The next afternoon.

Antique Cafe, second floor.

On a white hospital bed, lay a gorgeous woman with purple hair, with a beautiful figure and charming looks. She closed her eyes tightly and breathed steadily.

Kamishiro Rize was still in a coma.

Next to her, sat Ye Chen and Kirishima Touka.

As for the others, they had tasks to complete and went out to find out about the recent situation of CCG.

Aogiri Shu and others had already left in the early morning. They also had their own things to do.

However, Takatsuki Izumi squeezed Ye Chen dry last night, and then left with satisfaction.......

Kirishima Touka next door had a sleepless night because of this.

She heard the happy voices of the two people.......

"Hey, faceless man, I have something to tell you."

Kirishima Touka stood up and walked towards the balcony on the second floor.

Faceless man is Yechen's ghoul code name.

Yechen was a little confused, but he still followed him. On the dim balcony, stood a slender figure.

The girl's hair was ruffled by the breeze, and her skirt fluttered gently.

Kirishima Touka turned her back to Yechen and said nervously,"You....Did you really do that with Izumi Takatsuki last night?"

"Ah?"Ye Chen was stunned.

God, how did the other party know?

Wait, it must be that Gao Tsukiquan was too loud last night. This"small but powerful" female ghost.........

Ye Chen took a deep breath and said,"Well, sorry to disturb your rest."

"You bastard, do you know how miserable I was last night?"

Dong Xiang turned around abruptly, grabbed Ye Chen by the collar, and glared at him fiercely.

"Ah, then how can I make it up to you?"

Ye Chen was a little surprised. He didn't expect Dong Xiang to react so strongly.

Dong Xiang had a complicated expression and slowly let go of Ye Chen.

In fact, she was not angry because of insomnia.

It was because she felt inexplicably sad when she thought of the scene of Ye Chen and Gao Tsukiquan's lingering.

Why, it was obviously she who met Ye Chen first.......

Why should this strong man with a good character be surpassed by a latecomer?

"Yeah, I didn't seize the opportunity......."

Dong Xiang laughed at herself and sat down on the balcony floor dejectedly.

Ye Chen complained in his heart, shouldn't this guy like Kaneki Ken?

Could it be that he likes me?

Oh, right, Kaneki Ken is still too weak and his personality is average, it's normal for Dong Xiang to dislike him.

Besides, Kaneki Ken seems to be more interested in Kamishiro Rize......

Dong Xiang hugged her knees with her hands, buried her head, and said nothing.

For a moment, the atmosphere became a little awkward.

"Hey you......"

Ye Chen walked forward and was about to comfort Dong Xiang.

Suddenly, a scarlet light was cast from the sky, covering Ye Chen and Dong Xiang!

The next second, the two disappeared.......

The vast universe.

A silver-gray spaceship emits red light from time to time, shooting towards the surrounding planets, and so on.

Inside the spaceship, there is a huge interstellar arena.

All creatures captured by the red light will be teleported to this spaceship and forced to be treated as contestants in the interstellar arena.

The vast interstellar arena is surrounded by spectators on all sides.

They need to pay for tickets to watch the game, and they will also place bets on which alien will win. The spaceship staff will make a profit by pumping money from it.

Arenas of all sizes are scattered all over the spaceship.

Here, bloody fights and fights are staged every day.

The winner lives!

The loser dies!

To survive in the interstellar arena, you have to defeat your opponent and then prepare for the next battle.......

Ye Chen and Kirishima Dongxiang were transported to this place by the red light of the spaceship!

They were directly transported to a 2V2 arena!

They were greeted by a female Taizoman and a ferocious crocodile man.......

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