nothing.

Yechen closed his eyes,"I don't know either."

To be honest, he already had an answer in his mind.

His eyes were red, and he would eat people again.......

He could only think of one kind of creature!


Also known as ghouls!

"But this is the world of Ben 10, how could there be a ghoul?"Ye Chen thought to himself, puzzled.

I hope it's not a ghoul.....

The most urgent task is to obtain the Omnitrix first, so that we can gain a foothold in this world.

According to the timeline, it should be almost time.

Tonight is the time when the Omnitrix will descend on Earth!

However, thinking of this.

Ye Chen frowned again, thinking:"But I don't have Tian Mark's genes, how can I wear the Omnitrix?"

At this time, if you want to wear the Omnitrix, you must have Tian Mark's genes, or his relatives.

But how can he, an outsider, get the Omnitrix?

【Ding~ The host's desire for the omnitrix is detected!】

【Activate the system to eliminate violence and maintain peace!】

【Do you want to start binding? 】

A cold reminder sounded in Ye Chen's mind.

Ye Chen was stunned, and then he was overjoyed.

After waiting for so long, his plug-in finally arrived!

However, Ye Chen was not in a hurry to bind.

Instead, he asked in his mind

"The system for eliminating violence and maintaining peace, what is that?"

【Back to the host, as the name suggests, it means"eradicate the thugs who do evil and appease the kind people"】

【Complete system tasks to get points rewards, which can be exchanged for items in the mall】

"What if I don't complete the task?" Ye Chen asked again

【The host can freely choose whether to execute it, the system will not force the host, but may miss the mission points. 】

The cold system voice came again

"Well, that's about right."

Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction.

If there was a punishment mechanism, he would have to consider whether to bind it.

Now it seems that there is no need to worry.

Moreover, eliminating violence and protecting the good is the main purpose of Ben 10, so it is not surprising that such a system appears.

"Bind."Ye Chen thought silently in his heart.

【Ding~The system for eliminating violence and upholding justice is binding!】


【Binding successful!】

【Congratulations to the host for successfully binding to the system for eliminating violence and maintaining peace!】

【A gift pack for newbies! 】

A series of system prompts echoed in Ye Chen's mind.���

Ye Chen was delighted,"Newbie gift pack? Open it quickly!"

He knew that his system would not be so stingy.

【Successfully opened the novice gift pack!】

【Newbie gift pack: Tian Mark's bloodline!】

【Tian Mark's bloodline: With this bloodline, you will be able to wear the first generation omnitrix! 】

Instantly, Ye Chen felt a warm current flowing into his body, as if something had changed.

He knew that this was the system transforming his bloodline.

In this way, he would be able to wear the first generation omnitrix!

Ye Chen's breathing became a little rapid. If he hadn't been in the car, he would have laughed out loud with joy.

【In addition to Tian Mark's bloodline, there is also an S-level ghoul physique. 】

Ye Chen was slightly stunned.

S-level ghoul physique?

【S-class ghoul physique: Possessing a physique as strong as an S-class ghoul, invulnerable to swords and guns, with strength, speed and defense far beyond that of ordinary people】

【When activated, the pupil will turn blood red, which is the red eye, and the recovery ability will be greatly improved.】

【Note: After the system improvement, the S-level ghoul physique will not affect the host's eating, and can still eat human food. 】

After hearing this, Ye Chen's eyes flashed with surprise.

S-level ghoul physique!

This is a real treasure!

With it, even if he doesn't use the power of omnitrix, he has a certain ability to protect himself.

Some ordinary minions are not his opponents at all.

S-level ghouls are very powerful. Ordinary swords and guns can hardly hurt them, and their recovery ability is also extremely abnormal.

For injuries like fractures, ordinary people need at least several months to recover.

But S-level ghouls can recover in just a few seconds!

The more Ye Chen thought about it, the more excited he became.

It seems that God still treats him well.

With these trump cards, it may not be impossible for him to survive in the world of Ben 10.

But for now, he still needs to get omnitrix first.

Half an hour later, the old broken car stopped at the campsite.

The surrounding area is sparsely populated and eerie.

Countless tall trees stand in the dark, baring their fangs and claws, like a group of demons ready to prey.

As soon as he stopped the car, Ye Chen found an excuse and ran to the back mountain.

The mountain road was bumpy and there were many mosquitoes circling around, buzzing.

But Ye Chen didn't care and didn't stop.

No matter what, he had to get the Omnitrix.

Whoosh - a brilliant meteor suddenly streaked across the dark sky.

Ye Chen raised his head suddenly, and his pupils suddenly contracted.

It was a blazing fireball!

It was hitting him at an alarming speed.......

PS: The protagonist is wearing! He is over 18 years old!

In addition, this novel will have a hero who was not in the previous one.(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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