The psychic celestial being floats in the air, just like a big blue octopus.

As an Ampere star, the psychic celestial being has the abilities of"discharging electricity","absorbing electricity","reading minds","flying" and"becoming invisible"!

"No matter what you become, you will only die in my hands!"

The Mad Giant was furious and punched the psychic.

The psychic was not afraid and turned invisible.

The next second, the Mad Giant's fist went straight through the psychic's shadow!

Immune to all physical damage!

"That's it?"

The psychic celestial being laughed mockingly, and turned into an electric current, drilling into the body of the mad giant.


The blue-white electric light emerged from the surface of the mad giant's body from the inside out.

The psychic celestial being then shocked the mad giant's internal organs!


The heart-wrenching pain made the mad giant scream and attack instantly, his body shaking violently!

This is much more terrifying than the light attack!

Directly attacking the internal organs is a common method used by ghosts!

"Wow! The psychic celestial being is so hot!"

Tian Xiaowen's beautiful eyes sparkled as she looked at the scene in surprise.

Tian Mark nodded,"Well, using the psychic celestial being to deal with the mad giant is indeed very effective."

Internal organs and fear of electricity are the weaknesses of most creatures.

"Hehe! I’ll come too!"

The Four-Handed Overlord seized the opportunity, jumped on the head of the Mad Giant, and swung his iron fist to beat him wildly!

The Mad Giant rolled on the ground in pain,"Damn it, come out and fight me if you dare!"

"Come inside and fight me if you dare." The voice of the psychic came from inside.

The Mad Giant was so angry that he beat his chest and stamped his feet. How could he get into his own body?

Suddenly, the Mad Giant had an idea.

He couldn't get into his own body, but he could use external objects!

For example....Water?

The Mad Giant gritted his teeth and stood up. With his amazing vision, he soon found a vast sea to the west.

The Mad Giant rushed over there without hesitation!

His steps were big and he ran fast. After more than ten seconds, he arrived at the river bank.

""Hey, what are you doing!"

The Four-Handed Overlord would not jump into the sea with the Mad Giant, he immediately jumped off the Mad Giant.

With a splash, the Mad Giant dived into the sea, splashing up waves!


In the water, the damage of electricity was even more vigorous. The Mad Giant's face was distorted with pain, and he insisted on madly swallowing sea water and pouring it into his body!

At the same time, the psychic celestial being in the Mad Giant's body could not bear it anymore.

In the water, the psychic celestial being's electricity would hurt himself!

"How cunning!"

The psychic cursed inwardly and left the giant's body.

A big blue octopus suddenly appeared in the deep sea water, facing the huge giant.

"Take your life!"

The mad giant stretched out his hand and tried to grab the psychic.

The latter entered the intangible state again and avoided the attack.

In the water, the psychic can still use the intangible ability.

After the intangible, the psychic flew to the surface of the water and left the cold ocean.

In the water, his electrical ability was greatly limited.

As soon as he left the water, he saw the anxious Four-Handed Overlord approaching.

"Brother Ye, are you okay?"

Hearing this, the psychic shook his head and said,"It's okay, this loser can't kill me."

"That's good." The Four-Handed Overlord breathed a sigh of relief, but his face became worried again.

"But how can we deal with Kevin? The Mad Giant is too difficult to deal with!"

The Tukusda people are not ordinary aliens who can defeat them.

The psychic celestial being smiled faintly:"Didn't you find that Kevin doesn't have the power to control the Mad Giant at all?"

"How to say?"

"Kevin transformed into the Mad Titan for the first time, and he didn't know enough about the Mad Titan"

"He can't use cosmic rays, and he seems very clumsy and slow, and can only use brute force."

The psychic explained.

If the mad giant that Kuangban turned into would never be as passive as it is now.


A huge figure broke through the sea surface, carrying the surging waves, and crashed onto the coast!

"Now, it's my turn!" The mad giant's eyes were filled with anger and murderous intent.

"Look, what's around here?"The psychic celestial being smiled.

The mad giant looked around and found that there were many residential buildings around.

"Are you kidding me? Are you trying to delay your death? The mad giant sneered.

"Oh, this is my home ground!"

The psychic flew to the top of a residential building, and his six tentacles clung to the electric wires, quickly absorbing electrical energy!

Where there are more houses, there is more electricity!

Now he can absorb as much as he wants!

"Shit, don’t even think about absorbing electricity!"

The Mad Giant cursed angrily, and was about to stop the psychic.

The Four-Handed Overlord immediately blocked the Mad Giant’s way,"If you want to get through, you have to get past me first!"

The Mad Giant snorted coldly, his eyes disdainful,"Just you, Tian Xiaobanban?"

After that, the Mad Giant kicked the Four-Handed Overlord!

"That's right!"

The Four-Handed Overlord leaped up, dodged the Mad Giant's stinky feet, and punched the Mad Giant's knee!


The Mad Giant stood still, unscathed.

"Too weak!"

The mad giant slapped the four-handed king into the water!

"Haha, you overestimate your own abilities!"

The mad giant laughed and continued to move forward.

However, at this time, the psychic celestial being had already absorbed all the electrical energy!

At this moment, he was like a glowing blue electric light ball, shining brightly, illuminating half of the sky!

The psychic celestial being raised his tentacles and condensed a giant electric light ball above him, with a diameter of more than 30 meters!


The mad giant was shocked

"Try this trick!"

The psychic threw the giant electric ball at the mad giant with all his might!

"I won't lose!"

The mad giant roared and punched the giant ball of light!


The surging electric light instantly tore through the night sky, shining like daylight.

The mad giant screamed, and was thrown out by the exploding electric light ball. His whole body was corroded by the electric light and fell into the abyss-like ocean.

The psychic celestial being's eyes flashed, and he wanted to catch up immediately.


The omnitrix suddenly flashed, and it was time!

A flash of red light passed, and the psychic celestial being returned to its original state.

Ye Chen sighed helplessly.

What a pity, there was a chance to get rid of Kevin.......

【Ding~ Successfully defeated Kevin!】

【Get a mysterious reward!】

【Do you want to open it now?】

The system sounded

"It's probably points again, right?"

Ye Chen thought to himself.


【Successfully opened the mysterious reward!】

【Obtained a super rare item: Ten Unusual Illusions! 】


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