Once the omnitrix is connected to the wearer, it is difficult to remove it, and it has a master protection system.

Once it is forcibly removed, it will trigger the master protection function, burst out a powerful energy pulse, and shock the enemy and the wearer away.

Ye Chen still remembers that in the original work, Vilgax and Kevin worked together in the Void Zero Realm to remove Tian Xiaoban's omnitrix.

They used a high-tech instrument that can directly peel off the omnitrix.

"Got it!"

Ye Chen looked around and quickly found what he wanted in the system mall.

【Watch Stripper: A high-tech instrument used by Vilgax in the original game that can strip the watch of its owner's connection】

【Unlimited use】

【Exchange points: 1000. 】

Now we have the tools to remove the watch of the crazy class.

But the main problem is the crazy universe of Vijas and Modron.

They will often appear on Earth to give instructions to the crazy class.

We must find a suitable time, otherwise, facing three big demons at the same time, Ye Chen will not be able to bear it.

At least for now, he does not have the strength to do so.

"System, can you help me find a suitable time to go to the Crazy Universe?"Ye Chen thought to himself,"It would be best if Vilgax and Modron are not on Earth."

After a while, the system did not respond.

Well, it seems that the system does not know.

Then I can only try my luck. If it doesn't work, I can use the time capsule to come back.

【Ding~ I have found the right time for the host. 】

A cold reminder sound suddenly rang in Ye Chen's mind, and he couldn't help but feel happy.

"What time?"

【Three days later, Vilgax and Modron will leave the Milky Way and head to the depths of the universe to search for a certain treasure. 】

The system responded

"Three days later...."

Ye Chen whispered.

At this time, the two big demons will leave the Milky Way, which will make things much easier.

Then, Ye Chen exchanged for the watch stripper, consuming 1,000 points.

Then he exchanged for the time capsule, consuming 4,000 points.

A total of 5,000 points, plus the 2,000 points he exchanged for the seamless switching hero, a total of 7,000 points!

【Remaining points: 3000. 】

These redeemed items will be stored in the system warehouse and can be taken out at any time......

It was late at night and the world was quiet.

The bonfire on the river bank had gone out, emitting wisps of smoke.

Tian Xiaoban and the others had fallen asleep.

Ye Chen quietly opened the car door, pressed the omnitrix, and turned into Flash Star!

Resembling the appearance of a velociraptor, with a slender body, black and blue skin, and wearing a"blue X" mask.

Swish -

Flash Star disappeared.

Passing through the dark forest, the river, and rushing all the way to the highway, speeding non-stop.

According to the agreed time, Bei should have made a mask now.

The faceless man.

With it, when using the power of the kagune, you can hide your identity and cover your face.

After a long time, Flash Star came to the door of Bei's mask shop.

Boom - a faint green light flashed, and Ye Chen slowly paced and walked into the mask shop.

Bei was still the same, holding his chin, sitting at the front desk bored.

A pair of scarlet eyes revealed indifference and numbness to the world.

"You are here." Bei saw Ye Chen coming and immediately stood up.

""Well, come and get the mask." Ye Chen said lightly.

Hearing this, Bei slipped to the safe, quickly tapped the password, and then took out an exquisite mask.

Faceless man!

The main color is white, with empty eyes and mouth, and a touch of scarlet painted above and below the eyes, as if crying and laughing.

Ye Chen took the mask and put it on.

It fits just right.

Bei took out a mirror and handed it to the"faceless man":"Are you satisfied, customer?"

"It's OK." Ye Chen doesn't like to praise people.

"Don't tell anyone about my mask, or you'll know......"

Bei smiled evilly when he heard this:"Don't worry, our store is a conscientious business and will not disclose the privacy of customers."

"Well, let's go."Ye Chen turned around

"Wait a minute!" Bei's eyes moved, and he stretched out his hand to stop Ye Chen:"Are you interested in joining the Joker Organization?"

The Joker Organization is a group of funny people who often take pleasure in creating chaos.

"Not interested."Ye Chen waved his hand.

But why did he try to persuade him to join the Joker Organization?

Bei looked a little embarrassed:"But our leader is very interested in you."

Ye Chen's eyes flashed.

The leader of the Joker Organization is the SSS-level ghoul, Fan Shi Roma, known as the"Mother of Chaos".

She is interested in him? What the hell.

Ye Chen didn't remember any intersection between him and Roma.

I think it should be Bei who revealed the news of the"Monster Agent" to her.

These ghouls unanimously believed that they were the leaders of monsters such as the Four-Handed Overlord.

However, no matter how hard they thought, they would never think that they were the monsters themselves!


Ye Chen's figure flashed and disappeared into the night.......

The dark universe is dotted with stars.

A huge space battleship is suspended above the earth and is undergoing a thrilling test.......

Reference picture of faceless male mask

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