"night....Big hippopotamus!

Tian Xiaowen wanted to rush over, her eyes red, but her grandfather held her back.

"We have to believe him!"

Tian Mark forced himself to calm down. He knew that rushing over now would be useless.

To be honest, he didn't know if Ye Chen would be okay. After all, the attack of the Dowat people should not be underestimated.

After a while, the golden lightning raged and slowly faded away.

A huge earth pit, the dense hippopotamus stood in it, except for some charred black on his body, he was unharmed.

"That guy's helper is so strong?"

Dong Xiang, who was not far away, regained consciousness and was shocked to see the hippopotamus with strong defense.

At this time, she still thought it was a monster under Ye Chen's command.

"Oh, where's that guy?" Dong Xiang looked around, trying to find Ye Chen.

"He must have escaped. This guy....What a coward!" Dong Xiang was very angry.

The next time they meet, she will definitely humiliate Ye Chen and call him a coward.

The density hippopotamus has a terrible defense. Although it is not as good as Mr. Bad, it is enough.

"It's my turn!"

As soon as the words fell,

Density Hippo's eyes ignited with blazing golden light, raised his palms, and shot out golden light waves, all of which attacked Xiao Guanghai!

He wanted to control Xiao Guanghai's body density and then control him!

Xiao Guanghai was so cunning that he knew how powerful Density Hippo was, so he immediately shot out electric light to offset the density light!

"Still no use."The Density Hippo sighed.

It seems that we have to find another way.

This alien is very strong, but it is not suitable to be used against the light.

The Density Hippo patted the omnitrix on his collar.


An ice-blue lizard appeared on the sand.

The Frozen Lizard!

The light was stunned, and then laughed.

It launched a golden electric beam again and attacked this side!

The Frozen Lizard exhaled cold air, condensing the electric light in the air, and the sharp icy breath, with undiminished power, covered the light!

The light immediately dispersed and turned into countless golden lights, distributed on the cables in the sky, and condensed into a human form again.


They stood in a row, laughing non-stop, as if they were mocking each other's incompetence.

"This guy is so fast....."The Frozen Lizard's heart sank.

It was impossible to hit it.

Unless there was an alien who could control electricity.


The light attacked again, releasing a powerful electric light, shooting madly at the Frozen Lizard!

The Frozen Lizard's eyes flashed, and it dodged quickly, jumping back and forth between many sculptures.


Another sculpture behind it was blown up by the fierce electric light.

"It's not a solution to drag it on like this, we have to find a way to trap the light."

The frozen lizard thought as it ran.

If the light could be trapped, everything would be easy.

Ice has very poor conductivity and can be classified as an insulator, which is enough to trap the light inside.

The frozen lizard thought and exhaled some cold air on its claws, which solidified into two mousetraps.

Mousetraps made of ice!


Several little light monsters were not satisfied, so they landed on the ground and walked with their short legs. Their little fingers kept shooting out electric light, chasing after the extremely frozen lizard.

The extremely frozen lizard took the electric light and found the right moment to throw out the mousetrap!

The two frozen mousetraps opened their fangs and instantly bit two of the little light monsters!

They were so scared that they were about to turn into electric light and escape.

Whoosh - a cold breath froze the two little light monsters in the ice ball.

The little light monsters screamed and slapped the ice ball desperately, releasing powerful electric light, but it was all in vain.

The power of a single little light monster was not enough to break through the thick ice layer.

""Cool, this works! That's amazing!" Tian Xiaowen's beautiful eyes flickered, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

She didn't expect Ye Chen to come up with this idea. It was so satisfying to catch the hateful little light monsters!

Seeing their two companions being caught, the other eight little light monsters were so angry that they gnashed their teeth and were furious.


They let out terrifying screams and clung to the many black cables, madly absorbing electricity!

"Oh no! They are really going to attack!" Tian Mark's face changed:"Ice Frozen Lizard, stop them!" The

Ice Frozen Lizard would not sit still and wait for death. It raised its head and released icy cold air, covering the cables.

The thick cables, including the small light holes, were all frozen inside.


There was still lightning flashing in the ice sculpture, making strange sounds.

"No, this won't stop them from absorbing electricity."The Frozen Lizard shook his head.

The insulating outer layer of the cable blocked the icy breath, preventing it from freezing the wires inside.

The light had already entered the intricate wires through the gap in the cable, absorbing the electricity crazily.


The power of the light became stronger and stronger, and the hot electric light melted the frost on the outer layer of the cable, dripping a lot of liquid.

Eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four......

One hundred and twenty-eight!

"That light has absorbed the power of the entire Magic Light Paradise. This is bad." Tian Mark clenched his gun tightly.

"Oh my god, these weirdos, are they going to stop?"

Mr. Bad trotted over and looked up at the densely packed little lights in the sky, feeling a little desperate.

The few lights that besieged him had already joined the"army" and let out terrifying screams.


The whole sky was filled with Xiao Guang's devilish laughter, which was deafening.

"Damn it, can’t I even defeat Ye Chen’s men?......"

Kirishima Touka gritted her teeth secretly. It seemed that they would die here today. Fangcun Gongshan looked pale. Looking at the small light in the sky, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He did not speak, but just looked quietly in the direction of the book signing event.


Over the Fantasy Light Paradise, more than a hundred little light monsters all pointed their spearheads at the Frozen Lizard!

They gathered their strength and condensed a golden electric light with a diameter of ten meters, which was extremely powerful and slammed into the Frozen Lizard!

""Frozen Lizard! Be careful!" Tian Xiaowen shouted anxiously.

The frozen lizard did not dare to be arrogant, and mobilized the strength of its whole body to release the strongest freezing breath!

A thick ice-blue pillar rose up like a blue dragon, and collided with the ferocious electric dragon!


The two were incompatible and fiercely contested.

However, the little light that absorbed a lot of electricity was too powerful.

The blazing electric light began to penetrate the ice-blue pillar, and the cracks continued to expand and crackle.


The golden electric light was unstoppable, and it forcibly defeated the entire ice-blue pillar, passed through countless fragments, and slammed into the frozen lizard! The frozen lizard was unable to dodge, and the dazzling electric light in its eyes kept approaching.


A loud thunder-like sound echoed in the Fantasy Light Paradise.

"That blue lizard, won't it be killed by the explosion?" Dong Xiang stared at the lightning raging in the mist.

"No, no.....It won't die!"

Tian Xiaowen's eyes were filled with tears and she shook her head desperately.

"That must be very painful."Mr. Bad scratched his head and looked up at the little light in the sky:"Hey little weirdo, if you have the guts, come at me, it's nothing to hurt others."

He was very resistant and confident that he could withstand the opponent's attack.

After a while, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated. The frozen lizard barely stood up, with burns and charred all over his body, and felt severe pain and numbness all over his body.

"Great, the frozen lizard is not dead !"Tian Xiaowen was overjoyed

"Damn, still no way?...."The Frozen Lizard was in a trance.

The aliens he had unlocked so far could not effectively deal with the light.

Seeing that the Frozen Lizard was not dead, Xiao Guanghai, who had been laughing non-stop, suddenly became furious and concentrated his attack again!

They wanted to completely destroy the Frozen Lizard!

A golden beam as thick as a bucket slammed fiercely.

The Frozen Lizard was about to be hit!

In a flash, a huge figure blocked the Frozen Lizard.......

SSS-level one-eyed owl, Yoshimura Aite (Takatsuki Izumi)

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