"Hello, I am Yoshimura Kousan.

The store manager took the initiative to extend his hand and greet Ye Chen.

Ye Chen felt an invisible pressure coming at him like a tidal wave, and his hair stood on end, as if he was facing a prehistoric beast.

This is the instinct of a creature.

His keen intuition made him feel Yoshimura Kousan's power, even though he had deliberately concealed his aura.

SSS-level ghoul, indeed lived up to his reputation.


Hello." Ye Chen smiled faintly and shook hands with the store manager.

"You, why are you here to play?" Dong Xiang asked unhappily.

When she thought of the last time Ye Chen touched her chin, she was so angry that she couldn't even breathe.

"Why, is this Fantasy Light Paradise from your home?"Ye Chen glanced at the other party

"you...."Dong Xiang clenched her fists, wanting to beat this guy up.

But when she thought of Ye Chen's terrifying strength, she gave up the idea.

""Don't lose your temper, Touka." The store manager's tone was a little heavier.

Touka snorted coldly and didn't want to pay attention to Yechen anymore.

Yechen looked indifferent and looked at the people opposite him.

Yoshimura Kousen, Kirishima Touka, Furuma Enji, Irimi Xuan, and......

Kaneki Ken!?

Looking at the timid young man, Ye Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. It seemed that he had been transformed into a one-eyed ghoul.

It was Kano who transformed him!

In the original work, Kano transplanted the kagune of Kamishiro Rize to Kaneki Ken, causing his body to undergo earth-shaking changes.

The most important point is that Kano did not add a protective layer to Kaneki's body, causing the kagune to absorb excessive RC cells, making his body functions closer to those of a ghoul.

In other words, Kaneki Ken must eat human flesh and cannot eat ordinary food.

Unlike Ye Chen, he has a system-set protective layer in his body. Even with Kamishiro Rize's kagune, he can eat human food.

In the final analysis, Kaneki Ken is a poor man.

He just wanted to fall in love at first......

I never thought that my lover was a ghoul.

Ye Chen thought about it carefully. It seemed that Kamishiro Rize was being raised as an experimental subject to mass produce one-eyed ghouls.

Kano Akihiro and Tou Wu!

I wonder what these two guys are up to. What kind of monsters will they create in the future?

"Hey, Brother Ye, who are they? They don't look like locals!"

Tian Xiaoban's voice brought Ye Chen back to reality.

"They are the friends I met in the lake town last time."Ye Chen said casually.

Tian Xiaowen was a little scared. Looking at the tall and strong strangers, she could not help hiding behind Ye Chen.

Tian Mark's eyes flickered as he looked at the old man in the lead. He felt that this man was not simple.

He was like a dormant beast, majestic without anger.

Noticing Tian Mark's gaze, Fangcun Gongshan showed a friendly smile:"Hello, I guess you should be Ye Chen's grandfather?"

"Yes." Tian Mark nodded and continued,"Since you are Xiaoye's friends, then play with us."

"It's more fun when there are more people." He added.

Fangcun Gongshan smiled and said,"Thank you very much, it's my honor."

——This human is not simple. He is surrounded by a strong sense of righteousness and his eyes are firm. He is not like an ordinary soldier.

——Even the special investigators of CCG are not as imposing as the old man opposite.

——Is it a vampire from the United States? Or a parasitic beast?

Fangcun Gongshan sniffed and found that Tian Mark was just an ordinary human.

"Interesting, I didn't expect such humans to exist......"

Fangcun Gongshan thought to himself.

He guessed that this old man must be a member of a powerful organization in the United States.

"We are going to the book signing event of the writer in Sakura Country. Do you want to join us?" Tian Mark asked

"Well, we are going there too."Yoshimura Kousan responded

"Then let's go together." Ye Chen smiled faintly.

He wanted to see what the other party was up to.

Dong Xiang gritted her teeth secretly,"Damn, I have to visit with this guy......"

"Dong Xiang, is she the agent you mentioned last time? Ru Jianxuan leaned close to Dong Xiang's ear and whispered

"That's right, it's this annoying guy. If I wasn't afraid of the big bucktooth hiding in the dark, I would have smashed his head."Dong Xiangqi's teeth itched.

