Emperor Armor!

As the most recognized armor, the Emperor Armor is extremely powerful.

Not only did he fight against the four ancient beasts, he also defeated the strongest black beast.

A childhood idol!

Ye Chen was so excited that he took another look at the exchange price.

【Exchange price: 100,000 points. 】

One hundred thousand points!

"That's a bit much....."Ye Chen felt a little disappointed.

He only had 1,000 points at the moment. He was still far from being able to redeem the Emperor Armor.

"Forget it, let’s talk about it later." Ye Chen continued to slide down

【Random Alien Hero Chest: Open it to unlock random alien genes】

【Exchange price: 1000 points】

"Well, this is a good value for money."Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction.

Finally there is one that he can afford.

【Increase transformation time: one minute longer for every 1,000 points, and will not be affected by genetic contamination】

【Enhance Alien Heroes: Every 2000 points, you can enhance an alien hero. You can choose the enhancement point: attack, defense, speed, and each enhancement is 25%】

For example, to strengthen the four-handed���, as long as you consume 2000 points, you can strengthen your attack by 25%.

Or you can choose defense or speed.

Each time you strengthen one side.

Ye Chen continued to slide down.

Rize Kamishiro's scales, Tsukiyama Shu's armor......Exchange price: 3000 points

"I didn't expect this thing to exist...."Ye Chen was somewhat surprised.

The kagune is a unique organ of ghouls, and also a powerful weapon.

It is as hard as iron, yet flexible and strong.

It can penetrate gold and break stone, and its destructive power is extremely terrifying.

After exchanging the kagune, it is directly transplanted to Ye Chen's body.

It can greatly enhance his original strength!

"It's really heart-warming....."

Ye Chen was a little absent-minded for a moment.

The things in this system mall were far beyond his imagination.

It was so awesome!

Just when Ye Chen was stunned,

Tian Mark had already prepared the meal.

"Come here, kids, grandpa made you a bowl of smoked centipede, it's a rare delicacy!"Tian Mark laughed. Tian Xiaoban was as if facing a great enemy,"Oh, Grandpa, I still have some violent sumo corn chips in my bag, I won't eat them!"

"You give it to Xiaowen!" He added.

Tian Xiaowen hurriedly said,"Grandpa, I'm not hungry!"

After saying that, she glared at her cousin with resentment.

This idiot!

He doesn't do anything!

Looking at the disgusted look of his two grandsons, Tian Mark was a little helpless and scratched his head awkwardly.

He turned to look at Ye Chen who was not far away.

"Xiaoye, do you want to eat?" Tian Mark asked.

Ye Chen heard this and returned to reality from his mind.

"Smoked centipede?"

He had eaten this before. It tasted pretty good.

It just looked a little off.

He was a little hungry.

"Okay, Grandpa, just put it aside, I'll eat it later."Ye Chen said with a smile

"Hehe, Xiaoye is still sensible."Tian Mark laughed happily.


A man's panicked voice came from the radio of the old broken car.

"Help! Someone save us!"

"We were attacked!"

"There is a super scary robot here, and two mechanical tigers are attacking us!!"


After a burst of electric sound, the man's voice stopped abruptly.

It seemed that he was disturbed by something.


At this time, a large ball of dazzling fire broke out in the forest hundreds of meters away!

Soaring into the sky!

Ye Chen saw it clearly.

His heart sank,"It's Vilgax again!......"

Apart from this devil, he couldn't think of anyone else.

Tian Mark's face was solemn, and he immediately returned to the car,"Let's go quickly and save people!"

"But we don’t have weapons, how can we save them?" Tian Xiaowen couldn’t help asking

"Hehe, you don’t understand this!" Tian Xiaoban smiled slyly, pointing at Ye Chen’s omnitrix,"With Ye Ge’s cool watch, what danger do we have to fear?"

"That’s right! Why didn’t I think of that!" Tian Xiaowen suddenly realized.

But she quickly came to her senses and snorted at Xiaoban,"Daitou! I knew it already!"

""Tsk!" Tian Xiaoban rolled his eyes.

Ye Chen's mouth curled up slightly.

Now is the time when he needs points.

Points delivered to his door.

Don't miss them.

Soon, everyone got on the car one after another.


The old broken car sped away at an amazing speed.......

After a while, the old car arrived at a camping site.

It was in ruins. There were blazing flames and burnt tents everywhere.

There were people running around.

Some of them were half-naked, woke up from their sleep, and ran out directly.

A tall socialite, wearing red lace clothes, was naked, revealing a large area of snow-white skin.

At this time, she was desperately running away.

Behind her, a silver mechanical tiger was chasing her relentlessly.

It was three meters tall!

The sharp fangs flashed cold light in the moonlight.

If bitten, the sexy socialite would probably explode on the spot.

"Ah! Stop chasing me!"

"I'm not delicious!"

The sexy celebrity cried and ran desperately with her soft feet.


Suddenly, she screamed and fell to the ground because of a tree trunk.


The mechanical tiger found the right time, leaped suddenly, and rushed towards the fallen woman.

The sexy socialite turned around, and in her beautiful eyes, a tiger with bared fangs and claws was reflected.

In extreme fear, she even forgot to run away.

It was just that her body was warm.

She was already incontinent.

The mechanical tiger's claws were about to tear the socialite's delicate body apart.

At the critical moment!

A burly and strong red figure fell from the sky and blocked the sexy socialite.


The terrifying explosive force directly blew a deep pit in the ground.

【A mechanical tiger has been detected. Destroy it to get 500 points!】


The Four-Handed Overlord roared and blasted out���

The powerful force instantly pushed the mechanical tiger back, and its skull caved in.

The sexy lady stood there in a daze, staring at the tall weirdo in front of her.

"Who are you......"

The four-handed king turned slightly sideways

"Ah!"The sexy lady couldn't help but scream, her body trembling.

It was a monster with four hands and four eyes!

Its skin was blood red and its body was covered with muscles!

The four-handed tyrant was a little helpless.

He didn't want to scare people.

But he looked like this.

"Hey, your underwear is torn by a branch, you should change it." The Four-Handed Overlord kindly reminded.

The sexy socialite was stunned and looked down.

Her face suddenly turned red and almost dripped water! She quickly covered her important parts.

She raised her head angrily and said with some fear:"Thank you for saving me, Brother Four-Handed......."

Anyway, this weirdo just saved me.

He was kind enough to remind me that the broken......

She said thank you is what she should do.

The Four-Handed Overlord waved his hand and said,"Leaving here is the greatest thank you to me."



At this time, the mechanical tiger attacked again!

To be continued......

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