Kamishiro Rize, an SS-rank female ghoul, codenamed"Okuguchi".

A few months ago, she lured the naive Kaneki Ken to an abandoned construction site, intending to prey on him there.

However, an unexpected incident of falling steel bars occurred.

Kamishiro Rize was seriously injured by the falling steel bars, and Kaneki Ken was also severely injured and nearly died.

However, Dr. Kano took the initiative to transplant Kamishiro Rize's kukuri into Kaneki Ken's body. Although he saved his life, he also turned him into a one-eyed ghoul.

And Kamishiro Rize has since been used as an experimental donor by Dr. Kano for various experiments.

During this period, Dr. Kano continued to dig out Kamishiro Rize's kukuri and transplanted them into humans for mass production of one-eyed ghouls.

Due to limited technology, Dr. Kano has been unable to create a more powerful one-eyed ghoul.

Until he met Dr. Touwu.......

A while ago, the spies of Qingtongshu and Antique Coffee Shop received news that Dongwu and Dr. Kano were no longer satisfied with Kamishiro Rize as the experimental donor.

They needed to capture more powerful ghouls for various cruel experiments!

The most powerful ghouls known so far are Yoshimura Kousen and Yoshimura Eto, a pair of miserable father and daughter.

"This damn Kano actually teamed up with the United States to bully us. It's unforgivable!"

Takatsuki Izumi clenched her fists and wanted to hit him. Fangcun Gongshan sighed and shook his head:"Et, with our strength, it is impossible to beat Dong Wu and Kano"

"What?"Takatsuki Izumi was stunned.

"Sifang, you tell them."Fangcun Gongshan looked at a silver-haired man behind him.

Sifang Lianshi was wearing a loose black robe, his face was vicissitudes, and he said slowly:"I have found out some information about the enemy."

"Tell me about it."

Sifang Lianshi took a deep breath,"Dr. Dong Wu....At least I helped Kano build a ghoul army of over a thousand people."

Takatsuki Izumi sneered,"I thought it was so powerful, but it's just over a thousand people. All the members of my Aogiri Tree together have three to four thousand people!"

"No."Shiho Renshi shook his head:"To be precise, it is a ghoul corps composed of all SSS-level ghouls, more than a thousand people!"

As soon as the words fell, the air suddenly stopped, and the surroundings were so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone was stunned and horrified, their hearts pounding.

Thousands of SSS-level ghouls!!?

How can we fight them?

Yoshimura Kousen looked solemn, looking at his shocked daughter in front of him.

"At, we need help."

Takatsuki Izumi snorted coldly and turned his head away:"Who should we ask for help?"

"Of course it's Yechen, my future son-in-law.

Fangcun Gongshan smiled and said something surprising.


"Old man, you know everything! ?"

Takatsuki Izumi rushed forward, grabbed Yoshimura Kousen's collar, gnashed his teeth, and his face flushed.

Yoshimura Kousen has a kind face, and his intelligence network is very wide.

However, Kirishima Touka, who was standing behind, had a complicated expression, and her purple slanted bangs covered one eye, and she seemed a little lost.

So, Yechen-kun is already with Takatsuki Izumi?

"Let me think about it."

Takatsuki Izumi held her chin up, looking worried.

If Dong Wu really wanted to take action to capture them, even if Qingtongshu and Gu Gu joined forces, they would definitely not be able to defeat them.

Struggling like a moth to a flame.

By then, I'm afraid both sides will be completely annihilated by Dr. Dong Wu and Dr. Kano.

In order not to lose family and friends.

Takatsuki Izumi sighed softly,"I know, I will try to contact Yechen-kun."

Speaking of which, she hasn't seen this boyfriend for several days. She doesn't know how he has been doing recently?

Has he eaten enough and slept well?

Does he miss her?

Or is he being affectionate with other women?

With an uneasy heart, Takatsuki Izumi dialed Yechen's number......

At the same time.

The old broken car was parked in the forest, and a bonfire was lit next to it.

Ye Chen and others were having a picnic, eating skewers, playing and joking.

Suddenly, there was a vibration in his pocket.

Ye Chen took out his mobile phone and looked at it.

"Takatsuki Izumi?

He hurriedly trotted into the dark forest to answer the phone.......Ten minutes later,

Ye Chen returned to the campfire, forced a smile, said goodbye to the others, and said he would be away for a while.

"Brother Ye, what are you going to do?" Wenlin asked curiously

"Dr. Dong Wu has appeared again. I heard he brought a group of monsters with him. I'm going to wipe them out completely."Ye Chen said slowly

"Xiaoye, be careful."Tian Mark said

"Oh, Brother Ye, I want to go with you. How can you leave me behind, Dr. Haibian?" Tian Xiaoban said angrily.

"No, you have more important tasks."


"Escort Grandpa and Minlin to Mount Lacimo safely."

After that, Ye Chen pressed the Omnitrix and turned into a gliding King Kong.

A huge green insect flapped its sharp wings and instantly took off into the air, soaring under the bright moon.......

【Ding~ Trigger the mission of eliminating violence and maintaining peace!】

【Eliminate Dr. Kano and resolve the ghoul crisis to get 5,000 points! 】

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