
The golf club hit the target, and the old man screamed in pain and retracted his hands.

The two old men immediately set their sights on Tian Xiaoban and gave up chasing the puppy.

"Woof woof!"

The puppy ran back to Tian Xiaoban and fought alongside him instead of running away.

""Weirdo! Don't try to hurt the puppy!"

Tian Xiaoban held the golf club tightly, with a firm face.


The two old men bared their teeth and claws, and ran over here with their tongues hanging out.

"Ah! Run!"

Tian Xiaoban pulled the puppy and ran

""Woof woof!"

The puppy ran and barked, attracting many old people to watch.

But without exception, when they saw the puppy and Xiaoban, they all showed their sharp fangs, green and green, and joined the pursuit!

Dozens of alien monsters, waving their arms, twisting their bodies, roaring like beasts, madly chasing the man and the dog.


Tian Xiaoban accidentally kicked a stone and fell to the ground. The anxious puppy grabbed Xiaoban's trouser leg and tried to pull him up.

"Oh, my god~"

Tian Xiaoban fell to his knees and could no longer run.

The group of monsters behind him had already caught up with him!


An old man stretched out his terrifying claws, about to crush Tian Xiaoban's head.


A stream of cold water rushed over, instantly defeating the old man and turning him into a pool of green juice.

After the juice squirmed for a while, it stopped moving and died completely.

Tian Xiaoban and the puppy were both stunned and turned to look behind them.

It was a young man in black clothes, with a deep gaze and a water gun in his hand.

"Brother Ye!"

Tian Xiaoban was overjoyed. It was Brother Ye who killed the weirdo!

"These monsters are afraid of water, just aim and shoot."

Ye Chen looked calm and threw out the water gun he had prepared.

"So you bought a water gun to deal with weirdos......"Tian Xiaoban muttered to himself and picked up the water gun on the ground.

This seemingly childish and funny toy water gun gave him a great sense of security at this moment!

"Of course."

Ye Chen smiled faintly and pulled out the double guns from his waist."Then let's see who kills more."

"Great!"Tian Xiaoban was extremely excited and raised his water gun to aim at the group of alien monsters.


Dozens of alien monsters twisted their bodies, their faces were full of pits, and most of them turned into phlegm-like monsters!

"Eat them!"

""Eat, eat, eat!"

Ye Chen raised his double guns and shot out cold water arrows. The group of alien monsters had no resistance in front of the water guns.

A large amount of green mucus accumulated on the ground, which were dead alien monsters.

The puppy was extremely excited and kept shouting, wishing to rush up and bite two to death.

However, when it saw the alien monsters that suddenly attacked, the ferocious faces scared the puppy so much that it hid behind Ye Chen and made pitiful low sounds.

Ye Chen grinned and shot another alien monster.

A moment later, all the alien monsters were killed by the two.

"Xiaoban, how many did you kill?"Ye Chen said with a smile

"Hey, there are fifteen in total. I won, right?"Tian Xiaoban said proudly.

"I killed forty of them."Ye Chen responded

"Oh, so annoying!"......

Back at Aunt Vera's house, it was already seven in the evening, approaching dusk.


As soon as Tian Xiaoban ran into the house, he wanted to report the situation of the monster to his grandfather.

Tian Mark hurriedly held Tian Xiaoban down,"Shh~ Your aunt Vera has fallen asleep, don't wake her up."

At this moment, Aunt Vera had fallen asleep in the bedroom.

Tian Xiaoban glanced at the clock,"But it's only seven o'clock now!"

"Brother Ye, where have you been? Why are you still holding water guns?

Tian Xiaowen noticed the water guns in the hands of the two men and couldn't help asking

"I tell you, this town is full of weirdos......"

Tian Xiaoban was mysterious and began to explain to the two what had just happened.

Tian Mark frowned slightly,"According to what you said, the whole town is likely to be occupied by monsters."

"Will Aunt Vera......"Tian Xiaowen pursed her lips and dared not continue.

She was afraid that Aunt Vera had also been"possessed" by the monster.

"Don't worry, Aunt Vera should not have been replaced yet."Ye Chen paused,"But for safety's sake, it's better to confirm it."

Ye Chen led everyone to Vera's bedroom.

Aunt Vera closed her eyes and slept soundly on the bed.

Ye Chen raised the water gun, sprayed some water on his palm, and then dripped it along his fingers onto Aunt Vera's arm.

There was no abnormality, and the skin was intact.

This meant that Aunt Vera had not been abducted by the alien monster.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They quickly evacuated the room and began to discuss the next countermeasures.

"But, if they pretend to be these residents, where are the real residents?" Tian Mark couldn't help asking.

"It might be eaten by those losers." Tian Xiaoban said bluntly

"Dai Tou, stop being such a pessimist! Tian Xiaowen didn't want this to happen.

"They may be hiding. Since they are afraid of water, they cannot eat humans directly."

"Because human blood contains water"

"So humans may be given special treatment, such as removing water from their bodies......."

Ye Chen analyzed carefully.

"Oh my god, they will turn the old people into human jerky!"Tian Xiaoban looked horrified

"We have to hurry up and not let these monsters succeed."Tian Mark clenched his fists and spoke in a serious tone.

"But we don’t know where they hide those residents." Tian Xiaowen said bitterly

"I have a way." Ye Chen smiled mysteriously.......

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse.

The town was dark, and there was no light coming out of the windows of the houses.

The whole town was gloomy and the streets and alleys were empty, lonely and deserted.

Everyone came outside, looking solemn.

"It's so quiet around here, it's really scary."

Tian Xiaowen hugged her arms and shivered.

She looked around, afraid that a monster would jump out of the darkness in the next second.

"Don't worry, Brother Ye is here, so we're safe."Tian Xiaoban said with a smile

"Is this thing really useful?"

Tian Mark frowned and looked at the toy pistol in his hand.

At this moment, everyone carried two toy water guns.

In order to replenish the"bullets", Tian Mark also carried a large water tank. If this picture was spread out, he might be laughed at by his former colleagues for a long time.

The famous legendary plumber actually played with a water gun with his grandson?

So Tian Mark insisted on refusing to take pictures in order to save his reputation.

This made Xiao Wen, who loves taking pictures, very frustrated.

"Xiaoye, start according to your plan."Tian Mark said solemnly.

Ye Chen pressed the omnitrix and began to select the alien hero.

Soon, a beast-shaped creature pattern appeared on the watch.

Ye Chen pressed it without hesitation, and a dazzling green light burst out.

Super beast!

After the transformation, it did not roar, fearing to attract the attention of the monster.

Instead, it sniffed its nose, and suddenly its body shook, and ran out quickly........

(End of this chapter)

PS: The author knows that this group of monsters is different from the alien monsters that Xiaoban transformed into. They are of different races. After all, the alien monsters that Xiaoban transformed into are not afraid of water, and their mucus is also corrosive.

But the original work called them like this, they called themselves alien monsters, so I wrote it like this.

After all, the author couldn't think of a better name for a while. The previous book wrote about phlegm monsters.......

In addition, according to the original plot setting, Ben is to be given a set of five-element armor.

But I see that many friends want to see Ben have an omnitrix and fight alongside the protagonist, just like in the previous book?

So now I am calling for readers' opinions. Do you want to see the five-element armor or a second omnitrix? Please comment in this paragraph.

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