The mad dog bared its teeth, rushed forward and bit the snow mastiff armor madly.

It just didn't believe that it couldn't beat this piece of scrap metal. Its sharp fangs rubbed sparks on the silver-white armor, but it didn't even leave a scratch.

It's true that the mad dog can tear up ordinary steel, but it is still inferior to the powerful snow mastiff armor.

The snow mastiff armor held the thunder stick in both hands and hit the mad dog fiercely, making the opponent howl.

Really, beating the dog!

Every time the stick hit, it carried a thousand pounds of force, and the power was very fierce!


Soon, the mad dog beast was beaten all over and couldn't help but retreat.

He was really afraid of the snow mastiff armor.

He couldn't bite, he couldn't bite at all.

The claws were useless. It was like a beast facing a tank. No matter how sharp the fangs and claws were, they couldn't break the opponent's defense.

Just when the mad dog beast was stunned.

The snow mastiff armor suddenly retracted the thunder stick and immediately turned the handle on the side of his body.


A white weapon totem, glowing illusory, was rectangular, with a huge axe engraved inside

"Thunder Axe!"

The Snow Mastiff Armor reached out and grasped the Thunder Axe. A strong sense of power instantly spread throughout his body.

The Mad Dog Beast couldn't help but roar.

——Hey, you can’t play like this!

——It's fine to use a dog-beating stick, but he also used an axe! Are you going to let me live?

Snow Mastiff Armor didn't stop.

He turned the handle on his side again.

The Tai Chi pattern on his waist burst into an illusory pattern, shining with white light.

There was a word"cut" engraved inside.

Snow Mastiff Armor held the giant axe and tapped it lightly.

The word"cut" instantly turned into energy light particles, gathering on the axe blade, and the power increased dramatically!

"The Thunder Axe's Thunder Chopping is so powerful that it can destroy evil and kill evil spirits. It can chop things like mud and disperse all chaos!"

Thunder Chopping is the ultimate move of the Golden Snow Mastiff Armor!

The hair on the mad dog's body stood up, and it felt a fatal feeling coming towards it. It tried desperately to escape, but found that it could not move.

It was as if it was imprisoned by some mysterious force!

"Thunder and chop!"

The Snow Mastiff swung his armor violently, and the Thunder Axe instantly chopped out a silver axe energy, which hit the Mad Dog Beast fiercely!


With a desperate roar, the mad dog beast was thrown out by the terrifying force, and it barely stopped after flying hundreds of meters.

At this moment, it was lying in a sand pit, dying, with blood marks all over its body from being chopped by the axe.

Snow Mastiff Armor retracted the giant axe, and he hadn't used his full strength yet.

If the power watch was damaged, it would be a loss.

A flash of khaki light passed by, and the mad dog beast turned back into a mad class.

"Damn it, how could I lose to that guy?......"

Kuangban gritted his teeth and stood up, shakily.

The thunderbolt had injured him badly, and he would need to recuperate for at least a month.


A silver-white figure slowly approached, looking down at the dejected Kuangban.

Kuangban refused to admit defeat and wanted to transform.

But the power watch was in a charging state and could not transform for a short time.

"You lose." Snow Mastiff Armor said calmly.

""Oh, I was careless for a moment." Kuangban always maintained a proud look.

Snow Mastiff Armor stopped talking and directly summoned the watch separator!

The appearance is the same as Vilgax's watch separator.

The whole is like a huge scepter, with four claws embedded at the bottom, which can fix the omnitrix. Inside the claws is the separation core, which can absorb any watch.

Snow Mastiff Armor held down Kuangban's arm, raised the watch separator, and stabbed it fiercely!

""No!!" Kuangban shouted angrily.

Without the power watch, how could he be the tyrant of this world!

The four cold claws firmly embedded Kuangban's wrist into the ground, and the separation core in the center madly absorbed the power watch!

Soon, the connection of the power watch was torn and absorbed into the watch separator.

The eyes of the Snow Mastiff Armor flashed, and the watch separator was put into the system, and then released Kuangban.

"You lunatic, give me back my watch!"

Kuangban was furious, waving his small fist and hitting the chest of Snow Mastiff Armor desperately.

Snow Mastiff Armor stood still.

Kuangban not only failed to hurt Snow Mastiff Armor, but he gasped in pain and covered his fist in pain.

At this time, hundreds of guards ran over, holding torches in their hands, and illuminated a large area of the desert.

The leader was Luke. When he saw this scene, he was stunned on the spot.

"King Tian Xiaoban lost?"

The others were also extremely shocked, their eyes widened, their faces full of horror and confusion.

The king actually lost!?

Even his watch was taken away!

Even if it was Vilgax and Modron, it would take a lot of effort to defeat Kuangban.

And who is this mysterious man in silver armor in front of him!

Snow Mastiff Armor looked at the guards, summoned the Thunder Axe, and prepared to take action.

The guards on the opposite side immediately raised their muskets, ready to shoot Snow Mastiff Armor into a hornet's nest

"Hurry up and kill this guy!"

Kuangban stamped his feet angrily. He must get his watch back!

"No, King Tian Xiaoban."

Luke stepped forward and, in front of Kuangban's surprised eyes, handcuffed him with a pair of silver bracelets.

The guards were puzzled.

"Interesting." Snow Mastiff Armor put away his weapon and started to watch the show.

"Do you know what you are doing! Slave!"Kuangban yelled at Luke with a ferocious look on his face.

"I'm sorry, my king, I can't let you continue to do evil."

After saying that, Luke turned around and faced the guards, saying loudly

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have been oppressed by Tian Xiaoban for too long. We are hungry and have to repeat the same tiring life every day. He treats us like a herd of cattle and horses!"

"They come when they are called and go when they are dismissed! They don't even treat us as human beings!"

"There were also tens of thousands of slaves who, under the persecution of this tyrant, were living a life worse than death, with their wives and children separated and their lives in misery!"

"Is such a tyrant worthy of our following?"

After listening to Luke's speech, many guards hesitated, looked at each other, and lowered their heads to discuss.

"Yeah, why should we follow this tyrant"

"He is so violent. Last time, I went to the toilet, but within two minutes, he pulled me out and beat me up. He also accused me of being lazy!"

"That’s nothing. I was caught by the king for giving delicious food to those slaves, and he confiscated a month’s food from me!"

"We should resist!"

"Yes, we should resist Tian Xiaoban!"......

More and more guards began to denounce Kuangban.

They had been patient for many years, but they were afraid of Kuangban's strength and dared not speak out.

Now, a hero appeared and defeated the arrogant Kuangban, which made them feel relieved and saw the dawn of hope!

Facing the rebuke of the crowd, Kuangban looked ashen. It turned out that in the eyes of others, he was an out-and-out executioner.

But he soon became angry again and clenched his fists.

"How dare you resist me? When Lord Vilgax and Lord Modran come back, I will show you how you die!"......

(To be continued)

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