"But I heard from Gu Jian that you can't beat him at all."Ru Jianxuan covered her mouth and laughed softly.

"That's because I haven't used my full strength yet......."Dong Xiang hurriedly explained

"Not to mention, he's quite handsome." Ru Jianxuan suddenly said, with a pair of frivolous and playful eyes:"He's my type"

"You, sister Rumi, stop kidding! How could that guy......"

For some reason, Dong Xiang felt a little unhappy when she heard what Ru Jianxuan said just now.

In this way, everyone walked together and went to the book signing event of the writer in Sakura Country.

At this time, a fly flew behind Fangcun Gongshan's buttocks.

"Hey, let this hero teach you a lesson!"

Tian Xiaoban was quick-witted and slapped the store manager on the butt!

Bang - the air around him was inexplicably still.

"That guy actually dared to slap the store manager's buttocks!" The demon ape was shocked, his face full of horror.

Ru Jianxuan was also extremely shocked:"Where did this naughty kid come from? What if the store manager gets angry?......"

Ye Chen shook his head helplessly.

As expected, ignorance is bliss.

If he dared to spank an SSS-level ghoul, if this were to be known to others, it would probably shock the entire ghoul world and the White Pigeons.

A newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger, and this should be referring to the young class.

"Xiaoban, you can't be so rude." Tian Mark quickly pulled Xiaoban back and said to the store manager:"I'm sorry, the child is ignorant......."

"Xiaoban, hurry up and apologize to him!" Tian Mark scolded harshly.

Fangcun Gongshan slowly turned around and smiled kindly:"It's okay, this boy is very cute, I like him."

As he said, he touched Tian Xiaoban's head.

"Oh my god! Grandpa, I'm just helping grandpa swat a fly!"

"I won't say any more. I'm going to play with others!"

Tian Xiaoban shook off his grandfather's hand and went to tease Mayuan and Rujian Xuan.

Even the shy Kaneki Ken was stunned by Tian Xiaoban's tiger-headed and tiger-fanged appearance.

Originally, Tian Xiaoban wanted to tease Kirishima Touka.

But he was scared away by Touka's murderous eyes.

""Hahaha! Big idiot!"

Tian Xiaowen laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth.

Then, she noticed the handsome young man behind her.

He was wearing a white eye mask, with his head down, as if he was worried about something, and he exuded an artistic atmosphere.

I think he should be an intellectual.

Kaneki Ken said nothing and followed the large group forward.

Tian Xiaowen thought Kaneki Ken was quite handsome and had an attractive quality.

Although compared with Brother Ye, he was still a lot worse.......

The Fantasy Light Paradise was not big, and everyone arrived at the book signing event quickly.

Because the line was too long, they did not plan to ask the author of Sakura Country for an autograph, but walked around the line and came to the signing table to watch.

When Ye Chen saw the figure with long green hair at the signing table, his pupils shrank slightly.

"It's her, Izumi Takatsuki......"

In other words, it is the leader of the Aogiri Tree - Yoshimura Eto.

SSS-level one-eyed ghoul, codenamed"One-eyed Owl"!

She is a natural one-eyed ghoul, born from the combination of ghouls and humans, and is extremely powerful.

It is worth mentioning that natural one-eyed ghouls can eat human food and digest it.

But in order to exert the power of ghouls, they must eat human flesh, replenish RC cells, and make their kagune stronger.

Takatsuki Izumi seemed to have noticed something, put down the pen in his hand, and looked sideways at everyone.

Several people in the antique coffee shop, and......A strange guy?

SSS-level ghoul Yoshimura Aite, in the form of a Heger...... ps: Phew~ The performance of this book is beyond my expectation. It is not just bad. I am dying. I thought this book would be better than the previous one, but it is not even a little bit worse. It is so sad!

Friends can give suggestions. If you think there are any problems with this book, please feel free to give them. I will correct them and hope to save some of it.

Have many friends not watched Tokyo Ghoul? Raise your hands and see. If you don’t understand ghouls or don’t like to watch them, I will try not to write about them later. Ben 10 is the mainstream.

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