The vampire's eyes condensed, and blood scattered all over the sky.

Boom - the fierce purple sound wave almost wiped out the blood!

The scattered blood in the air immediately flew to the corner, avoiding the sound wave attack, and re-condensed into a human form, turning into a vampire count.

"It seems that this is the only way to deal with it.

The vampire flashed and turned back into a clown in a gray and white costume.

"If you have any tricks, just show them to me, Master Wolf!"

Howling Wolf clenched his claws, spoke wildly, and glared at the clown fiercely.


The clown's eyes lit up with green will-o'-the-wisp fire, and the Howling Wolf, who was looking at him, was instantly pulled into an illusion!

This was the clown's innate skill, which could make the target see the most fearful thing in their heart!

In this way, he could defeat them mentally, absorb their fear, and strengthen himself!

For the clown, fear is the source of power!


Howling Wolf's body trembled, and he stood there in a daze, his eyes emitting strange green light, motionless.

In the illusion, he saw the most powerful king of the Yanuchuanxier galaxy - Ghost Ziska, staring at him with his purple single eye!

"Hehe, what a delicious Robomon, I want to eat you!"

Ziska bared his teeth and claws, tore open the crack on his chest, and shot out a large number of chaos tentacles, quickly attacking the Howling Wolf.

The Howling Wolf screamed in fear, his legs trembling, and he knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the clown.

He also lived in the Yanuchuanxier galaxy. He had heard of the name of the ghost Ziska and had the honor of meeting him.

When they were disobedient when they were young, adult Robomon would use Ziska to scare the little Robomon, which had become a shadow of their childhood.

The Howling Wolf squatted on the ground helplessly, holding his head, almost curled up into a ball, like a baby frightened by a ghost.

A strong fear energy continued to emanate from his body and evaporated into the sky.

The clown stretched out his pale palm, greedily absorbing the fear, and his strength soared rapidly.

The more fearful the enemy is, the stronger he will be!

"The Lobomon has been dealt with, only the Snake Kong is left......"

The clown looked over and saw that Dong Xiang was still fighting with Snake King Kong.

"It's not bad to be able to hold on until now."

Using the agility of the S-level ghoul, he adopted a roundabout tactic to continuously consume the snake and drag it down.

Occasionally, when he couldn't avoid the golden petrifying light, he released a large number of blood-colored arrows to block it and deal with the opponent again.

The clown looked at Kirishima Touka with a hint of approval.

This woman didn't seem so stupid.......

"However, the battle should be over."

It's meaningless to drag it on.

The clown also used his illusion ability to drag the snake King Kong into the illusion of fear!

Like the Howling Wolf, the snake King Kong's eyes were full of green light, and he was stagnant in place, falling into endless fear.

Without the ability to fight, the outcome of this fight was obvious.

"The Earthlings won!"

The announcement sounded a cold reminder.

The audience cheered enthusiastically, cheering for the clown.

Some were happy, some were sad.

Because some won money, some lost money.

"We won again!"

Kirishima Touka's beautiful eyes were filled with intense joy.

"It's just basic exercises."

The clown waved his hand and changed back to his original form.

Then he used the omnitrix to touch the claws of Howling Wolf and Viper King Kong.

"Successfully collected!" In just one battle, the DNA of two powerful aliens was collected!

With the function of omnitrix to automatically optimize genes, Ye Chen will be able to exert a combat power that surpasses the two aliens in front of him.

Then, a red light appeared on the floor of the arena again.

Several red robots, holding laser spears, came to Ye Chen and brought them to the Soul Reaper Webok again.

The tall and thin ghost-like figure stood behind the red screen, dominating all the lives of the Soul Reaper Arena.

"Hey, you two did a great job."

"I was surprised that he actually defeated Lobomon and the three-headed snake man!"

"So, what tricks do you have?" Dong Xiang asked coldly

"Hey, although you won the game, your teamwork was obviously not good enough."

"In order to better cooperate with you in your next game, improve the viewing experience, and bring joy and cheers to the audience......"

"I decided to use the fastest method to improve the cooperation between both parties!"

"That is to let the two of you carry out the most primitive reproduction......"

Kirishima Touka

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