In the dark and gloomy jungle, there are dark and withered trees, covered with claw marks, desolate and lonely.

The animals and plants in the whole forest have died, and it has become a"dead land".

Not long ago, a large number of parasitic beasts landed here from outer space, and small insects parasitized most of the animals like a tidal wave!

Those that were not parasitized were slaughtered by the parasitic animals!

Fortunately, this is an uninhabited area, otherwise there would be a large number of casualties.

But those parasitic beasts quickly ate up all the food in the forest, and they were ready to rush out of this dark and dense forest to find more food.

In time, they will definitely endanger the humans in the city.

Until today, Ye Chen and others passed by this place.

By mistake, they joined forces with the Magic Flame Ape and Diamond King Kong to kill all the parasitic animals!

But now, the Magic Flame Ape is dead.

Including the Crab Monster and the Six Six Monster, they all died in Ye Chen's hands.

They are the minions of Vilgax, extremely vicious, and they will do anything to seize the Omnitrix.

Ye Chen will naturally not let them go

"Only that stinky old rat is left."

Ye Chen rode on a hoverboard, speeding through the forest.

Diamond King Kong ran ahead, and could no longer see the green poisonous rat."Damn, he's invisible again!"

An invisible enemy is very difficult to deal with, especially one like this.

Ye Chen sniffed the air. His S-level ghoul physique gave him a keen sense of smell, and he soon smelled the stench of the green poisonous rat.

He was hiding on a branch above their heads!

"Forget it, let him go."Ye Chen waved his hand and pretended to walk back:"Do n't chase a desperate enemy." Zuan Jin Gang sighed,"It's the only way."

However, at the moment of turning around.

Ye Chen suddenly jumped up, bursting out with a bounce beyond the ordinary, and several blood-red scales bloomed on his waist!

With the speed of lightning, he entangled the green poisonous rat on the branch!


The green poisonous rat screamed and gradually appeared in the air. Its wretched look and shifty eyes were disgusting.

"Cool, how did you find him? Diamond King Kong couldn't help asking

"Intuition."Ye Chen smiled faintly and looked at the panicked green poisonous rat jokingly.

"You are not human, are you?" Diamond King Kong's golden eyes flickered, staring at the hercules behind Ye Chen.

Ye Chen shook his head slightly,"You can be considered a special human."

Diamond King Kong did not ask any more questions, he pointed at the green poisonous rat above,"This guy is very dangerous, I will take him to the interstellar prison and imprison him."


A scarlet hercules, like a venomous snake, instantly pierced through the neck of the green poisonous rat.

The green poisonous rat widened its eyes, blood flowed from the corners of its mouth, and its whole body could not stop shaking, staring at Ye Chen.


Ye Chen pulled out his heel, and blood immediately gushed out like a flood, staining his clothes red.

Ye Chen stood alone on the withered branch, his expression indifferent, bathing in the flying blood rain, with scales dancing wildly behind him, like a demon king who kills without blinking an eye.

Even the battle-hardened Diamond King Kong was a little stunned.

"This guy is more ruthless than I thought......."Diamond King Kong muttered.

Fortunately, he did not kill Ye Chen at the beginning.

Otherwise, the fate of the mercenaries such as Mo Yanxing would be his fate.

Ye Chen's figure flashed and landed on the flat ground.

"Let's go."

Diamond nodded and walked towards the spaceship.

【Ding! Successfully killed the green poisonous rat!】

【Get 2500 points!】

【Current points: 14500! 】

The cold system voice sounded in Ye Chen's mind.

The green poisonous rat is not strong in frontal combat, but is good at assassination and hiding.

After a long time.

A huge spaceship soared into the sky and disappeared into the horizon. After bidding farewell to Diamond King Kong, Ye Chen slowly walked towards the direction of the old broken car.

Diamond King Kong didn't have much to say in the end, but just asked him to keep the Omnitrix well and not let the Omnitrix fall into the hands of evil people.

Ye Chen knew this very well, and of course he would not let others take the Omnitrix away.

This is an important equipment for him to fight against weirdos.

The forest was silent and gloomy.

There were no insects chirping, birds singing, or beasts roaring.

The surroundings were terribly quiet.

Ye Chen walked to the edge of the forest and was almost out of the dead forest.

Suddenly, a short figure ran towards him!

Ye Chen looked closely:"Xiaoban?"

Yes, the person coming was Tian Xiaoban.

With brown hair, wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and navy blue trousers, he ran towards this side with excitement.

"Brother Ye!"

"Xiaoban, why are you here?" Ye Chen asked

"I am just worried about you." Tian Xiaoban pouted.

"Where are Grandpa and Xiaowen?"Ye Chen looked around and didn't see the other two.

"We will split into three groups and go into the forest to look for you. Let's go back to the old car and wait for them."Tian Xiaoban smiled.

Ye Chen looked normal and didn't say anything.

""By the way, Brother Ye, did you kill all those monsters?" Tian Xiaoban asked curiously.

""Yes." Ye Chen nodded and looked at Tian Xiaoban calmly.

"Wow! Brother Ye is so awesome! You saved the entire forest!"

"Those monsters are no match for you!"

"Haha, I'll ask grandpa to give me extra food tonight when I get home......."


Before Tian Xiaoban could finish his words, Ye Chen grabbed his neck and lifted him up in the air with one hand!

"Brother Ye, you......"Tian Xiaoban's voice was hoarse, and his face was full of disbelief.

"You are not Xiaoban at all. Tell me, who are you?"

Ye Chen said coldly, his left eye turning a terrifying scarlet.

"Tian Xiaoban laughed and said,"I didn't expect you to find out. How boring!""

"I want to play for a while longer."

"But I'm curious, how did you find me?"

Ye Chen's eyes were cold:"Because Xiaoban only knows how to say 'weird', but not 'monster'.’"

"He won’t say"great", he will say"awesome" or"cool".

This is a verbal habit that is hard to change in a short time.

"That alone is not enough, right?���Ben smiled.

"The three of them would not act separately, let alone in such a large forest, splitting into three groups."Ye Chen said slowly

"What did you do to them?"Ye Chen increased the strength of his hands.

However, Tian Xiaoban's body slipped away from Ye Chen's hands like a stream of water.

After falling to the ground, it re-condensed into the appearance of"Tian Xiaoban".

This ability......

"Alien monster!"Ye Chen understood instantly.

"Haha, you guessed right." The alien sneered, with his hands on his hips.

"I remember I have killed all the aliens in the town." Ye Chen said

"Oh? You killed them?" The alien was stunned, then laughed:"Well done, they deserved it!"

"Who made them expel me and banish me to this barren place?"

The eyes of the alien were filled with anger and resentment, and he gnashed his teeth.

"It turns out that you have been abandoned by your people."Ye Chen hit the nail on the head

"Shut up!" The alien lost control of his emotions and yelled,"I used to be their king! I am the Alien King!"

"But that guy later became stronger than me, so he defeated me and cruelly exiled me here!"

He was the previous Alien King, but he was defeated by the current Alien King in the desert town, so he was exiled here.

The current Alien King has been killed by Ye Chen and eaten alive by the Evil Exploding Frog.

The old Alien King in front of him can't escape this fate either.

"How dare a little earthling mock me? You are courting death!"

The old alien king was furious, green slime rolled all over his body, and he stretched out his sharp claws to stab Ye Chen...... carnitrix - Flash Star

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