Soul Reaper Weybok, the Master of the Interstellar Arena

"Ward posted! Taimanman and Lao Ya duo actually lost?"

"Oh my god, this is a seeded player with 49 consecutive wins!"

"These two Earthlings are too scary, so terrifying!"

The aliens sighed, this result was what they had expected.

However, the most excited were the Vuxarri and the one-eyed cricket.

"Ahhh! I bet 100 Celestial Jade and now it's all gone!"

"I'm going to jump off the boat!"

The Vaxsarri burst into tears, his huge body lying on the ground, shaking constantly, wishing he could commit suicide immediately. The one-eyed cricket stood aside, his eyes full of horrible bloodshot, his hands holding his head and screaming wildly,"My 250! It's all gone!"

"I lost all my property. You guys are useless, Thai Crocodile. I should have bet on the Earthlings to win!"

However, there is no regret medicine in the world.

The one-eyed cricket quickly climbed onto the Vaxsarians, the race of the God Tyrannosaurus, and cried loudly with him, tears streaming down his face, like a pair of star-crossed lovers.

One lost 100 pieces of Sky Crystal Jade, and the other lost 250 pieces.

The two famous tycoons of the Soul Reaper Tournament went bankrupt. It was like going back to the time before liberation!

At this moment, they were almost regretting it, and they dared not look down on the Earthlings anymore.

In the arena, Dong Xiang stared at this scene in a daze.

"Won......We really won!"

Her beautiful eyes were filled with joy, her purple bangs fluttering, and she trotted over to the frozen lizard.

"Night, you defeated them!"

"It's too strong!"

Dong Xiang couldn't hide her joy, she went forward to hug the frozen lizard and kissed him on the forehead.

A warm feeling came immediately, refreshing the heart and quickly permeated Ye Chen's whole body.

He changed back to his original form.

His body shape changed, and the place where Dong Xiang kissed also changed. She originally kissed the frozen lizard's forehead, but now it became Ye Chen's mouth.


Dong Xiang's body trembled, she realized something was wrong, and she stepped back quickly, her face flushed like a ripe apple.

"that...."Ye Chen was a little embarrassed for a moment.

At the same time, his thoughts were all over the place. If he turned into the Godly Tyrannosaurus, where would Kirishima Touka kiss him?

Suddenly, several red lights appeared on the floor in front of them.

Several red robots, holding laser spears and riding hoverboards, flew towards the two.

Just as the two were about to fight back, the red lights on the robots ignited again and teleported them to the depths of the spacecraft.

In front of them was a piece of translucent red glass, and a mysterious puppet figure stood inside like a ghost.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I am the Soul Reaper Weybok, and this is the Soul Reaper Tournament."

"Every lucky person who is chosen must fight in the arena to earn wealth and joy for the audience......."

The man's voice was ethereal and unreal, difficult to distinguish from a distance, mysterious and unpredictable.

Ye Chen's eyes flickered as he stared at the other person.

If he remembered correctly, this guy was the"master" of the entire spacecraft and controlled everything here.

If he wanted to escape, he had to defeat this guy.

Or, control him......

""Put the controller on them." Soul Reaper Webok waved his hand.

Several red robots immediately stepped forward and pressed the ends of their gun handles on the chests of the two men.

A red round controller was branded on their bodies like a button.

"What is this?"

Dong Xiang said, and was about to pull it out.

""Don't." Ye Chen stopped her immediately.

This is a tool to control the players in the gladiatorial arena. Once someone disobeys or tries to unplug it, these controllers will instantly release a strong electric current to hit the rebel.

Of course, this current controller is just a decoration for Ye Chen.

It can be destroyed at any time.

Ye Chen looked calm, and his mind was working fast.

It was not difficult for him to escape from here.

However, he knew that there were many powerful aliens here, so he could collect a wave of DNA first.

"Well, the next battle is about to begin, get ready."


A burst of red light emerged from under the feet of the two people, and teleported them to the arena again!

"Warmly welcome the Earthlings!"

The cold broadcast sounded again.

The audience cheered enthusiastically, screamed and roared wildly, all wanting to witness the bloody fight and killing.

Ye Chen looked at the two huge figures on the other side of the arena, and his eyes could not help but focus.

"It's them......"

"Snake King Kong, and Howling Wolf!"

(To be continued......)

ps: After this chapter is finished, there are probably three more chapters, and the wrong table will appear.

52 Quadrant, female version of Albedo (fan fiction)

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