The powerful cosmic rays, like a divine punishment from heaven, washed over the bloated body of the ghoul giant crazily, shining with brilliant blue light!

It was as if the entire sky was dyed blue, gorgeous and incomparable.

Under the attack of cosmic rays, the tough skin of the ghoul giant began to crack, densely packed, and a large amount of bright red blood oozed out.


"I am the genius Dr. Dong Wu!"

"I won't lose!"

Dong Wu desperately mobilized energy to try to heal his injuries.

However, in the face of the brute force of the super giant, all these were in vain.

With the scouring and erosion of cosmic rays, the ghoul giant began to tremble violently, his eyes showing a light of fear and despair, and he felt an unprecedented threat.

The speed at which he recovered could not catch up with the speed at which he was destroyed!

Under the impact of the blue light, the huge body became tattered, like a discarded rag doll, gradually collapsed to the ground, with a look of despair on his face.

Finally, Dong Wu could no longer maintain the form of the ghoul giant, and the effect of the pill quickly disappeared, and he turned back into human form.

Dr. Dong Wu looked ashen, lying on the ground He was motionless, as if doubting his life.

He was naked, and his body was covered with horrific wounds, so dense that it looked as if he had been slashed by a storm of blades. Blood was constantly flowing, and a strong fishy smell was emitted.

The super giant had not yet used his full strength.

Dong Wu could not die yet, and he had to be used to find Dr. Garner's underground laboratory.

Ye Chen guessed that there might be many unfinished experimental subjects hidden in that place, and they must be destroyed to eliminate the roots!

This place full of sin has conducted countless cruel living experiments, and it is time to destroy it.

The super giant glowed green and turned back into Ye Chen's appearance.

He walked up to the decadent Dr. Dong Wu and said coldly:"Take me to Dr. Garner's laboratory, otherwise....You die."

Dong Wu was so scared that he trembled, how could he disobey.

He was completely defeated by Ye Chen.

No matter whether it was the Godly Tyrannosaurus, the Ten-Unlike, or the Super Giant, they were not beings that he could provoke.

At this time, the ghouls also ran over, with excitement and joy on their faces.

They praised Ye Chen's feat of defeating the ghoul giant and were extremely excited.

If Ye Chen hadn't come to support them, their two major organizations might not have escaped.

In desperation, Dong Wu had to take Ye Chen and a group of ghouls to Kana's underground laboratory.......

Half an hour later,

Dong Wu led everyone to a dark alley.

It was a dead end.

Dong Wu flipped over the trash can that blocked the way and came to the end of the alley. He pressed the hidden brick mechanism.

With a tremor, a narrow gap appeared on the ground. Everyone shone their flashlights inside and found a dark tunnel.

"Jiana's underground laboratory is inside. Dong Wu said

"You won't lie to us, will you?" Ye Chen looked at him suspiciously.

""No, no, how dare I deceive you, sir!" Dong Wu waved his hand and explained.

Soon, under the leadership of Dong Wu, everyone entered the tunnel.

Ye Chen was always alert to the surroundings and ready to transform at any time.

Fortunately, it was a safe journey.

Dong Wu opened a door at the end of the tunnel, and a blazing white light burst out from it in an instant.

The strong light hurt everyone's eyes.

After they gradually adapted, they entered the laboratory one after another.

Kano's underground laboratory was full of bottles and jars, which contained many human and ghoul limbs, and even animals. There were many dazzling white lights hanging on the ceiling, illuminating the entire laboratory, which was pale, lifeless, and full of depression.

On both sides of the laboratory, there were thousands of fixed sanatorium cabins, which were full of one-eyed ghouls being cultivated.

They stared with their bloody eyes, and scarlet scales stretched out from behind their waists, shaking slightly like tentacles.

They looked at the ghouls passing by, their eyes were not fluctuating, and it seemed that they had not yet recovered their consciousness.

"These are the one-eyed ghouls that Kano and I bred."

"In three days, they will be able to become powerful artificial SSS-level ghouls."

Dong Wu said truthfully, with an apologetic smile on his face.

At this point, he did not dare to deceive Ye Chen.

In the face of absolute strength, any trick is useless.

"Destroy these experimental subjects."Ye Chen ordered.

Upon hearing this, Takatsuki Izumi immediately called his men to start destroying these semi-finished products.

These one-eyed ghouls, even if they are successfully cultivated, are mostly unconscious and will only obey Dong Wu's orders, which is extremely harmful to society.

Tadara and Noro released their kagune and began to sweep the laboratory.

Yoshimura Kousen, Dong Xiang and others were not idle either, and also joined the"destruction" camp.

Ye Chen pressed the omnitrix and turned into a diamond god of war.

One hand turned into a sword, and the other hand turned into a knife, quickly destroying the treatment cabin and other experimental subjects.

Suddenly, he stopped the crystal blade in his hand, and his golden eyes stared at the front.

There was a huge treatment can filled with transparent liquid, and a young woman with purple hair and naked body was floating there quietly....... ps: The last heroine is Kirishima Touka.

This book has three heroines in total, the first two are Takatsuki Izumi and Minlin.

This is also the first time I have written multiple heroines, so some parts may not be well written, please forgive me......

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