[Ding! Bounty Hunter"Crab Monster" detected"!】

【Kill the Crab Monster and you will get 2200 points! 】

The Crab Monster is holding a detector with a red dot flashing on it:"Finally found you, Omnitrix!"

In front of him is the Shapeshifter, and behind him are two children

"Oh my god, a huge ugly crab crawled out from the ground!"Tian Xiaoban couldn't help but exclaimed

"It looks like it has bad intentions....."Tian Xiaowen felt a little creepy and hid behind the shapeshifter

"Humble little earthling, hand over the Omnitrix and don't try to challenge my patience!"

The crab monster stretched out its claws and pointed at the shapeshifter not far away.

"Patience? Do you have patience?"

The Shapeshifter said, and turned into a pool of liquid, instantly attached to the Crab Monster!

The black and green liquid quickly spread and smudged on the Crab Monster, and it was about to cover his entire body!

But the Crab Monster is not an ordinary machine, it has a certain ability to think and wisdom!

""Don't try to control me! Damn Gavin Star Shapeshifter!"

The crab monster grabbed the black clothes on his body and pulled it hard, trying to tear the shapeshifter off!

How could the shapeshifter do as he wished? He entangled the crab monster tightly and tried to control it.

In this way, the two sides were deadlocked, and no one was willing to give in!

The crab monster was very strong and difficult to control, and he was about to tear the shapeshifter off!

""Weirdo, look here!"

Tian Xiaoban picked up the hammer on the ground and smashed it on the crab monster's head!

The crab monster's eyes glowed red with anger,"Earth kid, how dare you......"


A green laser shot out from the shapeshifter's eyes, which was extremely hot and burned the crab monster's body crazily!

The crab monster's body shook. Due to the high temperature, the mechanical operation in its body was a little overloaded!

The shapeshifter took this opportunity to expand the invasion area and cover the crab monster's entire body!

The entire huge crab monster, which was originally golden, now turned black and green.

A single eye appeared on the crab monster's head, replacing the crab monster's mechanical eye.

"Wow! This is the ability of a shapeshifter!"

Tian Xiaoban was very excited. This alien must be very interesting!

"Get out of here quickly, I want to destroy the crab monster from the inside." The shapeshifter's eyes flickered.

""Okay!" Tian Xiaowen pulled her cousin away.

""Hey, stop!" Tian Xiaoban was still reluctant to leave.

But he was no match for Xiaowen, so he was pulled far away and rushed to the old broken car.

Although Tian Xiaowen was thin, she was a karate master.......

At this moment, the abandoned factory is left with only the possessed Crab Monster.

The Shapeshifter begins to invade the Crab Monster, intending to destroy its core.

However, the Crab Monster begins to counterattack.

"Despicable creature, get out of my body!"

The crab monster clamped the shapeshifter's body and tried to pull it out!

He also fired a large number of lasers, but he couldn't hurt the shapeshifter. Instead, he was seriously injured. A part of his skin was broken and charred.

"Damn it! I will fight you!"

The crab monster frantically drove the engine in his body, and the temperature of his whole body rose steadily!

In an instant, it rose to several hundred degrees Celsius! It was even higher than the temperature just now!

The crab monster was so cunning. It knew that the shapeshifter could not attach to objects that were too hot, so it resorted to this last resort.

Injure the enemy 800 times and lose 1,000 of its own!

But the crab monster had no other choice. If he didn't drive the shapeshifter away, he would die.

The shapeshifter withdrew from the crab monster, turned into a pool of liquid again, and condensed into a human shape on the ground.

The shapeshifter was about to switch heroes and end this battle completely.

Unexpectedly, the omnitrix on his chest flashed!

——No way, is it so fast this time?


A dazzling scarlet light flashed, and it turned back into Ye Chen's appearance.

Seeing this, the crab monster laughed wildly, looking at the weak earthling in front of him, his eyes showing contempt and disdain.

"Hey, you little earthling, why don't you hand over the Omnitrix?"

"I can crush you to death with just one kick! Just like crushing an ant!"

The crab monster was very confident. He thought he couldn't beat the Gavin Star Transformer.

But he was more than enough to deal with the little Earthling.

Ye Chen had no expression on his face and slowly retreated.

"Haha, are you scared?" Seeing this, the Crab Monster sneered wildly,"Hand over the Omnitrix, and I will consider......"

Ye Chen suddenly rushed to the front of the crab monster with a"swish" sound!


With a powerful whip kick, the crab monster was kicked away!

The crab monster rolled to the ground in astonishment. He lay on the ground with his eyes flickering, like a human blinking.

Who am I and where am I?

What happened just now?

A tiny earthling could kick him over with one kick!

Is there any justice in the world!

Sometimes the crab monster really wants to call the police and go to the judge of the universe to argue.

Why do earthlings become so strong?

The crab monster got up in a panic, but found that the human opposite seemed to have undergone subtle changes.

Ye Chen's left pupil became extremely scarlet, without the white of the eye, only ink-like black.

The bright eyes of the ghoul!

"You are not human."

The crab monster came to the conclusion and clenched his claws.

It turned out that the other party was not trying to escape just now, but was preparing to charge.

There was no one else here. Ye Chen was too lazy to put on the mask. Four blood-red scales burst out from his back!

They danced like tentacles!

"Haha, I was careless just now."The crab monster stretched out its claws and said coldly:"Now, I'm going to be serious."


A blue laser burst out from the crab claws.

Ye Chen's figure flashed and he quickly dodged these lasers. He went around the pillars and wooden boxes and used obstacles to block the crab monster's attack.


A large amount of wood chips and stones exploded and flew in the factory, and smoke and dust filled the air.

In the hazy haze, the crab monster's eyes burned red and kept scanning the surroundings, looking for Ye Chen's figure.

Ye Chen, who was hiding in the dark, had already quietly slipped behind the crab monster.

Four apes The red kagune secretly accumulated power, like a spring compressed to the extreme, and slammed into the back of the crab monster!

A loud bang like thunder!

The terrifying force actually made the crab monster's back dented. Although it did not break, it was severely deformed.

The crab monster's body was like a kite with a broken string, flying out at a high speed and smashing into a pile of scrap metal.

After repelling the crab monster, Ye Chen rushed out the door without looking back.

The power of an S-level ghoul alone cannot kill the crab monster. Its shell is too hard.

It is some kind of alien alloy.

In the previous attack, he had already used all his strength.

But he still couldn't break the crab monster's defense.

What's more, there may be other mercenaries nearby. To be on the safe side, it is better to slip away first.

Ye Chen was very fast and ran back to the old broken car in less than half a minute.

Tian Mark originally wanted to go to the abandoned factory to help, but when he saw Ye Chen coming back, his expression was delighted.

"Xiaoye, I heard from Xiaowen that there is a monster in the factory......"

"Let's leave here first."Ye Chen looked back.

The crab monster hadn't caught up yet.

"Okay, let's go."

Tian Mark asked the others to sit down, stepped on the accelerator, and the car roared heavily.......

Error table - Four-handed Overlord

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